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    Schubert Lieder. Beautiful. In particular "Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen, D343. I'm going out to buy a small collection of Schubert Lieder today, and my first edition of the DG Complete Beethoven. Either Misc. Chamber Works (which, in previewing, i find beautiful) or the "Piano Works" since I love B's piano music and the piano is my favourite instrument.
    I composed some variations on a theme of yours... funny little tune, but it yielded some good things.


      Originally posted by Sir Bygber Brown:
      Schubert Lieder. Beautiful. In particular "Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen, D343. I'm going out to buy a small collection of Schubert Lieder today, and my first edition of the DG Complete Beethoven. Either Misc. Chamber Works (which, in previewing, i find beautiful) or the "Piano Works" since I love B's piano music and the piano is my favourite instrument.
      Funny you should be listening to Schubert Lieder. Same here! I have a recording of Goerne singing some of the Goethe lieder. Very enjoyable!


        After finishing the Schubert lieder I've moved on to Stenhammar, listening to part of the 1st symphony and his "Excelsior!" overture. Not bad at all!


          I finished listening to Stenhammar's 1st Symphony, moved on to his Serenade in F Major, then I will be listening to his second symphony in G Minor.


            I have a long listening list this time:
            Wagner: Das Liebesverbot Overture
            Rienzi Overture
            Eine Faust Overture
            Symphony in E Major
            Wesendonck Lieder
            Haydn: Symphonies Nos. 95, 97, and 101
            Schumann: 1st movement of the second Symphony (conducted by Christian Thielemann with the Philharmonia Orchestra). This version of the movement was very satisfying.


              Haydn's first cello concerto, Pierre Fournier's playing the solo.


                Penderecki's the composer for me tonight. First his 3rd Symphony, then Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima, then Flourences, and finally, De natura sonoris II. Good music, here, and I will have to expand my Penderecki library.


                  LVB music for cello and piano as performed by Mssrs. Brendel pere et fils. Stunningly good, especially the variations on " Hail the conquering hero" from Judas Maccabeus and the songs from the Magic Flute!

                  Beethoven the Man!

                  [This message has been edited by JA Gardiner (edited 07-13-2005).]
                  Beethoven the Man!


                    Ciao tutti
                    I received today a complete set of Schubert's Symphonies played by the Hanover Band. My dear, that's a groovy thing, makes lot of pleasure.



                      Tchaikovsky's 3rd Piano concerto - written the last year of his life in 1893 and originally planned as a symphony. Not well known but there are some fine moments in this one movement work.

                      'Man know thyself'
                      'Man know thyself'


                        Today i've watched/heard quite a bit of Wagner's Rhinegold on dvd. Last night saw dvd of The Flying Dutchman - loved it.

                        Also been listening to du Pre playing Beethoven's Magic Flute variations and Piotr Andreszehen (sic) playing the Diabelli variations, which are my favourite work at the moment.

                        I composed some variations on a theme of yours... funny little tune, but it yielded some good things.

                        [This message has been edited by Sir Bygber Brown (edited 07-17-2005).]
                        I composed some variations on a theme of yours... funny little tune, but it yielded some good things.


                          Originally posted by Amalie:
                          Chacun a son gout !

                          You mention Bruce Sprinsteen. Although I am classical/opera purist and anti-pop in most forms and shapes, there are exceptions. Roberta Flack's rendering (with cello) of Whenever I first saw your face ... is a personal favourite


                            I'm watching Wagner's Tristan and Isolde for the first time, without the score. Last night I listened to the first act of La Boheme while following my brand new Ricordi full score (which I love). It was an enjoyable experience. I love Puccini's love of melody. There are some great love duets in Tristan. They're currently "floating in sublime bliss" somewhere in Act 2 as I write. After Rheingold and the Dutchman I had no idea Wagner could be so tender. The actors are just kneeling on the stage and singing this sublime music - its heavenly.

                            I composed some variations on a theme of yours... funny little tune, but it yielded some good things.
                            I composed some variations on a theme of yours... funny little tune, but it yielded some good things.


                              Originally posted by Pastorali:
                              Ciao tutti
                              I received today a complete set of Schubert's Symphonies played by the Hanover Band. My dear, that's a groovy thing, makes lot of pleasure.

                              Does that set include Symphony 7 in E major and Symphony 10 in D major?

                              "Is it not strange that sheep guts should hale souls out of men's bodies?"


                                Tonight it's the Sacred Healing Chants of Tibet, performed by the monks from Gaden Shartse Monastery. Not my ordinary listening!

