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    ANNOUNCEMENT: 2/19/2005

    Once again, I apologize for the excessive downtime. This is all from the purchase of my hosting company by another. The server we are on has been badly abused, apparently. Brand new servers have been ordered, fortunately, and we are up for now. You can expect possibly another interruption some time in the next couple of weeks when everything is moved to the new servers. But things should be mostly cleared up for now.


    There may be problems with threads or accounts. If so, please do not make new topics or e-mail me. Post them IN THIS THREAD and I will tend to them right away. If you cannot post, register a new username and post your problem in this thread, and I'll fix your old username.

    Once again, I am very sorry about this, and I assure you that I am commited to keeping this forum up and running smoothly.

    Just checking.
    No need for any apologies, Chris. You're the one saddled with all the repair work. Only for you and Peter we wouldn't have had this website at all.


      Originally posted by Michael:
      Just checking.
      No need for any apologies, Chris. You're the one saddled with all the repair work. Only for you and Peter we wouldn't have had this website at all.
      And so say all of us!

      Beethoven the Man!
      Beethoven the Man!


        I cannot log in my old Rutradelusasa!! :'(.

        btw, nice to have the forum back again , I feel sorry for you, Chris...

        I want my account back!
        I want my account back!


          Please try using your account now, Rut.


            Thanks!! Glad to be back! Glad that the forum is back .

            "Wer ein holdes weib errungen..."
            "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen..."

            "My religion is the one in which Haydn is pope." - by me .

            "Set a course, take it slow, make it happen."

