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Copying Beethoven (contd)

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    Copying Beethoven (contd)

    A new thread devoted to the production of this film! For those of you new to the forum, you might like to search back through previous related threads to follow the development of this project.

    <font color="#FF0000">Edit by Chris: The first topic on the movie may be found</a>.</font>

    [This message has been edited by Chris (edited 04-27-2005).]
    'Man know thyself'

    I was reading on IMDB's forum on the movie's page and their opinions are quite interesting, if one's interested:
    (bottom of the page).

    "Wer ein holdes weib errungen..."
    "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen..."

    "My religion is the one in which Haydn is pope." - by me .

    "Set a course, take it slow, make it happen."


      In case you missed the message on the old thread - there's a fabulous picture of Ed as Beethoven in this week's Time magazine - well at least the European version! He looks wonderful - obviously modelled on the famous portrait of the elder LVB and a tribute to the make-up team!

      Beethoven the Man!
      Beethoven the Man!


        Originally posted by JA Gardiner:
        In case you missed the message on the old thread - there's a fabulous picture of Ed as Beethoven in this week's Time magazine - well at least the European version! He looks wonderful - obviously modelled on the famous portrait of the elder LVB and a tribute to the make-up team!

        Thank you for pointing this out; I was unaware that the publicity people had set this up. So, now that the cat is out of the bag, I think I can safely send Peter some production stills.


          Originally posted by srivele:
          Thank you for pointing this out; I was unaware that the publicity people had set this up. So, now that the cat is out of the bag, I think I can safely send Peter some production stills.
          Yes these are now available on this page:

          I have reduced the Kb size as much as possible but the images are still quite large and may take a while to download for those of you with dial up.

          'Man know thyself'
          'Man know thyself'


            Yey!!! - and I see exactly what you mean about the contact lenses Mr Rivele. They are quite extraordinary in the way they change Ed's appearance and add warmth, depth and humanity to his characterisation. Not that I intend to cast any aspersions on his regular rather fine blue eyes....

            Beethoven the Man!
            Beethoven the Man!


              Originally posted by JA Gardiner:
              In case you missed the message on the old thread - there's a fabulous picture of Ed as Beethoven in this week's Time magazine - well at least the European version! He looks wonderful - obviously modelled on the famous portrait of the elder LVB and a tribute to the make-up team!

              I've seen that photo. It's AMAZING!
              What a hair and make up!
              I could not recognize Mr.Ed Harris at first.


                Steve, The picture and article are in the May 2nd addition of Time magazine out on news stands right now. I picked up a copy and Wow! What a picture of Beethoven Ed Harris makes! Wonderful! The costumers and make up crew did a marvelous job. The article says in part "With the Ninth Symphony in heavy rotation on his iPod, Ed Harris is diligently transforming himself into yet another artistic savant" referring to his role as Jackson Pollack. "'He's the greatest musician that ever walked the planet', said Harris. To master the maestro for Copying Beethoven, Harris has picked up piano and learning to conduct. 'I'm trying to figure out spiritually and intellectually where Beethoven's musicianship comes from.'"
                Excellent pics on the forum page too! Nice to be able to see them now. It makes the project really come to life now.

                'Truth and beauty joined'
                'Truth and beauty joined'


                  I have just watched the dailies which contain Beethoven's death scene, and it is stunning. Ed is a marvel, and Diane's performance is touching to the point that it nearly brought tears to my eyes. There is the storm, the thunder and lightning, and Beethoven shaking his fist at the Almighty. Such power, and such pathos mixed with tenderness. It is humbling to have one's work interpreted so beautifully. I hope I can get some stills to show you.


                    Originally posted by srivele:
                    I have just watched the dailies which contain Beethoven's death scene, and it is stunning. Ed is a marvel, and Diane's performance is touching to the point that it nearly brought tears to my eyes. There is the storm, the thunder and lightning, and Beethoven shaking his fist at the Almighty. Such power, and such pathos mixed with tenderness. It is humbling to have one's work interpreted so beautifully. I hope I can get some stills to show you.
                    Thanks for letting us know about this scene. While looking at the Times magazine yesterday and reading about Ed Harris/Beethoven, I was wondering if there was going to be the death scene in the film and how it would be portrayed. I can imagine it will bring tears to many of our eyes. Would love to see some stills of that if you can manage to get some for us. Thanks again!

                    'Truth and beauty joined'
                    'Truth and beauty joined'


                      I'm so excited! The film looks beautiful! Stunning. I really hope it gets released this year.


                        Originally posted by CaptainStigmata:
                        I'm so excited! The film looks beautiful! Stunning. I really hope it gets released this year.

                        I remain hopeful of a Christmas release, but post production will be complicated, especially by the musical aspects of the film. We are still on schedule and slightly below budget so things are going well. Ed is brilliant - perhaps the best work I have ever seen him do. He told meon the phone recently that he's never erally done anything like this, and he is succeding masterfully. Diane is a revalation - touching, profound, strong when she has to stand up to Beethoven, but ever the intelligent, eager pupil. And beautiful! She is a vision.


                          Originally posted by Peter:
                          Yes these are now available on this page:

                          I have reduced the Kb size as much as possible but the images are still quite large and may take a while to download for those of you with dial up.

                          There are a couple more photos courtesy of Stephen - again I have reduced the kb size, but they will still take a while to come through for those of you still dialing up in the dark ages

                          'Man know thyself'
                          'Man know thyself'


                            Originally posted by Peter:
                            There are a couple more photos courtesy of Stephen - again I have reduced the kb size, but they will still take a while to come through for those of you still dialing up in the dark ages

                            Ive seen the new photo´s aswell and must say that especially the concentrated seriousness (so to speak) that is apparent in most of the paintings of beethoven has been wonderfully adapted by ed harris, the photo´s alone are quite convincive(if that is the proper spelling:S).



                              Regarding the photos only one word comes to mind, WOW!! OK, maybe another word, AMAZING!!
                              Thanks for putting them up on the forum. What a treat to see the actors transform like that! Ed Harris looks great in the part. I'm so glad he's suceeding so splendidly as Beethoven! When you talk to him again please let him know how wonderful he is playing the part of our beloved composer and how pleased we all are with his portrayal!

                              'Truth and beauty joined'

                              [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 05-01-2005).]

                              [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 05-01-2005).]
                              'Truth and beauty joined'

