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Authentic page mp3s - Piano trio Op.70nr1

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    Authentic page mp3s - Piano trio Op.70nr1

    Now available to members at

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

    Now that I am making some changes with my computers I should be able to listen more to the music samples. This one is sounding very nice to me right now!

    The sound is pretty good on these speakers; I am liking what I hear very much! Thank you!


      Originally posted by Sorrano:
      Now that I am making some changes with my computers I should be able to listen more to the music samples. This one is sounding very nice to me right now!

      The sound is pretty good on these speakers; I am liking what I hear very much! Thank you!

      A reasonable performance, I yielded to popular taste on this occasion! But actually it is the other movements that are transformed the most. Unfortunately i have nothing of op70 nr2 on period instruments, a piece at least as good as nr1 but will be forever in its shadow.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        Beautiful movement
        See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


          Originally posted by Rod:
          A reasonable performance, I yielded to popular taste on this occasion! But actually it is the other movements that are transformed the most. Unfortunately i have nothing of op70 nr2 on period instruments, a piece at least as good as nr1 but will be forever in its shadow.

          I liked this nearly as much as my L'Archibudelli performance. Very nice. The only disagreement we have is that I think Op 70 #2 is a much better work, whereas you are rather tepid in saying "at least as good".

          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


            Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
            I liked this nearly as much as my L'Archibudelli performance. Very nice. The only disagreement we have is that I think Op 70 #2 is a much better work, whereas you are rather tepid in saying "at least as good".

            I am tepid because Nr1 is usually much better in my head than what I hear on CD! The other movements of no1 sound fantastic on period instruments.

            I've disscussed no2 here before regarding the opening movement, I suggested Beethoven borrowed the theme of the lovely opening section from a Handel concerto (the C minor from op6). PS 6 tracks from Handel's Op3 concertos are to be found at my Handel site now, if anyone's interested.

            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


              Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
              I liked this nearly as much as my L'Archibudelli performance.
              I forgot to respond to this point. Are you refering to the CD of Op70/1 on Sony by Anner Bylsma, Vera Beths and Jos van Immerseel (which like the current disk also has the Archduke)? In some respects this is a superior interpretation to the mp3, but the piano sounds totally muted and fuzzy to my ears on the Sony disk, even more so with the Archduke, whereas it is clear and sharp on the MP3 CD. I blame the Sony producer.

              "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

              [This message has been edited by Rod (edited 03-01-2005).]


                Originally posted by Rod:
                I forgot to respond to this point. Are you refering to the CD of Op70/1 on Sony by Anner Bylsma, Vera Beths and Jos van Immerseel (which like the current disk also has the Archduke)? In some respects this is a superior interpretation to the mp3, but the piano sounds totally muted and fuzzy to my ears on the Sony disk, even more so with the Archduke, whereas it is clear and sharp on the MP3 CD. I blame the Sony producer.

                due to a long disturbance in my area I haven't been able to response to the lovely mp3 you gave us.It's marvellous, both the strings aswell as the pianoforte sound great.and the movement isn't as slow and
                'lazy' as some ppl interpret it....hands up for this piece and this rendition...

                kindest regards,

                [This message has been edited by ruudp (edited 03-08-2005).]


                  Originally posted by Rod:
                  I forgot to respond to this point. Are you refering to the CD of Op70/1 on Sony by Anner Bylsma, Vera Beths and Jos van Immerseel (which like the current disk also has the Archduke)? In some respects this is a superior interpretation to the mp3, but the piano sounds totally muted and fuzzy to my ears on the Sony disk, even more so with the Archduke, whereas it is clear and sharp on the MP3 CD. I blame the Sony producer.

                  I missed this post when it came up, sorry. Yes, that is precisely the disk I was referring to. In whatever incarnation they array themselves, I always get the L'Archibudelli performances, even if I get others. Bylsma is my favorite cellist currently active. I have heard rumors that Vivarte is being phased out by SONY. If true, I will be very disappointed. Have you heard anything? At a guess, 5 of my 10 favorite disks are on Vivarte, so this would be a blow!

                  That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                  That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                    Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:

                    I missed this post when it came up, sorry. Yes, that is precisely the disk I was referring to. In whatever incarnation they array themselves, I always get the L'Archibudelli performances, even if I get others. Bylsma is my favorite cellist currently active. I have heard rumors that Vivarte is being phased out by SONY. If true, I will be very disappointed. Have you heard anything? At a guess, 5 of my 10 favorite disks are on Vivarte, so this would be a blow!

                    I've heard nothing about Vivarte, but do you agree what i wrote about the piano sound in the Sony recording (which i have too)?

                    "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


                      Yes, it is rather muddy, but not excessively so. Perhaps it would be worse if I had a high-end sound system, unfortunate thing is that faults are magnified equally with virtues. Certainly it is not enough to put me off, at least in part because I like Immerseel's playing. But this version you have posted does have nice FP sound.

                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                        From a compositional point of view chamber music is one of my favorite mediums to write in. But with listening it has been a bane for me--but now I listen to this (and some of the other MP3's posted here) and with all the drama inherent I realize I have a lot of listening ahead of me. Thanks, Rod!


                          Originally posted by Sorrano:
                          From a compositional point of view chamber music is one of my favorite mediums to write in. But with listening it has been a bane for me--but now I listen to this (and some of the other MP3's posted here) and with all the drama inherent I realize I have a lot of listening ahead of me. Thanks, Rod!
                          Listening can indeed be a bane when inherently dramatic music like Beethoven's is performed in a manner utterly devoid of drama, as alas it so often is.

                          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

