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Dumb as dirt

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    Dumb as dirt

    I was told, and I can be amazingly gullible, that Beethoven's even number Symphonies are pastoral and the odd numbered ones are dramatic. Is that true?

    I know the solution is to listen to them, and I'm in the process of doing just that... I am truly the unwashed listening to his works

    Second question: Was he known to compose two even number symphonies at the same time,
    and would he work on two odd number ones when he was in his dramatic state of thought?

    Is there a good book I should read?

    To an extent it is true, although I don't really know/believe that it was some part of a master plan that he was executing. And I would exclude #'s 1 & 2 from those calculations.
    He started composing what would be #5, then he stopped for a bit and completed #4, then he composed and introduced #'s 5 & 6 at the same time. Hard to find 2 more contrasting symphonies in terms of "drama"! Later, he published #'s 7 & 8 either simutaneously or consecutively in any case. I am merely supposing here, but it does seem as though he tried not to overdo the drama bit, contrasting the next work and providing some emotional balance.
    Lots of books, I hesitate to recommend any particular one. Look on, just type in Beethoven and you will get hundreds of hits. They do make for an interesting read!

    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


      Thanks, it struck me odd that such a slick theories wouldn't be common knowledge, if they were true.

      The case being made that even being a self realized genius, as Beethoven was, that he too would not be able to produce out of fear of failure if he focused on one task at a time,( what that next noted needed to be). That he'd suffer perfection's writer's block.

      I don't know that writers block really exists, but it makes sense the more busy one is the more creative.

      Is the odd - even symphony organization true? I've been listening to them, but I cannot tell one from the other.... yet.


        Are the odd numbered Star Trek movies really bad, while the even ones are good? Well, perhaps, but in the end, it's all Star Trek.

        Beethoven's odd numbered symphonies may be more dramatic, and the even ones more pastoral (although Nos. 1 and 2 don't fit in too well with that, as Gurn said), but in the end, it's all Beethoven. The differences in mood, alternating between dramatic and pastoral, probably exist because Beethoven wouldn't have wanted to write two similar works back-to-back to keep himself and his audiences interested. I don't think it was planned that way by Beethoven, however, as I'm sure no one intended to make Star Trek V the worst movie ever, but they did

        [This message has been edited by Chris (edited 04-15-2005).]


          Very funny! Thanks!


            My recommendation for a book to start off with would be Thayer's Life of Beethoven. Lots and lots of information there. But as Gurn says, there are hundreds of books out there all helpful and loaded with history.
            Also if you're interested in his symphonies then I would suggest Antony Hopkins The Nine Symphonies of Beethoven.
            'Truth and beauty joined'

            [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 04-15-2005).]
            'Truth and beauty joined'


              Will do, I've been reading the histories of composer's chapters on Beethoven.
              I have no musical background, but I am going deaf which is a strange experience. Not a frightening one, it is herditary so it is no surprise nor is it coming on as I expected.
              A friend of mine is making the arguement that I should spend some quality time with Beethoven and I think she is right.


                By all means, do it now while you can. The memories will be forever! If I knew my fate as you do, I would invest in every bit of music I always wanted to hear and had been putting off. Beethoven and Mozart would be at the top of the list. Best wishes to you,

                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                  You don't get more pastrol then the 8th's begining; and you don't get more dramatic then the 8th's ending.

