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Families and music

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    Families and music

    When you go to a concert do you see any families going? When I was growing up my father used to take me to the concerts either in the twin cities or in Mankato or St.Peter. Did any of you parents do anything like?

    My mom also went to the concerts too but it was mostly my dad and I. I can rememeber listening to Guy Boviet up at House of Hope in the twin cities. I was pretty young the but I still remember hearing that concert and seeing my dad's face when he got the chance to meet him. Boy was he impressed by his organ playing.

    I think that families need to go to concerts and spend more time as a family unit. I know that it is hard when you conflicting agendas like work but you still need to find the time to spend as a family.


    I think you are right - as a child unfortunately my parents didn't take me to concerts and I do think it was a great loss. We do now though on occasion go to concerts as a family, provided my father's favourite Beethoven is on!

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by jfienen:
      When you go to a concert do you see any families going? When I was growing up my father used to take me to the concerts either in the twin cities or in Mankato or St.Peter. Did any of you parents do anything like?

      As a child, our family resources went into such things as deciding which sibling would get the bus fare for the day and how that last slice of bread would be apportioned.

      Radio was the only source of music.

      Today, the price of a concert ticket makes the family outing an impossibility... unless you're okay with the occasional amateur performances ... which under the circumstances would be better than nothing.

      Thankfully, the modern technologies have provided us with an abundance of relatively inexpensive sources from which we can enjoy good quality musical experiences.

      There are many princes but only ONE Beethoven!
      There are many princes but only ONE Beethoven!


        I have just purchased tickets for my kids to attend Beethoven's Ninth with me following Christmas, in Minneapolis. The Choral Fantasy will also be performed, so I am really excited!

        It is hard to always take kids to these things, as one worries that other concert-goers will be annoyed if the kids are restless. However, I want them exposed to great music. And the Ninth is something that they must experience, in my opinion! They have, of course heard it on recording. (My 5 year old even hums along!) But there is something about hearing it live that cannot compare to even the most wonderful recording. It is exhilerating.


          I grew up in a very small town and did not have many opportunities to go to live concerts as a family unit, however, I now live in a city and go as often as possible. My Mom has to go when there is a Beethoven concert playing. As a matter of fact we are going next Tuesday to see a performance of one of Mozart's piano sonatas and Beethoven's 'Pathetique.' I agree it's a wonderful experience to enjoy this form of entertainment as a family. There's nothing like hearing it live! I thoroughly enjoy it!

          The Symphony where I live, does put on performances geared for children and families like a 'Halloween Bash' featuring 'Night on Bald Mountain' and 'Sorcerer's Apprentice' among other family performances like 'Carnival of the Animals' and wonderful Christmas programs for the whole family. At those performances it's usually a sell out so that's good news.

          'Truth and beauty joined'
          'Truth and beauty joined'


            Apart from my father, who loved Opera, my family weren't into Classical and could never have afforded a trip. I did however enjoy being taken to several live performances by some enlightened and passionate teachers. My own children were never over keen on coming with us when they were younger, ( my son fell asleep at his first viewing of Fantasia and again we couldn't afford to get out much anyway. They did enjoy going to a concert of spirituals etc. by Sweet Honey in the Rock though and, as adults are beginning to come round and have been known to acccompany me to the occasional concert so long as its big and orchestral - opera and chamber recitals are still one step beyond!

            Beethoven the Man!
            Beethoven the Man!


              The National Symphony Orchestra (Washington, DC) not only conducts children's concerts, they often include an instrument "petting zoo," in which orchestra members allow children to try their instruments (sterilizing mouthpieces after each use, of course), to bow the cello, to try simple drum rhythms. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra has two series of children's concerts - one for 4-6-year-olds and one for 7-12-year-olds. They keep the prices reasonable, and it is a very enjoyable experience.

              Fate banging on the door with a jackhammer
              To learn about "The Port-Wine Sea," my parody of Patrick O'Brian's wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series, please contact me at

              To learn about "The Better Baby" book, ways to increase a baby's intelligence, health, and potentials, please use the same address.


                I sing a semi professional choir here in north mankato and I get see many different kinds of families that come. Some do not have a lot of money but some that do. I think that is one great thing about singing in a group like this. You do not know what kind of crowd will show up. I do half agree with some of the comments made earlier about the price of concert tickets though. Some of them are just outrageous. You see here in minnesota we have wide range of arts available to us that we can choose from. You have free art musems, free concerts sometimes done by the minnesota orcherstra, and area colleges put on concerts for the public.

                When I think about music. I think that it should available for the young and old. For ecample every christmas the MSO puts on a candy cane concert for the whole family. They do really corky music but they also try to educate the family about classical muisc also.


                  The Minnesota Orchestra has a series called "Adventures in Music for Families." I haven't attended any of them, but am contemplating taking my kids to Beethoven's Fifth this spring. They apparently have someone from Minnesota Public Radio explain the symphony, and also have an actor playing Beethoven himself to give children a glimpse of his personality. It sounds as if it has potential to be fun and educational. And again, what a great symphony to hear live. It should keep their attention!


                    The Minnesota Orcherstra does some really cool things with families in mind. For example during the summer they give concerts that are free and in the park. I don't know if they are still doing that or not. Anyways that is one way you can bring out the kids and see the orcherstra. Another way they have kids concerts during their season and they will talk to the kids about the music and even have particpate in it with them through songs. I know that the Mankato Symphony does that once in a while have a kids concert just for them. Lenoard Berstein had a whole entire tv show dedicated to young viewers. I beleive it was called the young people concerts.

           if you are interested in talking more about B
           if you are interested in talking more about B

