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Copying Beethoven - Ed Harris

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    Copying Beethoven - Ed Harris

    Just to say that the recent topic on the film Copying Beethoven was not removed by us but mysteriously vanished! Apologies to all concerned.

    We have been in discussion with the script-writer Stephen Rivelle who has kindly shared his ideas with us. The film centres on the last year of Beethoven's life and the music of the late quartets.

    <font color="Red">EDIT by Chris: Click</a> to view the original thread (read-only).</font>

    'Man know thyself'

    [This message has been edited by Chris (edited 09-10-2004).]
    'Man know thyself'

    This sounded like such an interesting project ,hope we get an update soon .
    "Finis coronat opus "


      I can't wait to see it.


        I was wondering where this topic disappeared too. Maybe we can get the old thread back as it had a lot of interesting information on it from Mr. Rivelle which some members may not have read yet. I'm glad I brought your attention to this.

        If Mr. Rivelle visits us again I have a couple of questions for him. Will Joanna (Beethoven's sister in law) appear in the film? And I'm just curious how did you think of the title "Copying Beethoven"? I find it a very interesting concept. I like it.

        'Truth and beauty joined'

        [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 09-03-2004).]
        'Truth and beauty joined'


          Good question joy...I was thinking about that too. I know Mr. Rivelle will come back to give us more news about the film.


            Originally posted by Joy:
            I was wondering where this topic disappeared too. Maybe we can get the old thread back as it had a lot of interesting information on it from Mr. Rivelle which some members may not have read yet. I'm glad I brought your attention to this.

            If Mr. Rivelle visits us again I have a couple of questions for him. Will Joanna (Beethoven's sister in law) appear in the film? And I'm just curious how did you think of the title "Copying Beethoven"? I find it a very interesting concept. I like it.

            The title is quite logical as it is about the relationship between a fictional music copyist (Anna) and Beethoven.

            'Man know thyself'
            'Man know thyself'


              Originally posted by ~Immortal Beloved~:
              Good question joy...I was thinking about that too. I know Mr. Rivelle will come back to give us more news about the film.
              Well, I'm back. I was wondering why I couldn't find the site. 'Mysteriously vanished', eh? It was probably one of the big studios. In any case, since there seems to be some confusion about my name, I am Stephen J. Rivele, and I co-wrote Oliver Stone's NIXON (Academy Award nomination) and Will Smith's ALI. Also, we recently completed KLEOPATRA for Warners, based on Karen Essex's biographical novel. We are now working on an adaptation of a book by one of the embedded reporters in the Iraq War for Columbia. We called our script "Copying Beethoven" not only because our ficitonalized heroine, Anna, is Beethoven's copyist, but also because one of the lessons she learns from her association with the maestro is that, in her own work, she is copying his style, and she must learn to speak in her own voice if she is to become a composer. Thus, the title has a double meaning.
              For those of you who recommended the Beethoven Haus CD demonstrating his deafness: I have purchased four of the CDs and will give them to Ed Harris, Diane Kruger, the director, Agnieszka Holland and keep one for myself. They just arrived, so I haven't had a chance to listen to mine yet, but I'll let you know what I think of it. Again, thanks for all the input and ideas. SR


                Originally posted by Joy:
                I was wondering where this topic disappeared too. Maybe we can get the old thread back as it had a lot of interesting information on it from Mr. Rivelle which some members may not have read yet. I'm glad I brought your attention to this.

                If Mr. Rivelle visits us again I have a couple of questions for him. Will Joanna (Beethoven's sister in law) appear in the film? And I'm just curious how did you think of the title "Copying Beethoven"? I find it a very interesting concept. I like it.

                Beethoven talks about Joanna in the film (in very negative terms), but she is not a character. For the title, please see my earlier posting. Thanks, SR


                  The other thread was lost during a technical glitch. I am sorry about that, but we're glad to have you back.

                  ...I co-wrote Oliver Stone's NIXON (Academy Award nomination)
                  I rather enjoyed that one, having just seen it on TV a couple of months ago.

                  ...and Will Smith's ALI.
                  I really liked that one, although I found there to be too much social/political stuff and not enough boxing stuff. Of course, I am a huge boxing fan and wasn't even alive in the 60's so I guess that's to be expected!

                  Anyway, I enjoyed those very much. If anyone is interested, Stephen's page at IMDB is though there isn't much other info there.


                    Originally posted by srivele:
                    Well, I'm back. I was wondering why I couldn't find the site. 'Mysteriously vanished', eh? It was probably one of the big studios. In any case, since there seems to be some confusion about my name, I am Stephen J. Rivele, and I co-wrote Oliver Stone's NIXON (Academy Award nomination) and Will Smith's ALI. SR

                    Glad to have you back! I thought you might have wondered where our topic had gone too! Some 'gremlins' I suppose. Anyway, really enjoyed your above mentioned movies especially Nixon, that starred Ed Harris too I believe so you've worked with him before.
                    Thanks for filling me in on the meaning of the title of your Beethoven film, I like the double meaning, and also on Joanna's part in the film, I figured she would have to be mentioned as she was a big part of Beethoven's life albeit not one of the best parts! Also enjoyed your website! Thanks again!

                    'Truth and beauty joined'
                    'Truth and beauty joined'


                      Originally posted by Chris:
                      The other thread was lost during a technical glitch. I am sorry about that, but we're glad to have you back.

                      I really liked that one, although I found there to be too much social/political stuff and not enough boxing stuff. Of course, I am a huge boxing fan and wasn't even alive in the 60's so I guess that's to be expected!

                      Anyway, I enjoyed those very much. If anyone is interested, Stephen's page at IMDB is though there isn't much other info there.
                      I was disappointed in ALI too. The director, Michael Mann, savaged our script and totally distorted the meaning of the movie. We wrote a film about a man on a spiritual quest who, ironically, was a master of a violent sport. Mann didn't get that, threw out our appproach and made the film over in his own mean, unappealing image. That was one of the main reasons we decided to produce the Beethoven film ourselves - so no one could brutalize the script and hijack the meaning of the film. I'll let you know if we succeed. Thanks, SR


                        Well, we're all looking forward to it here.



                          The ENTIRE topic is available on Google. Search under:

                          copying beethoven srivele

                          and then press CACHED.

                          Regards Al


                            Wow your amazing Mr. Rivele! May god be with you.

                            I have a question I've been thinking...Is the movie going to come out in DVD?


                              Originally posted by Cocchini:

                              The ENTIRE topic is available on Google. Search under:

                              copying beethoven srivele

                              and then press CACHED.

                              Regards Al
                              Ah yes, I forgot about the google cache. Thanks for pointing that out.

                              [This message has been edited by Chris (edited 09-07-2004).]

