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    [QUOTE]Originally posted by Joy:
    [B]Muriel, yes, Haydn was quite brillant.

    Amalie, some wonderful selections. Enjoy your day off. Those are far and few between.

    Today has been unbelievably beautiful weatherwise, I am still wilting from the heat. Not a cloud in the sky, I guess this is what a decent summer should be like.
    Yes, Mozart's opera Die Zauberflote is quite wonderful, and I am looking forward to going to another performance later in the year! I especially loved the beautuful tender and comic duet between Papageno and Papagena, the simple beauty of this scene made me blub! > A most memorable evening indeed!
    Have you been to a perfomance Joy / Muriel? tell me what you thought of the performance.

    To continue the theme of Mozart I am listing to his Lovely Flute Quartet no. 1 K285.
    Dae-Won Kim (Flute)
    Yong-Woo chun (violin)
    M Yung-Hee Cho (viola)
    Jink-Yung Chee (Cello)

    Mozart's: Mitridate re di Ponto, K87.

    Also, Beethoven's miraculously divine Lento assai, cantante e tranquillo, from his Late Quartet 0p. 135.. I get stuck on this piece after listening to the whole work. Blissful!

    ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~

    [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited 08-06-2004).]
    ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


      Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
      Well, I am at best circumspect, no? I don't quite know what she called me, there were so many things, but at least one of them involved radial symmetry and musculature None of it was true though, I am a Prince

      Oh, do let us know how that Haydn 35 turns out, I am curious about that one as I haven't heard it yet.

      Oh, Gurn, I have no doubt that you are a prince but having worked with defense attorneys as one of my first jobs I learned a long time ago to not totally take either side in a divorce case. We did have to be tactful and fair.
      About that Hadyn, I regret to say I had to miss it as it was played this morning via radio and I was at work alas but I looked it up and here are the players Symphony No. 35 in B-Flat Conductor Nicholas Ward and the Northern Chamber Orchestra. I shall have to wait until the next time they play it to listen I'm afraid.

      'Truth and beauty joined'
      'Truth and beauty joined'


        Originally posted by Amalie:

        Mozart's opera Die Zauberflote.
        Have you been to a perfomance Joy / Muriel? tell me what you thought of the performance.

        Also, Beethoven's miraculously divine Lento assai, cantante e tranquillo, from his Late Quartet 0p. 135.. I get stuck on this piece after listening to the whole work. Blissful!

        Wonderful listening Amalie, glad you're enjoying your day off! If you're talking about my attending a perofrmance of the Mozart's opera that you mentioned above, I'm afraid I have not. Maybe Muriel has.

        'Truth and beauty joined'
        'Truth and beauty joined'


          Oh, it was not totally undeserved, just mostly! And she wasn't as circumspect as I am...
          Pity you missed the 35th. Given the performers, I would estimate that it is a Naxos disk. I have a couple of others in teat cycle, and they are very good renditions. Well, it'll be back next year. Note that they can play 2 a week and take a whole year without a repeat!

          Do enjoy, I am jealous, this is an actual performance after all, not just a CD. You shall be the Queen of the Night in your dreams for the next month!

          For me, it is the Sonata in a minor for Violin Solo - B:23 - Giuseppi Tartini - Andrew Manze on the violin. Magnifico!

          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


            I did see the Magic Flute here in Victoria
            about 20 years ago.What's not to like about Mozart's music ,it's wonderful.
            The sets and costumes done by a local artist
            on a shoe string budget left a lot to be desired. She dressed everyone in burlap and
            silk flowers .The production could have used a little Vera Wang.
            But singing by local, young ,up and coming opera stars,was divine ,they imported a Queen of the Night whose glimmering high notes raised the roof.
            "Finis coronat opus "


              I'm just a short time before my Mac, but honestly it's breathtaking

              After a long day, it's defenitely time to lean back. That goes well while I'm listening to B's S tring Quartet Op.130 played by Gewandhaus-Quartett
              And then 'Grosse Fuge' Op.133


              I had last week a bit Janacek on radio, also the 'Kreutzer Sonata' and found it exciting.


                Well, the day is now not far off when I shall actually listen to that opera on purpose. I know I shall enjoy it, even with the singing, because I have heard much of the music from it in different arrangements and it is all lovely. Do you think that it is inspiring or intimidating when an opera company brings in a star to perform with the youngsters? Just curious.

                Ah, the MAC! Nice speakers, good power, time to give the old Apple IIe the boot, eh? Well, you certaikly picked some good music to get started on!

                For me, it is the Symphony in F major - #5 - Op 76 - Antonin Dvorak. Do you often wonder, as I do, how it happened that i listened to #6 last night, it was Op 60, and now #5 is Op 76 Some ploy on the part of the publisher, no doubt. Anything to confuse me, not that this is much of a challenge.

                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                  At this time of day a group of Vivadi Oboe concertos. How is it that this composer from the baroque period was hidden away for such a long period of time. It's been said that we may never have had the pleasure of listening not only to Vivaldi but many other composers if it were not for the advent of the LP. I believe this to be true.


                    Antonio Salieri overtures which include:

                    La Secchia Rapita
                    Les Danaides
                    Palmira Regina di Persia
                    La Fiera di Venezia
                    Axur re d'Ormus
                    La Grotta di Trofonio
                    Overture in re magg.
                    Europa Riconosciuta
                    Variazioni sulla Follia di Spagna



                      The Sun King, Louis the X1V's composer, RAMEAU: Triosleme Concert, 'Les Talens Lyriques, / Rousset.
                      What must it have been like to have been present to see one of Rameaus spectacular evening concerts for the King,
                      in the summer held in the fabulous grounds of say, Versailles! Sumptous!
                      Surely for any music and drama lover, it must have been the very acme of enjoyment.

                      MOZART: String Quartet, 'The Hunt' Bb, K458,
                      Orford String Quartet.

                      DVORAK: Lovely miniautures (Drobnosti),
                      for two violins nd vioila, (0p. 75a)

                      I know Gurn will love these bagatelles!

                      ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~

                      [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited 08-14-2004).]
                      ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                        Some Italian Songs a capella by Beethoven (WoO's), great stuff!!!


                          I know that is true, but it also beyond my understanding. And he presents a whole different aspect of Baroque, since his works offer very little similarity to the heavily counterpointed ones of the Great Bach. I know some people manage it, but for me, it is hard to dislike Vivaldi!

                          Welcome back! And you bring us such a nice list of rarities too! I think you are the only person I kow that can just whip out a list of Salieri to listen to!

                          Good morning! Tell me, is that the famous "Music of the Sun King" CD that has caused so much trouble for Hyperion here lately? I read that story with sadness, since it looks as though one man's greed is going to cause a very nice label to go under. As to the music, what I have heard is indeed nice, although any mental images I can summon up now of Versailles are inevitably tainted by the great Mel Brooks' "History of the World". "Ah, it's good to be the King..."
                          You're right, the lovely Drobnosti. I listened to them last night in both the string trio and Violin & Piano formats, equally lovely! Some day when I am inclined to type, i shall ive you the background on these, Dvorak really was an amazing chap!

                          My experience of Italian songs sung a capella is on street corners in New York, and they gave rise to the pop phenomenon known as "doo wop". I didn't know B was involved in that in any way though

                          For me, it is the Trio in e minor for Piano & Strings - #4 - Op 90 - Antonin Dvorak - Beaux Arts Trio. Splendid.

                          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                            I know nothing about "doo wop" but my beloved 'Nei campi e nelle selve' WoO 99/7b (In the fields and the forests) handels of the 'Libero Pastorello', now I guess, this is me in the Central Park with a big ghetto blaster

                            Apple IIe K.561!

                            Now enjoying Beethoven, String Quartets Op.95 and 132. Song of thanksgiving... feeling new strength... me too!


                              Good listening for everybody as usual on this bright and sunny Saturday morning.
                              Stephen, Vivaldi is one of my favourties of the Baroque era. Such uplifting music. Wonderful!
                              Space, Mozart's Magic Flute, sounds wonderful. Forget the fashion statement. I bet the music was grand!
                              Last night I heard via radio Beethoven's Egmont Overture and the story goes that "Beethoven didn't get his Egmont Overture finished in time for the first performance. Or the second... or the third. Finally, he finished in time for the fourth performance of the Goethe play, on June 15, 1810." It was performed by the Saarbrucken Radio Symphony.
                              Excellent recording. Later on today it will be Haydn's Symphony #104 "London" Gurn??
                              and Beethoven's Overture to the Creatures of Prometheus" Gurn again, another rarity.

                              'Truth and beauty joined'
                              'Truth and beauty joined'


                                Originally posted by spaceray:
                                I did see the Magic Flute here in Victoria
                                about 20 years ago.What's not to like about Mozart's music ,it's wonderful.
                                The sets and costumes done by a local artist
                                on a shoe string budget left a lot to be desired. She dressed everyone in burlap and
                                silk flowers .The production could have used a little Vera Wang.
                                But singing by local, young ,up and coming opera stars,was divine ,they imported a Queen of the Night whose glimmering high notes raised the roof.
                                I was also as fortunate as to have been to a full production of Die Zauberflote here in Namibia about 8 years ago. It was amazing! Artists from South Africa, Germany and from local performed. I absolutely loved it! That was the first Mozart opera I saw.

                                I totally agree, can't go wrong with Mozart. Today I listened to Beethoven piano sonatas: Moonlight, Pathetique and Appasionata played on Naxos by Jeno Jando. I think he plays Appasionata really good on this one.

