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BBC Radio 3 "Beethoven Experience"

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    BBC Radio 3 "Beethoven Experience"

    I am a newcomer to this board and have been looking to see if the Beethovenfest being broadcast by BBC Radio 3 in June has elicted any comments - I have found none. Information can be found on
    and I would be most interested to read what the regulars on this board think of the idea. For myself, I think it is marginally daft because it will be impossible for most people to hear everything but I intend to record the lot and put it on my trusty Creative Zen music player to listen to during the many hours I spend alone in my car. I gather at least some of the output will be available on "Listen Again" but the Real sound quality leaves a great deal to be desired.
    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts. Bertrand Russell

    Apologies to Michael - just spotted your entry!
    The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts. Bertrand Russell


      Originally posted by jdidlock:
      Apologies to Michael - just spotted your entry!
      I'm glad somebody else is reminding people of this unique event! Also,I think it's a great chance to record some of B's lesser known music, but, as you say, the problem is how to keep tabs on something that's going on night and day for a week. The computer experts will be able to download it all in some way but the likes of myself will have to pick and choose with my minidisc recorder and Sky. (I may have to get up in the middle of the night a few times - but that's nothing new at my age.)
      I'm not too badly off as I bought the Complete Beethoven Edition in 1997, five minutes after it became available! But I'll still be on the lookout for the odd work or alternative recording or documentary.
      It's scary to think that Beethoven's complete works can be carried around on something the size of a cigarette lighter.
      Roll on June!



        I record direct to my computer hard disc using an application called Audio Tools ( )which has a scheduler so that you can record direct to hard disc. I have a DAB tuner plugged into the line in on the sound card. You can either record in .wav or in any of a number of compressed formats such as mp3 or wma - necessary if you are short of disc space. Being new to this board I am not sure to whether one passes on tips on recording - I know the BBC 3 Message Boards are very strict on such matters.
        The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts. Bertrand Russell


          It has just occurred to me that anyone with Sky and a video recorder could record a huge amount of music off radio, provided they didn't want to watch any other programmes on Sky. A four-hour tape at LP recording speed (Hi-Fi) could be set to tape for eight hours - a full night's listening! The quality would be reasonably good (with a new tape) and could later be transferred to another medium.
          It's ancient technology, I know, but it is one solution.



            Freeview would also give a feed - channel 73! I have used a VCR fed from an fm tuner in the past but subsequent transfer was a terrible fiddle.
            The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts. Bertrand Russell


              . . and, of course, BBC Radio 3 is streamed 24/7 on the web! and click on "Listen Live" in the top right hand corner.
              The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves and wiser people so full of doubts. Bertrand Russell


                I've noticed the BBCs TV re-enactment of the first performace of the third symphony (the programme is simply entitled 'Eroica') has just been released on DVD.

                "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                  Originally posted by Rod:
                  I've noticed the BBCs TV re-enactment of the first performace of the third symphony (the programme is simply entitled 'Eroica') has just been released on DVD.

                  Thanks for the info, Rod. I have just ordered it from Amazon. The DVD also contains a "straight" recording of the symphony cond. by Gardiner.



                    i watched the programme named "eroica", i thought the guy should look younger and less pretentious... a better one would be "the genius of mozart", not so much for the actor, but hazelwood's commentary is top class


                      Originally posted by Uniqor:
                      i watched the programme named "eroica", i thought the guy should look younger and less pretentious... a better one would be "the genius of mozart", not so much for the actor, but hazelwood's commentary is top class
                      I agree - Hazelwood is an engaging presenter.

                      'Man know thyself'
                      'Man know thyself'


                        What? Peter agrees with something Uniqor said? Time for a cup of relaxo...

                        You're right Peter, I like Hazelwood's sense of humour. I thought his remark at the end of "The Genius Of Mozart" was impressive - "Mozart is music".

                        Where does that leave our Beethoven though?


                          Originally posted by Uniqor:

                          You're right Peter, I like Hazelwood's sense of humour. I thought his remark at the end of "The Genius Of Mozart" was impressive - "Mozart is music".

                          Where does that leave our Beethoven though?
                          We may find out shortly as Hazelwood is presenting a similar three-part television drama-documentary on Beethoven next June


                          [This message has been edited by Michael (edited 05-07-2005).]


                            Originally posted by Michael:
                            We may find out shortly as Hazelwood is presenting a similar three-part television drama-documentary on Beethoven next June


                            [This message has been edited by Michael (edited 05-07-2005).]
                            I watched the Genius of Mozart with interest, though it was spoiled by the presenters own contribution. I'm sorry but when he said the Jupiter symphony surpassed anything of Beethoven I just could not take him seriously. You should not really let a 'fan' do his own show if you want an objective opinion, though the show was subtitled 'a personal perspective'.

                            I didn't think much of Eroica, they could have done more with it - i was not convinced by Beethoven's conducting manner being portrayed simply as sitting in a chair and watching the orchestra get on with it.

                            Also I do not like Gardiners interpretation of the Eroica - like his CD version this performace is too heavy handed compared to some other period instrument versions I've heard.

                            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                              I was a bit underwhelmed by "Eroica" when I first saw it but have since changed my mind. I was watching the tape recently when a couple of friends, who have absolutely no interest in classical music, came in and started watching too. I expected them to disappear within ten minutes - because, as you know, "Eroica" is not your usual drama - it is seventy per cent. music - but they all stayed to the end.
                              I didn't like Ian Hart's Beethoven initially but then I came to realise that he wasn't taking the easy route. He could have screamed and chewed the scenery all the way through, but instead he gave us a realistic portrayal of a great composer in his early thirties before deafness and ill-health had turned him into the curmudgeon we all think we know.
                              I am interested to know how much shouting Ed Harris will produce.


