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how is Beethoven relevent to society today?

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    how is Beethoven relevent to society today?

    Hi there everybody!
    I am a university student. I am taking a class called listening to music. I have a midterm essay due next month. The question I have to answer is: How is beethoven relevent to society today? i have come up with numerous examples of movies that still contain excerpts frim his symphonies; however, if anybody could help out a little bit on this topic, snything at all would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!!

    [This message has been edited by musicessays (edited 10-28-2005).]

    You could perhaps begin your essay with the Peter Warlock quote on the homepage of this site -

    ". . . Music is neither old nor modern: it is either good or bad music, and the date at which it was written has no significance whatever. Dates and periods are of interest only to the student of musical history. . . . All old music was modern once, and much more of the music of yesterday already sounds more old-fashioned than works which were written three centuries ago. All good music, whatever its date, is ageless - as alive and significant today as it was when it was written . ."

    Beethoven's music is not just good, it is some of the greatest work produced by man and affects us on a deeply spiritual level. As a man he shows tremendous courage in overcoming his afflictions - these values are always relevant.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      If I were you, I wouldn't talk about how it is used in movies...that doesn't really explain how his music is relevent. I would talk about "time cycles" how in some phases of history, the masses prefer light-heartedness and art reflects the "care-free" spirit (Roccoco) while in others, society is gripped by reality and desires the "darker side of life" which I think, is what we are living in at the moment. Beethoven fits perfectly with us right now and our disturbed society. This, I think, is why Beethoven (his darker music) tends to be more popular than say, Mozart (who the public knows but most would not be able to sing you a Mozart tune without hearing it first)


        Thank you for replying! They are both very good ways to go about this essay! Helpful! Thankyou! Anything else would still be very helpful!



          Hi everyone !

          Quite apart from the sheer majesty of Beethoven's musical art, I think Beethoven is very important in modern times for three main reasons -

          1. The modern world seems obsessed by conformity and sameness. Beethoven, as a historical person, stood out from others of his time as an individual in his own right and as a great contributor to society.

          2. Beethoven's achievements would still have been phenomenal even if he was not handicapped by the greatest infliction that can befall a musician - deafness. Those achievements are a source of inspiration to us all, and especially to those who are physically handicapped.

          3. Few things marry minds more than great music. Beethoven's music is a more potent force for good in this troubled world than umpteen political conferences. It has the seal of approval from history itself and is one of the great proofs of what humans can achieve.




            You might analyze the basic rhythms and the simple melodic themes that Beethoven uses and compare them to hip-hop rhythms and to modern melodic themes.

            Fate banging on the door with a jackhammer
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              Thanks- I appreciate more input! how about look at beethoven's personal issues that were not necessarily condoned or accepted as okay issues. THey relate to those of many in society today and are accepted? any one have anything to say on this please?


                As well, I was thinking a long the lines of movies and other modern artists. I found many movies in which beethoven's music appears. Now, what you would be able to ask with this is why IS the music there. What makes the movie company put the music in. What are the trying to achieve. Other than mood, and part of the setting. What is it that they want to relay to the viewer.

                I'm not sure... just the start of an idea.
                Anyone understand?


                  You might talk about how they played "Ode to Freedom" at the opening of the Berlin Wall. Or, you might analyze the words to "Ode to Joy" or the words to "Fidelio" and compare those values with modern values - basic values are unchanged. (Be sure to credit Schiller if you do "Joy").

                  Fate banging on the door with a jackhammer
                  To learn about "The Port-Wine Sea," my parody of Patrick O'Brian's wonderful Aubrey-Maturin series, please contact me at

                  To learn about "The Better Baby" book, ways to increase a baby's intelligence, health, and potentials, please use the same address.


                    How about Beethoven's desire to bring a spiritual awakening to those who listened to his music? The Ninth Symphony and its message of brotherhood and love among all people is something we surely need in the present day. And the Missa Solemnis, with its hugely spiritual message of finding peace in spite of all the earthly, corporeal forces at work against peace -- I think there is no more inspiring piece of music to be found -- and is certainly relevant to our present state of affairs. The late String Quartet Op 132 with its slow movement: "Song of Thanksgiving of a Convalescent to the Deity" is another example of profound spirituality that has relevance to the current state of human existence. It is as meaningful and relevant as it is beautiful.


                      Originally posted by sjwenger:
                      You might talk about how they played "Ode to Freedom" at the opening of the Berlin Wall. Or, you might analyze the words to "Ode to Joy" or the words to "Fidelio" and compare those values with modern values - basic values are unchanged. (Be sure to credit Schiller if you do "Joy").

                      Indeed much of Beethoven's message is about overcoming tyranny, hence the use of the opening motive of the 5th symphony by the French resistance which by some strange coincidence rhythmically is morse code ..._ for victory V. In a world that is afflicted by terror and wars, Beethoven provides a sane escape from an insane world with his message of hope, love and freedom.

                      'Man know thyself'
                      'Man know thyself'

