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Beethovens Ballet

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    Beethovens Ballet

    Beethoven wrote a Ballet called "Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus"
    english: the creatures of prometheus

    can anyone maybe give me summary and tell me what exactly its about?
    i somehow cant find anything on the net!

    thx a lot!

    Here's what I found on it: "Written early in Beethoven's career on a commission from the Viennese court's ballet-master, The Creatures of Prometheus draws upon a creation myth for its inspiration. The ballet recounts the ancient story of the demigod Prometheus, who molds humans both literally, from clay, and intellectually, by endowing them with gifts of art and science--an irresistible scenario for Beethoven's Enlightenment sensibilities. The theme for the ballet's finale reappeared later in the composer's "Eroica" Symphony, as well as in the Eroica Variations for piano solo. Other aspects of this work, starting with a thunderstorm portraying Zeus's wrath, demonstrate the sudden key changes, tonal shifts, and unexpected tense episodes characteristic of Beethoven's style."

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