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Copying Beethoven - Ed Harris

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    I have recovered the original thread from the google cache (thanks again to Cocchini for reminding me of that). It wasn't possible to restore it for use on the forum, and since we already have this thread going well, that wouldn't be a good idea anyway. But I have edited the files to make editing any posts or replying to it impossible (which would cause other problems on the forum) and posted it so that everyone may read it.

    So you may read the original thread by clicking</a>.

    [This message has been edited by Chris (edited 09-10-2004).]


      Mr. Srivel, can you tell me about when production will begin on this film. The reason I ask is that I am a young film student and have been trying to break into the film industry. I also have a deep admiration for Beethoven, man and music. So I have a double interest in this project. I was wandering if you could give me some contact details of the production supervisor or the producer or someone who you would suggest I contact. If you could it would be much appreciated.


        Originally posted by Prometheus:
        Mr. Srivel, can you tell me about when production will begin on this film. The reason I ask is that I am a young film student and have been trying to break into the film industry. I also have a deep admiration for Beethoven, man and music. So I have a double interest in this project. I was wandering if you could give me some contact details of the production supervisor or the producer or someone who you would suggest I contact. If you could it would be much appreciated.
        As I suggested when you originally posed this question: Since I am one of the producers (as well as writer) you can contact me. I'm at Let me know what your background and qualifications are, and where in the world you're located. Cheers, SR


          Originally posted by srivele:
          Often there are "test" screenings of a new film in various cities to generate interest and feedback. If we do those, I'll let all of you know where and when they take place, and see to it that any of you who want to go are put on the invitations list. It's the least I can do for all your wonderful input. SR
          Thanks very much! I hope my city will be on the list!! You mentioned where you will be doing the shooting of this film and I'm curious as to how come movies are rarely shot in the exact location of the story instead of in other locals that 'look' like the real location? Does it come down to cost being the defining factor in these situations? Thanks!

          'Truth and beauty joined'
          'Truth and beauty joined'


            Originally posted by Joy:
            Thanks very much! I hope my city will be on the list!! You mentioned where you will be doing the shooting of this film and I'm curious as to how come movies are rarely shot in the exact location of the story instead of in other locals that 'look' like the real location? Does it come down to cost being the defining factor in these situations? Thanks!

            Cost is always a factor, of course. Also, with independent filmmaking, you are required to shoot in the countries that provide funding. Since ours is a period piece set in Vienna in 1827, we have to find exteriors that look like Vienna in 1827. The architecture has to be believable as period, there can be no electrical wires, telephone poles, advertising billboards, satellite dishes, etc. (I am told by film location scouts that, because of WWII damage, Vienna today doesn't look like Vienna of 150 years ago. Prague and Budapest, however, were largely untouched, so much of the early 19th century architecture is still intact.) The closer we can come to a period look, the less "dressing" we have to do, such as removing or covering up anachronistic elements in the decor, and so, the more money we can save. A friend of mine is shooting the film version of The Honeymooners (the old Jackie Gleason TV show) in Dublin, since Ireland gave them tax incentives, and since parts of Dublin look like the Bensonhurst section of New York in the 50s. Many films set in LA are shot in Vancouver because of the favorable currency exchange and the look of the city, and for the same reasons, many New York films are shot in Toronto. So it all comes down to the right financial incentives and the right look.


              Thank you so much for that interesting information and for clearing that up for me.
              I understand now why the movie industry has to do film in other places. I saw "Beethoven Lives Upstairs" a video about the life of Beethoven made in the '90's and it was filmed in Prague and parts of Canada now I know why. (No, I didn't see any telephone lines either)! I have to say I will now be looking forward to your friends movie, as well as yours, about The Honeymooners. I used to watch the reruns pretty consistantly and was a fan of them. When I see that movie I'll think of where it was filmed in Ireland of all places! Thanks again for explaining it to me.

              'Truth and beauty joined'
              'Truth and beauty joined'


                Mr. Rivele, have you completed your script yet? I mean is it written from beginning to end or do you have to 'fill in some blanks'?
                What part of the film are you writing now? How do you go about something like that? Do you start at the beginning of a story when you begin to write or do you jump into the middle or write the end first? Just curious. Thanks.

                'Truth and beauty joined'
                'Truth and beauty joined'


                  Originally posted by Joy:
                  Mr. Rivele, have you completed your script yet? I mean is it written from beginning to end or do you have to 'fill in some blanks'?
                  What part of the film are you writing now? How do you go about something like that? Do you start at the beginning of a story when you begin to write or do you jump into the middle or write the end first? Just curious. Thanks.

                  The script has been finished for some time. Once the research is done and we know what we want to say, we begin at the beginning and push on. In a screenplay, you lay the foundations of character and plot in act one, so you can't start in the middle.


                    I have a feeling it's going to be a good movie to watch over again!


                      Originally posted by ~Immortal Beloved~:
                      I have a feeling it's going to be a good movie to watch over again!
                      Well, the Germans, of all people, have declined our request for funding. It's a blow to the project, I must admit. However, we still have interest by the English and an Irish bank, so we continue to hope. I'll keep you posted. However, one wonders: if the Germans aren't financing a picture about Beethoven, what are they financing?


                        Originally posted by srivele:
                        Well, the Germans, of all people, have declined our request for funding. It's a blow to the project, I must admit. However, we still have interest by the English and an Irish bank, so we continue to hope. I'll keep you posted. However, one wonders: if the Germans aren't financing a picture about Beethoven, what are they financing?
                        I am very sorry to hear what you have to say. I suppose all that one can say is that the Germans do have a real problem with their own history and I feel very sorry for them. One of the many horrible things the Nazi era did was to make the Germans distrustful of their own history in the sense that they simply cannot get out of the mindset of anything that happened before the 20th century and look at the many wonderful things in their history before then. History is so very, very important for human beings both national and personal.
                        I do hope what I am sure will be a great film about Beethoven with the fantastic Ed Harris can start now to get off the ground!


                        ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~

                        [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited 10-07-2004).]
                        ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                          Originally posted by Amalie:
                          I am very sorry to hear what you have to say. I suppose all that one can say is that the Germans do have a real problem with their own history and I feel very sorry for them. One of the many horrible things the Nazi era did was to make the Germans distrustful of their own history in the sense that they simply cannot get out of the mindset of anything that happened before the 20th century and look at the many wonderful things in their history before then. History is so very, very important for human beings both national and personal.
                          I do hope what I am sure will be a great film about Beethoven with the fantastic Ed Harris can start now to get off the ground!



                            Originally posted by srivele:
                            You raise an interesting point. I noted with some surprise that Germany's official entry in the Oscar race this year is a film about Hitler. This has provoked controversy both here and in Germany.


                              Originally posted by srivele:
                              You raise an interesting point. I noted with some surprise that Germany's official entry in the Oscar race this year is a film about Hitler. This has provoked controversy both here and in Germany.
                              For what I've heard *being dutch and close too the source *

                              Der untergang seems too be a REALLY good movie and the person playing hitler was sooo good at it the crew actually was completely frightened of the man and thought he actually WAS hitler..still curious that the germans do not want too sponsor such a film..perhaps the dutch will??Since beethovens roots were after all the southern netherlands..the same places I live ....


                                Originally posted by srivele:
                                Well, the Germans, of all people, have declined our request for funding. It's a blow to the project, I must admit. However, we still have interest by the English and an Irish bank, so we continue to hope. I'll keep you posted. However, one wonders: if the Germans aren't financing a picture about Beethoven, what are they financing?

                                That's very odd the germans declined your help. Pretty strange...

