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On This Day

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    Which onion is this Mr Rosen? I'd rather spend my time on Nietzsche as usual...

    Hayden's quartet? I'd probably consider listening to it, if Beethoven had not written his Gross Fuge...

    Take comfort in your assertion once again...


      Originally posted by Uniqor:
      Which onion is this Mr Rosen?
      What you know about Haydn's music as compaired to Mr. Rosen could be put on the head of a pin and still have room for a Greyhound Bus. Why on earth do you persist in belittling things and people you know little or nothing about. I find your post on Haydn disturbing in that it is obvious that you know nothing about the man or composer. If you think this is an assasination on you character you are dead wrong, it is an assasination on your knowledge of Haydn.....Who you seem to take glee in tearing Haydn apart. Did he do you harm in a former life?


        Reading posts tone-deep... is that the best you can do, King? Frankly, you have been the one who understood absolutely nothing I wrote. I've already pointed out some of your obvious misunderstandings about my stand, in a reply to you before.

        Come one, stop telling me how uninformed and stupid I am - r.e.f.u.t.e me instead. So far you've failed miserably on that, so do not post back until you've got something worthy of my ears.


          Originally posted by Uniqor:
          Which onion is this Mr Rosen? I'd rather spend my time on Nietzsche as usual...

          Hayden's quartet? I'd probably consider listening to it, if Beethoven had not written his Gross Fuge...

          Take comfort in your assertion once again...
          Well you know how Nietzsche ended up? I personally find Haydn a great deal more healthy! The problems we are having stem entirely from the fact that you are trying to have a philosophical debate and the rest of us are having a musical one (this is a music forum!) - clearly we are getting nowhere so I think it best to move on and accept differences of opinion.

          'Man know thyself'
          'Man know thyself'

