Originally posted by ruudp:
perhaps easying on the sarcasm would help too lower the anger brought forth by such differences of opinion..music ic as peter warlock stated on this site good OUTSIDE of its period boundaries..music is good because it hits you in more than one way..because it has an impact on you...I do not find mozart shallow although lots of haydns music does sound rather boring..shallow and empty too me..I do not wish too limit myself too one period only and will try out music of all kinds..and I'm still learning every single day..from the day that someone on this board recommended mendellsohns scottish symphony to me till the day someone told me about the film music of robin hood...I never cease too amaze myself how much good *and offcourse sometimes bad* music there is on this planet..wether it be strauss also sprach zarustra or clementi's sonatinas op.36...
best regards,
Right now it's the midified version once more of liszt's transcription of rossini's ouverture too guillaime tell
perhaps easying on the sarcasm would help too lower the anger brought forth by such differences of opinion..music ic as peter warlock stated on this site good OUTSIDE of its period boundaries..music is good because it hits you in more than one way..because it has an impact on you...I do not find mozart shallow although lots of haydns music does sound rather boring..shallow and empty too me..I do not wish too limit myself too one period only and will try out music of all kinds..and I'm still learning every single day..from the day that someone on this board recommended mendellsohns scottish symphony to me till the day someone told me about the film music of robin hood...I never cease too amaze myself how much good *and offcourse sometimes bad* music there is on this planet..wether it be strauss also sprach zarustra or clementi's sonatinas op.36...
best regards,
Right now it's the midified version once more of liszt's transcription of rossini's ouverture too guillaime tell
John Coltrane: Vigil.
v russo