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Giving Thanks

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    Giving Thanks

    I would like to share a piece of my life with all my friends in music.
    Yesterday I received a letter from a very close friend who, along with his wife , are classical music lovers. In the letter he wishes my family and I a Happy Thanksgiving
    and goes on to write, "I read a quote the other day and two thoughts ran through my mind;
    1) That you would be able to appreciate the truth of the statment and
    2) That it reminds me of our musical discussions (... you communicate with others who, like you, are making the same discovery.")

    "When you listen to music, to very beautiful music which reduces you to a state of silence, you stop listening to yourself. You listen to the music as to a presence, you lose yourself in this beauty coming at you, and you communicate with others who, like you, are making the same discovery. You feel that your secret is respected. Each one hears it in the inner secret of his heart and in his own way, and that amounts to visiting the deepest recesses of one's heart."
    Maurice Zundel

    This quote and these feelings about classical music come from a man whose family in the past few years has had enormous medical problems that would have forced most of us to fall into a state of seclusion and dispair. I have nothing but heart felt admiration and love for this family . I am also very happy that I am able to share with them my feelings and my resources when it comes to classical music.
    Music, classical in particular, is a strong medicine. It truly does bring comfort and hope.

    Indeed! A friend of mine who, also, has experienced some medical issues tells me the only way that he can endure the pain is by listening to good music--Rachmaninoff is his greatest medicine.


      Nicely put Stephen. Beethoven and his music has uplifted me in some difficult moments to be sure. "Music has charm to sooth...."

      'Truth and beauty joined'
      'Truth and beauty joined'

