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On this day

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    On this day

    On this day in 1833 Johannes Brahms was born and also on this date in 1840 Peter I. Tchaikovsky was born. They would go on to be polls apart when it came to music.

    [This message has been edited by King Stephen (edited 05-07-2005).]

    Originally posted by King Stephen:
    On this day in 1833 Johannes Brahms was born and also on this date in 1840 Peter I. Tchaikovsky was born. They would go on to be polls apart when it came to music.

    [This message has been edited by King Stephen (edited 05-07-2005).]

    My wedding anniversary too King.


    ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~
    ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


      Originally posted by Amalie:

      My wedding anniversary too King.

      Congrats amalie,
      I´ll be celebrating the births of both composers by listening to peters first pianoconcerto and brahms´ pianoquintet.


        Happy Anniversary Amalie! Are you going to a concert to celebrate perhaps?

        Also On This Day May 7 1824 -- First performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in Vienna's Kaerntnerthor Theater, with Michael Umlauf conducting. Beethoven, who had been deaf for many years, did not realize the audience was applauding at the end of the performance until soprano Caroline Unger turned him around to see it.

        In 1828 -- Composer Antonio Salieri dies in Vienna at age 74.

        Good listening to the PC #1 by Tch. love that one!

        Lots of musical history happening On This Day!

        'Truth and beauty joined'
        'Truth and beauty joined'


          Originally posted by Joy:
          Happy Anniversary Amalie! Are you going to a concert to celebrate perhaps?

          Also On This Day May 7 1824 -- First performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in Vienna's Kaerntnerthor Theater, with Michael Umlauf conducting. Beethoven, who had been deaf for many years, did not realize the audience was applauding at the end of the performance until soprano Caroline Unger turned him around to see it.

          In 1828 -- Composer Antonio Salieri dies in Vienna at age 74.

          Good listening to the PC #1 by Tch. love that one!

          Lots of musical history happening On This Day!

          Whoops Joy! sorry to be picky again with your dates but Salieri died in 1825! Also on this day - end of World war II in Europe - I'm taking liberties with the rules here only because I saw the excellent "Downfall" at the cinema today!

          'Man know thyself'

          [This message has been edited by Peter (edited 05-07-2005).]
          'Man know thyself'


            Originally posted by Amalie:

            My wedding anniversary too King.

            A very Happy Anniversary to you and your husband.


              Originally posted by Peter:
              Whoops Joy! sorry to be picky again with your dates but Salieri died in 1825! Also on this day - end of World war II in Europe - I'm taking liberties with the rules here only because I saw the excellent "Downfall" at the cinema today!

              Sorry to go off topic, but we saw the film 'DOWNFALL' also, and agree that it was very authentic, but was also very dark and depressing. Particularly, the killing of Goebbels children was shocking. Can anyone doubt that the destruction of the 3rd Reich was a very necessary task.


              ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~
              ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                Originally posted by Joy:
                Happy Anniversary Amalie! Are you going to a concert to celebrate perhaps?

                Also On This Day May 7 1824 -- First performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 in Vienna's Kaerntnerthor Theater, with Michael Umlauf conducting. Beethoven, who had been deaf for many years, did not realize the audience was applauding at the end of the performance until soprano Caroline Unger turned him around to see it.

                In 1828 -- Composer Antonio Salieri dies in Vienna at age 74.

                Good listening to the PC #1 by Tch. love that one!

                Lots of musical history happening On This Day!

                Thanks for your kind wishes, Joy, and King,
                No concert this time, just enjoyed an Italian evening out, then movie .

                And listening to Brahms.

                ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~

                [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited 05-08-2005).]
                ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                  Originally posted by Amalie:
                  Sorry to go off topic, but we saw the film 'DOWNFALL' also, and agree that it was very authentic, but was also very dark and depressing. Particularly, the killing of Goebbels children was shocking. Can anyone doubt that the destruction of the 3rd Reich was a very necessary task.

                  Well yes Amalie, but such a film couldn't be anything other than dark and depressing -however we need to be shocked about the realities of war and I think the scenes showing the Goebbels children in a way summed this up - the murder of innocence.

                  Getting back to music it is nice to think that the premier of the 9th - a work that represents the love for humanity, joy and freedom shares the same date May 7th for the cessation of hostilities in Europe in 1945.

                  'Man know thyself'
                  'Man know thyself'


                    Originally posted by Amalie:
                    Sorry to go off topic, but we saw the film 'DOWNFALL' also, and agree that it was very authentic, but was also very dark and depressing. Particularly, the killing of Goebbels children was shocking. Can anyone doubt that the destruction of the 3rd Reich was a very necessary task.

                    Peter and Amalie,
                    Please say you´re not talking about that GREAT german movie der untergang...did ya went to the german talked version? I did and although I don´t like german versions of american films like the terminator I did love der untergang, everyone should watch that one in German.It´s compelling and historycally quite accurate. We in Holland saw the movie in November 2004 in the Cinema´s and it has been released on DVD a few weeks ago.


                      Originally posted by Peter:
                      Well yes Amalie, but such a film couldn't be anything other than dark and depressing -however we need to be shocked about the realities of war and I think the scenes showing the Goebbels children in a way summed this up - the murder of innocence.

                      Getting back to music it is nice to think that the premier of the 9th - a work that represents the love for humanity, joy and freedom shares the same date May 7th for the cessation of hostilities in Europe in 1945.

                      I completely agree on both accounts Peter,,
                      a final word on Downfall,, it certainly does show the reality of war. One other thing I remember, was the officer who Hitler told, had to stay in Berlin, then one sees him going back home and pulling the pins on two handgranades and blowing himself and his family to kingdom come.

                      Yes.... we thank God for Beethoven and some rationality in the world.


                      ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~
                      ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                        Originally posted by ruudp:
                        Peter and Amalie,
                        Please say you´re not talking about that GREAT german movie der untergang...did ya went to the german talked version? I did and although I don´t like german versions of american films like the terminator I did love der untergang, everyone should watch that one in German.It´s compelling and historycally quite accurate. We in Holland saw the movie in November 2004 in the Cinema´s and it has been released on DVD a few weeks ago.
                        Yes, we did see the German version Ruud, all German cast.


                        ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~
                        ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~

