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Authentic page mp3s - Symphony no.5 Op.67

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    Authentic page mp3s - Symphony no.5 Op.67

    Now available to members at

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

    Originally posted by Peter:
    Now available to members at

    Just reading the info on the recording gives me the urge to go buy the cd. It might take a while to get to the MP3 as I have to move stuff from this computer to another (the audio has been disabled).


      Originally posted by Sorrano:

      Just reading the info on the recording gives me the urge to go buy the cd. It might take a while to get to the MP3 as I have to move stuff from this computer to another (the audio has been disabled).
      In this instance I put that info together, it didn't come from the cd liner. I decided to give the Hanover Band a break since I'll be comming back to them for the next Sympony, so here we have the AAM with Hogwood. A rather boader account here than usual from my experience, but often I've heard it played too quick - B askes for a straight Allegro, not con brio or something quicker. Pretty frightening sound too when the brass and drums kick in, as i like.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        I agree with you Rod, that's what I like about the AAM and Hogwood, he lets the horns and timpani blow you away. I find (in sound terms) his ninth the most impressive of all, even though I like Gardiner's strings better, Hogwood's horns are just too massive, AND he does take the recitativo instruction for the basses as a recitativo.
        I'm now on a crusade to find The Creation with him, I already have Gardiner's (superb, marvellous) but Hogwood's is MASSIVE, brilliant, great. Imagine, double orchestra!
        Can anyone help me with this?

        "Wer ein holdes weib errungen..."

        [This message has been edited by Rutradelusasa (edited 01-13-2005).]
        "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen..."

        "My religion is the one in which Haydn is pope." - by me .

        "Set a course, take it slow, make it happen."


          Originally posted by Rutradelusasa:
          I agree with you Rod, that's what I like about the AAM and Hogwood, he lets the horns and timpani blow you away. I find (in sound terms) his ninth the most impressive of all, even though I like Gardiner's strings better, Hogwood's horns are just too massive, AND he does take the recitativo instruction for the basses as a recitativo.
          I'm now on a crusade to find The Creation with him, I already have Gardiner's (superb, marvellous) but Hogwood's is MASSIVE, brilliant, great. Imagine, double orchestra!
          Can anyone help me with this?

          I have lost Gardiner's set to my now ex-gf. I also have Hogwood's and Norrington's But the set i play the most is the earliest, by the Hanover Band. I do have issues with the recording balance in the Hogwood set, there is little bass sound to 'weigh the performance down' relative to the upper strings and brass, but Hogwood's direction is typically 'square' to my mind, i prefer a little more dynamism. Out of all these there is not a 5th i can wholely recommend.

          "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


            Thanks for bringing this performance back to mind. I pulled it out and played it today! I have the Gardiner, Hogwood, Hanover and Harnoncourt cycles too, and while it is not my way to make comparisons, I will say that this Hogwood 5th in one of the tops, IMHO.

            That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
            That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


              What can one say about the fifth? It's tremendous, it's a masterpiece, it sends chills up my spine whenever I hear it! What a sense of triumph, such power! And the transition from the third movement to the fourth, well, brilliant! I have to agree that this recording is one of the tops with me too! Thanks for getting me going on this cold, cloudy morning!

              Can't wait for the performance I will be attending of the master's 5th next month! Looking so forward to it!!

              'Truth and beauty joined'

              [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 01-14-2005).]

              [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 01-14-2005).]
              'Truth and beauty joined'


                I must echo Joy's sentiments,this is the Beethoven Symphony I'm most familiar with,no wonder it is so often played ,it so grand and joyous.Very interesting to read others comments ,I always learn something new.
                "Finis coronat opus "

