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Copying Beethoven - Ed Harris

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    Originally posted by srivele: Let's all hope, pray, keep our fingers crossed and whatever else we are in the habit of doing at times of great stress and excitement.[/B]
    Congrats Mr. R.

    I am sure that all your hard work will pay off greatly. Very exciting and we all look forward to the film's success!! We will be watching for you, Ed and Diane at the Oscars...

    Muss es sein? Es muss sein! Es muss sein!


      Originally posted by Joy:
      SR: You and your cast and crew sound so dedicated to this film, I salute you!! It's a shame most of the people out there won't know of the huge sacrifices you are giving. I can assure you I will tell all my friends (and anyone else who will listen) about it!

      On another point I have to say I agree with Kyle on the authentic instrument issue. This movie will be seen by the 'masses' and I'm sure most of them will not be looking for pins on cellos or chin pads on violins and for the most part won't be able to tell a modern instrument from an authentic one while listening. Let's get real here and for the sake of the film's budget just be glad that we are getting what it sounds like will be the most authenticated film about Beethoven ever projected on the screen.

      I emailed the music supervisor your suggestion about the chin rests and end pins. He said he will ask the members of the orchestra remove them. However, it will be up to them. The shooting of the 9th Symphony premiere will take three days, at about ten hours a day, so they may not want to suffer the discomfort of being without them.


        [quote]Originally posted by srivele:
        I have at least a partial cast list. The budget did not permit big-name actors, but we do have an excellent ensemble of British character actors in addition to Ed and Diane. You can look them up on IMBD (Internet Movie Data Base). I've seen their audition tapes, and they're all wonderful.

        Ed Harris, Beethoven
        Diane Kruger, Anna
        Ralph Riach, Schlemmer
        Nicholas Jones, the Archduke
        Joe Anderson, Karl
        Phyllida Law, Mother Canisius

        Other names to come.
        Probably too late now, bit it occurred to me that Richard Briers would be superb as Zmeskall! Oh well I'm sure by your list so far that you've done a good casting job.

        'Man know thyself'
        'Man know thyself'


          Originally posted by srivele:
          I emailed the music supervisor your suggestion about the chin rests and end pins. He said he will ask the members of the orchestra remove them. However, it will be up to them. The shooting of the 9th Symphony premiere will take three days, at about ten hours a day, so they may not want to suffer the discomfort of being without them.
          I can just imagine the reaction. It would be a nice touch, but if they comply with this request I will eat my shorts and watch pigs fly simultaneously.


            Originally posted by srivele:
            I emailed the music supervisor your suggestion about the chin rests and end pins. He said he will ask the members of the orchestra remove them. However, it will be up to them. The shooting of the 9th Symphony premiere will take three days, at about ten hours a day, so they may not want to suffer the discomfort of being without them.

            Thanks for trying! I can hear the moans now!
            It'll be interesting to hear their reaction. Keep us posted as always! Also glad to hear you're giving so much time to the 9th!!

            'Truth and beauty joined'
            'Truth and beauty joined'


              i know you have probably told us many times but could you give us an outline of what will be taking place in the movie? what year does it start off in 1827 correct? what is it mainly about this copyist what about her? and what events are covered or occur in the movie. thanks. you dont have to if you dont want to im sure your very busy.


                [QUOTE]Originally posted by KyleC:
                [B]... could you give us an outline...

                If you go to the first post in this thread Chris has provided a 'read only' of the start of this conversation .I think it is there that you will find Mr.Srivele's description of " Copying Beethoven".

                "Finis coronat opus "


                  Originally posted by KyleC:
                  i know you have probably told us many times but could you give us an outline of what will be taking place in the movie? what year does it start off in 1827 correct? what is it mainly about this copyist what about her? and what events are covered or occur in the movie. thanks. you dont have to if you dont want to im sure your very busy.
                  Our film bgins in April of 1824 just before the premiere of the 9th Symphony. Beethoven has had a falling out with his copyist, Wolanek, and Schlemmer is desperate to find someone to replace him, to prepare the parts for the premiere. He sends to the Vienna Conservatory for their brightest young composition student, and they send, in return, our fictional heroine, Anna Holtz. (In fact, they sent two young men, but we asked ourselves: What if it had been a woman? This is what enabled us to create a film about the late Beethoven that could actually get financed.)
                  Anna goes to work with Beethoven, helps him prepare for the premier, conducts with him from the wings, and then summons the strength to show him some of her own work. He mocks it, sending her into despair. Later he comes to apologize, and to ask her to help him with the composition of the last string quartets, his legacy to the future of music. In doing so, she learns the deepest meaning of music, and finds the strength to become a composer in her own right.
                  There's more to it than this, of course, but that's the gist of it. There is a lot of humor, much soul-searching, a great deal of talk about the meaning of art and the role of musicians, and, of course lots of wonderful music. We start shooting April 5, and I expect it will reach the theaters either at the end of this year or early next. I do hope you like it.


                    Just had an email from one of the music supervisors. They are pre-recording some of the piano pieces this week on an early 19th century piano. So the influence of this site begins to take hold. I thought you'd be pleased to know that, so far at least, we are going with a period feel to the music.


                      Well , I want to ask do you know in which countries will be direct this movie.
                      I am asking becouse I'm form Bulgaria and I'm afraid that i will not can wach it.


                        Originally posted by srivele:
                        Just had an email from one of the music supervisors. They are pre-recording some of the piano pieces this week on an early 19th century piano. So the influence of this site begins to take hold. I thought you'd be pleased to know that, so far at least, we are going with a period feel to the music.
                        Thanks for that! Incidentally your music advisor contacted me in taverns - I haven't heard back so she may not have been impressed with my suggestions!

                        'Man know thyself'
                        'Man know thyself'


                          Originally posted by Peter:
                          Thanks for that! Incidentally your music advisor contacted me in taverns - I haven't heard back so she may not have been impressed with my suggestions!

                          On the contrary: she has already emailed us with extensive notes regarding the tavern music, reflecting your input. No decision has yet been made, however, regarding the actual pieces to be pre-recorded. I will keep you posted. And don't hesitate to stay in touch with her.


                            Originally posted by Ludwig:
                            Well , I want to ask do you know in which countries will be direct this movie.
                            I am asking becouse I'm form Bulgaria and I'm afraid that i will not can wach it.

                            The film is being shot in Budapest with post-production in London. We decided to wait until it was finished to find a distributor, but when we do, I anticipate that the film will be distributed world-wide. However, I believe the Eastern European rights (which normally would include Bulgaria) have already been pre-sold, so you should be able to see the film in your theaters.


                              Originally posted by srivele:

                              The film is being shot in Budapest with post-production in London. We decided to wait until it was finished to find a distributor, but when we do, I anticipate that the film will be distributed world-wide. However, I believe the Eastern European rights (which normally would include Bulgaria) have already been pre-sold, so you should be able to see the film in your theaters.
                              Thanks for the answer!


                                Originally posted by srivele:
                                On the contrary: she has already emailed us with extensive notes regarding the tavern music, reflecting your input. No decision has yet been made, however, regarding the actual pieces to be pre-recorded. I will keep you posted. And don't hesitate to stay in touch with her.
                                That's good to hear! It would be great if you could use Ignaz Pamer's music (available at Amazon and on authentic instuments) - he performed his Walzer at a favourite Viennese tavern, Zur Goldenen Birne frequented by Beethoven. You never know you might start a revival of early 19th century Viennese tavern music!

                                'Man know thyself'

                                [This message has been edited by Peter (edited 03-23-2005).]
                                'Man know thyself'

