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Dr. John Taylor

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    Dr. John Taylor

    The BBC Bach marathon just broadcast an interesting background piece on Dr. John Taylor, the eye surgeon who operated on Bach and Handel and left both blind. He had some training in surgery but was more than a bit of a quack. He traveled around Europe in a coach painted on the outside with eyes. He described his specialty in a long flowery train of Latin words, and demanded to be called 'Chevalier.' Ladies swooned at him and he seems like a Paganini and Liszt type of figure. He arrived in Leipzig to give a series of lectures and demonstrations on eye surgery and gullible Bach presented himself as a patient to be demonstrated upon (I wonder if he was trying to save money by doing so). A first operation restored his sight briefly but a second one left him completely blind. The postoperative care inclduded rubbing the eye with a brush and draining blood (1/2 teacup's amount) from around the eye. It was excruciating treatment, and led to Bach's weakening, decline and death.

    In his memoirs, Taylor later wrote that in his travels he had seen many interesting animals such as camels and dromedaries, and one famous Leipzig musician whose sight he had restored!

    Handel came shortly afterward. Had he been friendly with Bach, maybe he could have avoided this wretched surgeon!

    See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.

    Savouring thought for those who'd like to have been around then! Quite amazing that the two greatest composers of the age should have the same condition and the same surgeon. To be fair to Taylor I would have thought it unlikely anyone could have performed this operation successfully!

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

