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Copying Beethoven - Ed Harris

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    Originally posted by Peter:
    That's good to hear! It would be great if you could use Ignaz Pamer's music (available at Amazon and on authentic instuments) - he performed his Walzer at a favourite Viennese tavern, Zur Goldenen Birne frequented by Beethoven. You never know you might start a revival of early 19th century Viennese tavern music!

    Yes, the music supervisor mentioned your reference to Pamer in her email, so I listened to some of the music. Frankly, I don't expect a revival any time soon, but we may use it in the film. Thanks as ever.


      I know that in Beethoven Haus Bonn there is one Beethoven's violin with which they play in special occasions.It woud be interesting if it take part in the movie.......


        But no one would know that it is Beethoven's actual violin!


          Originally posted by Chris:
          But no one would know that it is Beethoven's actual violin!

          We could put a subtitle on it.


            Originally posted by srivele:

            We could put a subtitle on it.


              I think that it will be interesting if the violin take part in the movie soundtrack


                Originally posted by Ludwig:
                I think that it will be interesting if the violin take part in the movie soundtrack
                Actually, I was just kidding about the subtitle. I don't think there is much chance that we could get the violin, or get it in time. Shooting starts in two weeks. Things are really coming together, and getting very exciting. Most of the musical selections have been chosen. Some are being pre-recorded today (in Warsaw of all places!). It looks like we will go with Peter's suggestion of Pamer's tavern music. Thanks as ever for the input.

                An thought just occurred to me. When Polansky did Macbeth, he originally wanted to make all the castles in the film look new since, in Macbeth's time, they were new. But when he saw the art department's renderings, the castles all looked wrong. This was because no one had ever seen a NEW castle. So he went with old-looking castles. I am guessing that when Beethoven used his own violin, it was new, or fairly new. Now it's almost two hundred years old. Maybe we should go with a new violin?


                  What happened to page 8?


                    Originally posted by srivele:
                    What happened to page 8?

                    Well, the mystery of page 8 remains unsolved, but the film begins shooting tomorrow. I've spent all day making last-minute adjustments to the script. My partner Chris is in Budapest, attending rehearsals and looking after the music side of things. Now that the sets are built and the actors have rehearsed in the locations, it's necessary to make small changes to the script to reflect the realities of the shoot, and the fact that the actors are so deeply into their characters that they feel certain things are not quite right or true to them. This is the exciting part, when it all begins to take form. I should be getting pictures from the set soon, and I will pass them along. Thanks as ever.


                      As I explained in the announcement, page 8 must have consisted of posts made after the server move cutoff and so were not carried over to our new server. I tried to find a backup with it, but none existed.

                      Fortunately, the server move is now complete, and we should have no more of the problems that have been troubling us for the past few months.


                        Originally posted by srivele:

                        Well, the mystery of page 8 remains unsolved, but the film begins shooting tomorrow. I've spent all day making last-minute adjustments to the script. My partner Chris is in Budapest, attending rehearsals and looking after the music side of things. Now that the sets are built and the actors have rehearsed in the locations, it's necessary to make small changes to the script to reflect the realities of the shoot, and the fact that the actors are so deeply into their characters that they feel certain things are not quite right or true to them. This is the exciting part, when it all begins to take form. I should be getting pictures from the set soon, and I will pass them along. Thanks as ever.
                        There is a new page on the site especially about the film - looking forward to the pictures which I will add to that page.

                        'Man know thyself'
                        'Man know thyself'


                          I am interested to know...Will we see the Beethoven's funeral in the movie?

                          [This message has been edited by Ludwig (edited 04-05-2005).]


                            Originally posted by Ludwig:
                            I am interested to know...Will we see the Beethoven's funeral in the movie?

                            [This message has been edited by Ludwig (edited 04-05-2005).]
                            No, we won't see the funeral. But we do have a bit of a surprise ending.


                              Originally posted by srivele:
                              No, we won't see the funeral. But we do have a bit of a surprise ending.

                              Well, the shoot is in its third day and by all accounts it is going well. They shot Karl's attempted suicide, and now they are doing the scenes between Beethoven and Anna in Beethoven's flat. I hope to have photos from the shoot soon and will forward them as I receive them. According to my writing partner, Chris, Ed Harris looks frightening as Beethoven, which is partly what we wanted. Apparently, too, he has learned the piano so well that he is playing the pieces himself, including the principal theme of the Grosse Fugue, on the old Broadwood they bought for the film. Pretty exciting.


                                Originally posted by srivele:

                                Well, the shoot is in its third day and by all accounts it is going well. They shot Karl's attempted suicide, and now they are doing the scenes between Beethoven and Anna in Beethoven's flat. I hope to have photos from the shoot soon and will forward them as I receive them. According to my writing partner, Chris, Ed Harris looks frightening as Beethoven, which is partly what we wanted. Apparently, too, he has learned the piano so well that he is playing the pieces himself, including the principal theme of the Grosse Fugue, on the old Broadwood they bought for the film. Pretty exciting.
                                I hope he looks frightening in a good way! Anyway, did Ed Harris have any previous music lessons when he was younger? If not,it sounds like he learned very quickly how to play.
                                Hope to see the pictures soon. Looking forward to that!!

                                'Truth and beauty joined'
                                'Truth and beauty joined'

