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time to listen music carefully and focused on it

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    time to listen music carefully and focused on it

    OK there's something I want to share with all of you: Sometimes (quite often) I feel quite frustrated because simply I don't have enought time to sit down, push play and just listen to music, follow it, trace the melodies, go back and forward to relisten parts that touched me, compare different interpretations if I have them... One of my greatest pleasures. But work + girlfriend + friends + doctorate = music often sacrificed.

    So, perhaps 80% of the music I daily listen to, I listen at the office, so I can't really concentrate on it (well, at lest I shouldn't, but...), and maybe I've just listened 50% or so of the classical music records I own (and keep buying).

    Do you feel the same, newliy found music lovers?

    Originally posted by atserriotserri:
    OK there's something I want to share with all of you: Sometimes (quite often) I feel quite frustrated because simply I don't have enought time to sit down, push play and just listen to music, follow it, trace the melodies, go back and forward to relisten parts that touched me, compare different interpretations if I have them... One of my greatest pleasures. But work + girlfriend + friends + doctorate = music often sacrificed.

    So, perhaps 80% of the music I daily listen to, I listen at the office, so I can't really concentrate on it (well, at lest I shouldn't, but...), and maybe I've just listened 50% or so of the classical music records I own (and keep buying).

    Do you feel the same, newliy found music lovers?
    I feel this way also. And for me this is made worse by the ease of the CD. I have them everywhere: in the house stereos; in the car stuffed into various flaps and pockets; in the CD walkman; in the computer, etc. I can't keep track of them all, and am always missing a disc, an act of an opera, the new symphony I have just bought. So I not only not listen to what I have bought, but don't even know where it is sometimes. At least with LPs, they were big enough that one usually knew where they were.
    See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


      The only time i have to listen is on my Walkman going to and from work (or the bar after work!). Longer pieces of music may take 3 or 4 days to complete a hearing!

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        Years ago that was also my plight. I now set time aside, because being retired I have the time to sit and enjoy a couple of hours of music when I want to. When listening to music I have no distractions like reading, TV, telephone etc. It is really like being at a concert and it's almost every bit as enjoyable. What we don't seem to do today is to make time for that which we enjoy but if you give yourself at least a few hours a week, without any reservations, you will be well rewarded. I only wish I had done this a long time ago, but I guess it's never to late. Buy the way I do listen to CD's in my car and there are plenty of distractions but at list it's beter than not listening.


          Originally posted by atserriotserri:
          OK there's something I want to share with all of you: Sometimes (quite often) I feel quite frustrated because simply I don't have enought time to sit down, push play and just listen to music, follow it, trace the melodies, go back and forward to relisten parts that touched me, compare different interpretations if I have them... One of my greatest pleasures. But work + girlfriend + friends + doctorate = music often sacrificed.

          So, perhaps 80% of the music I daily listen to, I listen at the office, so I can't really concentrate on it (well, at lest I shouldn't, but...), and maybe I've just listened 50% or so of the classical music records I own (and keep buying).

          Do you feel the same, newliy found music lovers?
          Gosh..listening to you and all reactions I kind off feel guilty towards ya..I am a student and have got a the time in the woirld I listened to the complete beethoven symphonies cycle last weekend and can listen too a complete sonata or symhpony If I want to once a day atleast..


          Music is like Blood...vital too ones well-being


            Originally posted by ruudp:
            Gosh..listening to you and all reactions I kind off feel guilty towards ya..I am a student and have got a the time in the woirld I listened to the complete beethoven symphonies cycle last weekend and can listen too a complete sonata or symhpony If I want to once a day atleast..


            Enjoy that time you have and make the most of it! I used to listen to lots of music when I was studying at the university. Now I will try and make time on the weekend to listen to things, but I find I have a restless spirit and I have to always be doing something with my hands--even while listening. But at least I am listening more than what I used to.


              I'm always listening to classical music,I can't stand TV and use the evening hours to listen and to read. I babysit my year old grandaughter 3 days a week and we are big chamber music fans . We are now enjoying some Serenades by Mozarts and the Complete Beethoven V&P sonata's.I enjoy the Classical Music programs on the radio as well ,that is where I discover new things to listen to.
              "Finis coronat opus "


                Originally posted by ruudp:
                Gosh..listening to you and all reactions I kind off feel guilty towards ya..I am a student and have got a the time in the woirld I listened to the complete beethoven symphonies cycle last weekend and can listen too a complete sonata or symhpony If I want to once a day atleast..


                I always studied listening to music, and actually I work that way too, but those things are different that "paying attention" to the music. Please, don't feel guilty, I couldn't live with that
                If you like music, you'll listen to it all your life, more or less time, but you'll always do. But tempus fugit, so one without noticing it, put his preferences in order, and after some years, rearrange these preferences depending on time left, curiosity... Or "need", sometimes all I need is to listen to music.


                  I wish I had more time to listen to music but I try to squeeze it in any way I can. I do have the classical radio station on most of the day and hear some marvelous music and programs talking about composers and their music. Also I try to set aside time to listen to my own collection as much as I can which I enjoy completely.

                  Stephen, lucky you for having more time to listen, retirement sounds wonderful!

                  Muriel, keep up the good work with your grandchild. It will surely do her good one day listening to classical music a few times a week you can bet on it!

                  'Truth and beauty joined'

                  [This message has been edited by Joy (edited 09-01-2004).]
                  'Truth and beauty joined'


                    Well... I'm also a student who have al the time in the world to listen music, but i have a diferente problem: I dont have enough money to buy all the cd's I want to listen. Here in Mexico, classical music is not so popular... is not popular, and its prizes are a little expensive for someone like me. I have just complete Beethoven's sonatas with Alfrend Brendel, and I have listen to all of them at least twice... If I have the money to buy music, I probably listen to my cds all the free time I have, its not so much, but its enough.


                      Thanks all of you for your contribution:

                      Chaszz: I've lost ALL my tapes (travels, moving from my parents' home and after moving to another house, borrowing to friends, car....), I had to discipline myself to avoid that with my cds and even then, there are some missing.

                      Rod: I know what you mean, luckily the last year got promoted and have my own office so I can listen music most of time.

                      H.M. Stephen: You make retirement very tempting Agree 100% with the fact that we don't reserve some hours regularly to do what we like; guess sometimes one have some duties to fulfill (look at your girlfriend's face to go wherever... and cds are back on the shelf).

                      Spaceray: Priceless babysitting of yours! If a child ear gets used to listening classical music may develop an amazing sensibility, and even more, capacitiy of analisys.

                      Joy: My problem with radio is that listening to radio may open new fronts for me. I have limited myself, so I try to don't even look at symphonies nor opera or vocal works, it's unbearable for me.

                      Ellery: I'm very familiar with those budgetary issues. Here in Barcelona, Spain, there's a shop that became quite famous because the major rcord companies subsidiaries in Spain attempted to close it because they import already all cds so it's the cheapest shop in Barcelona and perhaps in Spain. There are many good record shops here, but when you see the difference of prices... I can't resist.

