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Beethoven's Most Beautiful Work

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    Originally posted by laura Childers:
    I love the mellow, languid, yet beautiful works on the piano.
    I'd recommend :
    First movement of the "moonlight" sonata op.14-2
    Second movement of the "pathetique" sonata op.13
    Second movement of piano sonata no.7 op.10-3


      Originally posted by Tony John Hearne:
      For me 'Grosse Fugue' Sheer limitless power and an inspiration for decades of budding jazz performers

      It is a wonderful piece, but I don't think beautiful is the word to describe it!

      'Man know thyself'
      'Man know thyself'


        Originally posted by Peter:
        It is a wonderful piece, but I don't think beautiful is the word to describe it!

        Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

        "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


          The "Eroica" symphony is my favorite, and the most beautiful, too. The "Hammerklavier", the 27th piano sonata, op.90, and the third piano concerto are also wonderful, though.


            Another wonderful work that should be classified as beautiful is the Choral Fantasy. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned it yet.


              Originally posted by Tegan:
              The "Eroica" symphony is my favorite, and the most beautiful, too. The "Hammerklavier", the 27th piano sonata, op.90, and the third piano concerto are also wonderful, though.
              Tegan brings up a good point; the adagio to the Hammerklavier may be B's most profound msusical statement- both personally and spiritually.

              v russo
              v russo


                Originally posted by v russo:
                Jazz died in the 70's didn't it?

                v russo

                Last week, you surprised me with saying "The STONES rule~!" and now this statement.
                Not I would be disturbed about, nevertheless I hope, you're not right...

                Than I would add the 'Violinromanzen' Op.40+50. Two lovely works of B., though he named them himself as 'Schofel'. (I guess this means 'very simple piece')

                [This message has been edited by Pastorali (edited March 23, 2004).]


                  Originally posted by Pastorali:
                  v russo

                  Last week, you surprised me with saying "The STONES rule~!" and now this statement.
                  Not I would be disturbed about, nevertheless I hope, you're not right...

                  Than I would add the 'Violinromanzen' Op.40+50. Two lovely works of B., though he named them himself as 'Schofel'. (I guess this means 'very simple piece')

                  [This message has been edited by Pastorali (edited March 23, 2004).]
                  I actually LOVE Jazz very much, but the lifeline of Jazz ended (to me) after Ornette Coleman or maybe Miles fusion period. I really have not heard anything new since then. There is alot of retro stuff around, and alot of pop-jazz-world music-new age- easy listening fusion which I do not call Jazz at all....


                  but what do I know, I am like Jung said in "Modern Man in Search of a Soul"
                  ....."Just one man looking out in my own corner of the world"

                  hey, the STONES do rule!!

                  v russo

                  [This message has been edited by v russo (edited March 23, 2004).]
                  v russo


                    Beethoven, unlike many romantic composers, rarely let beauty stand without contesting it.


                      9th Symphony just rules!!! For me is the most perfect and beautiful work from Beethoven...


                        To me, the most beatiful work ever written (ever), is the Canzona di ringraziamento from the Opus132


                          i find the second movement of his 4th symphony so sublime (may i hasten to add that i think every piece of music of the great man was inspired by geius).


                            Here's one: the 2nd movement of the Appasionata. The entire thing is wonderful but you're looking for something mellow. And lately, I've been listening to the second movment of the Tempest.


                              Originally posted by beetlover:
                              Here's one: the 2nd movement of the Appasionata.
                              I was just thinking about that one myself.


                                I love the 2nd movement of the Triple Concerto. Absolutely beautiful.....

