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    Originally posted by ruudp:
    perhaps easying on the sarcasm would help too lower the anger brought forth by such differences of ic as peter warlock stated on this site good OUTSIDE of its period is good because it hits you in more than one way..because it has an impact on you...I do not find mozart shallow although lots of haydns music does sound rather boring..shallow and empty too me..I do not wish too limit myself too one period only and will try out music of all kinds..and I'm still learning every single day..from the day that someone on this board recommended mendellsohns scottish symphony to me till the day someone told me about the film music of robin hood...I never cease too amaze myself how much good *and offcourse sometimes bad* music there is on this planet..wether it be strauss also sprach zarustra or clementi's sonatinas op.36...

    best regards,


    Right now it's the midified version once more of liszt's transcription of rossini's ouverture too guillaime tell

    thats it Ruud, keep those boundaries e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g...


    John Coltrane: Vigil.

    v russo
    v russo


      The morning begins with a couple of new pieces for me.
      Swedish composer - WILHELM STENHAMMAR Symphony no.2 G minor,
      Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra/Paavo Jarvi.

      PETAR YANEV: Rhythms in Re , Eolina Quartet.
      Petar Yanev, (bagpipes)
      Nikolay Koev (flute)
      Stefan Trayanov (piano)
      Vessela Jeleva (harp)

      Back to my sweet, lovely BEETHOVEN:
      Sonata no.8, 0p. 13. 'Pathetique' .
      Geoffrey Lancaster, (fortepiano)

      HAYDN: Symphony No. 102, Bb,
      Danish National Radio Symphony Orchestra.

      What a gem from Papa! I love it -

      ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~
      ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


        Today Dvorak's From the New World Symphony and Serenade for string instruments op. 23, and Beethoven's 9th symphony.

        Both are the first symphonies I listen (carefully) in perhaps 2 years since I have been focused on listening pieces for less than quintets (with exception of some concertos) and I'm stunned. It's amazing how one can rediscover one piece and how it can affect to you -particularly those monumental symphonies- after quite a long time in which your "ear" has get used to a different musical orientation.


          Ah, some of my favorite Vivaldi. Boy, I would love to have that Manze disk, and the late Iona Brown is no slouch either!

          Coltrane! I love Coltrane! Now, there is some modern music I can take Well, semi-modern anyway. What did you think of my Tubin expedition? He is really quite listenable, as you know that is a major concession for me!

          Yet again! Is that Lancaster/Pathetique one of yours or the radio? Did you think he was as good as the Badura-Skoda or Tan that Rod played for us?

          Quite an array of 9th's! And a nice serenade to boot. I went through similar a couple of years ago, I didn't listen to anything orchestral for 2 or 3 years while I discovered chamber music, then when I went back to it I had a whole different appreciation for it. Still prefer chamber music, but certain orchestral works really move me now in a way they didn't used to.

          For me now, it is Symphony in Bb - #85 - "La Reine" - Josef Haydn - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment / Kuijken - The lovely Paris Symphony #4. I honestly like these set of 6 better than the 12 London's, I think they represent the essential Haydn, before he made it to the top of what was then the world stage. All the drama and interest, but still compact in form. Super!

          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


            Music of Hummel this morning. This is a disc I just purchased. It is a compilation of solo piano works. A Rondo op.11, Caprice op.49, Variations on a Theme from Gluck's 'Armide' op.57, La contemplazione: Una fantasia piccola op.107 No.3, Rondo all'Ungherese op.107 No.6, La bella capricciosa: Polonaise op.55 and finally his Sonata op.13. The works are performed by Howard Shelley who has been recording a catalog of music by Hummel. The performance is very polished. Next week the release of Hummel's Violin concerto will have me rushing to the record store. In some ways I think Hummel was the first really true romantic composer.


              Oh, I quite agree with that. I think that there was a "fork in the road" at the turn of the century, and Hummel was one of the first to reach it and take that path, while simultaneously Beethoven reached it and took the other. Previously B was a little more of a precursor to the Romantics than he was later. Others on Hummel's path were Weber and Spohr, I think, and a little later Schubert started down there too, only to revert to Classicism at the end, just like B did. I really like Hummel, he has many of the outre harmonic elements of early romanticism, and yet some of the recognizable structure of late classicism. Very nice!

              For me, it is the late Romantic sound of the steppes of Central Asia, Mikhail Ivanov-Ippolitov - Caucasian Sketches. Nice music!

              That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
              That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                Sinfonias by CPE Bach .
                But last night we were playing Betty Carter
                and Billy Holiday.
                "Finis coronat opus "


                  Originally posted by spaceray:
                  Sinfonias by CPE Bach .
                  But last night we were playing Betty Carter
                  and Billy Holiday.

                  the only piece I know by him is the solfiegetto..Today it's been:
                  schuberts nr.8 the unfinished,
                  Rachmaninofs pianoconcerto nr.2 in C minor op.18 performed by National Symphony orchestra of the Ukraine and Klara würtz,
                  And the 2 polonaises op.40 Chopin in A major and C minor performed by Folke nauta...Nice day I'd say..Also I've improvised a lullaby/barcarolle today in C major for a schoolmate of mine and performed some etudes by burgmuller and the wals in a minor by chopin Brown index...

                  Music is like Blood...vital too ones well-being


                    Dear Beethovenians,
                    I find it good, here, to simply let you know that I for some time (up until yesterday) have been totally unable to use my computer(!). Only naturally, I'm curious to what you all have been up to, and pleased to see you are all doing well.
                    I certainly am (even though I missed out on Rod's recent mp3s ) because I've been fortunate in uncover many a Haydn symphony from listening intensely on my radio:
                    Nos.39,83,94,97 - 88! a.o. All really great, I tell you. Hope to hear also Nos.45, 49 & 99! They are said to be super!
                    Short of time these days - Though Happy= to be back, I won't return to this lovely site before Week-End. --- --- Take care! / G.


                      Don't know Betty Carter's music, awfully partial to Billie Holiday's though! Girl could sing! I have some CPE Bach sinfonias, which are those you have? I think mine are Op 183, very nice.

                      Nice day of listening! I tried to answer your post the other day, and when I posted it the board lost it, and I didn't want to type it all again, being the lazy sort But yes, vacation was very nice, although it feels like winter to me. So it goes. Talk to you later

                      I was wondering where you disappeared to, bad thing with your computer. Anyway, welcome back, talk to you this weekend.

                      For me, it is the Symphony in Eb - #4 - "Romantic" - Anton Bruckner - and it lives up to his name. This is my favorite Bruckner so far, it is very nice, and a lot of interest. You should try it!

                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                        Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
                        Good morning all,
                        Oooohh.. a week away from work leaves an unbelievable pile on your desk at return!

                        Hello to all! I know what you mean Gurn, that's the problem I seem to be having this week! Lots of catching up to do! Maybe it's easier to just stay at work and not take a vacation, NOT! Anyway, it seems like everyone was pretty busy here on this thread while I was gone. Maybe I can get back into it. While on vacation I listened to a lot of grand music but upon returning the radio did not disappoint me. Today it was
                        Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 in E-Flat Op 73 Conducted by Hans Vonk and the Staatskapelle Dresden with Christian Zacharias, piano. Also his NameDay overture
                        and Symphony #1. Splendid!

                        'Truth and beauty joined'
                        'Truth and beauty joined'


                          Originally posted by ruudp:

                          the only piece I know by him is the solfiegetto..Today it's been:
                          schuberts nr.8 the unfinished,
                          Rachmaninofs pianoconcerto nr.2 in C minor op.18 performed by National Symphony orchestra of the Ukraine and Klara würtz,
                          And the 2 polonaises op.40 Chopin in A major and C minor performed by Folke nauta...Nice day I'd say..Also I've improvised a lullaby/barcarolle today in C major for a schoolmate of mine and performed some etudes by burgmuller and the wals in a minor by chopin Brown index...

                          Ruudp, very nice music listening today, Schubert's 8th, wonderful, especially the second movement. Rach's Piano Concerto #2 my favourite of his. Again the second movement is beautiful. I must like those second movements. And you can't go wrong with Chopin, very nice. Later for me it'll be more of the master. An Overture perhaps?!

                          'Truth and beauty joined'
                          'Truth and beauty joined'


                            Right now the Arriage String Quartets found their end and now a bit Mozart - Ballet Music from Idomeneo KV.366


                              Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
                              Don't know Betty Carter's music, awfully partial to Billie Holiday's though! Girl could sing! I have some CPE Bach sinfonias, which are those you have? I think mine are Op 183, very nice.
                              Yes Gurn, op 183, have you ever listened to CPE's cello sonatas?

                              Betty was a great singer and I especially love her early work,later on she got a bit too experimental and loose .I'm more of a
                              be-bop and swing fan.Real modern jazz sounds like Elliot Carter to my unsophisticated ears.

                              Not listening to music at this moment but have just enjoyed Canada's win at the World Cup of Hockey!
                              "Finis coronat opus "


                                Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
                                Ah, some of my favorite Vivaldi. Boy, I would love to have that Manze disk, and the late Iona Brown is no slouch either!

                                Coltrane! I love Coltrane! Now, there is some modern music I can take Well, semi-modern anyway. What did you think of my Tubin expedition? He is really quite listenable, as you know that is a major concession for me!

                                Yet again! Is that Lancaster/Pathetique one of yours or the radio? Did you think he was as good as the Badura-Skoda or Tan that Rod played for us?

                                Quite an array of 9th's! And a nice serenade to boot. I went through similar a couple of years ago, I didn't listen to anything orchestral for 2 or 3 years while I discovered chamber music, then when I went back to it I had a whole different appreciation for it. Still prefer chamber music, but certain orchestral works really move me now in a way they didn't used to.

                                For me now, it is Symphony in Bb - #85 - "La Reine" - Josef Haydn - Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment / Kuijken - The lovely Paris Symphony #4. I honestly like these set of 6 better than the 12 London's, I think they represent the essential Haydn, before he made it to the top of what was then the world stage. All the drama and interest, but still compact in form. Super!

                                Dear Gurn,
                                It was very sad to hear of the passing of Iona Brown this year, another brilliant musican and I often feel was never fully appreciated.
                                I do have a Vivaldi CD that I am certain you would love, it is Vivaldi's Concertos for the Emperor, performed by the exquisite
                                English Concert with Andrew Manze.
                                He seems to be going from strength to strength, he and his ensemble are getting more and more air play on BBC radio 3, as I think I mentioned before, he has the most brilliant lead first violinist Rachel Podger and hearing both play together at a recent Proms concert was nothing short of awe inspiring!

                                I wasn't aware that Burt Lancaster played the fortepiano! I only associate him with Hollywood tough guy roles! ...sorry Gurn, just pulling your leg.
                                Actually that was my first hearing of Geoffrey Lancaster, which was fine, though
                                I do quite like Melvyn Tan on fortepiano.

                                I have been listening to (CD) Vivaldi's
                                Sacred Music - 10
                                Nisi Donimus
                                Ostro picta
                                Performed by Choir of The Kings Consort/The Kings consort.
                                Cond. Robert King

                                ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~
                                ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~

