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two Eroica recordings

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    two Eroica recordings

    I really much prefer Karajan's 1984 recording to Klemperer's from 1955 of the Eroica. Especially 'marcia funebre' is better in Karajan.
    Your opinion?

    Originally posted by Johan:
    I really much prefer Karajan's 1984 recording to Klemperer's from 1955 of the Eroica. Especially 'marcia funebre' is better in Karajan.
    Your opinion?

    I'm not familiar with Karajan's '84 version but the earlier one he did might even be better than that one. I believe it was recorded in the early 60's and can be found in the complete collection of Beethoven's Symphonies.


      YES! I made a thread about that 1963 set (just a few topics down the page at the moment).

      It is so good, especially that second movement. There's that one part that makes you feel like everything's falling apart. You know that really great part maybe 3/4 of the way through or so? And Karajan does it so well.


        Originally posted by cosplusisin:
        YES! I made a thread about that 1963 set (just a few topics down the page at the moment).

        It is so good, especially that second movement. There's that one part that makes you feel like everything's falling apart. You know that really great part maybe 3/4 of the way through or so? And Karajan does it so well.
        YES! I haven't the 1963 but I think he made it likewise in his 1984 recording. And really, it is just the point you mention (I'm quite sure we mean the same!), that makes also for me the difference...the point, where "the grievance goes deeper".


          yeah, the part with the ascending bassline, and the little melody over top with the trill at the end of each bar (or measure - don't really know the correct terminology)

          and then after that it goes back to the main theme (like the beginning of the movement) with a really cool rhythm in the background - 1-2-3 but with only the 2-3 played...

          EDIT: well, it looks like it's more like halfway through, rather than 3/4 like i said before.

          [This message has been edited by cosplusisin (edited 01-25-2005).]


            Jurgen Uhde is strong and clear, I would imagine rather like Beethoven the man himself.

