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    good evening ya'all,
    I've been away for a week and didn't had much access to the internet.I've been in the czech republic, Boy were you right Gurn..The lovely quaint town where we were whas BOOMING with music.I've been at 2 concerts in the week we where there..Firstly I went to the opera Faust by gounod..It was the 1st time in my life I've EVER been to a opera..although I've got der zauberflöte on a CD I've never been to a REAL LIFE opera before..It was just GREAT...I can't think of a other word altough the music sometimes seemed a little bit uninspired the whole was great..*the uninspiridness may be caused by the fact that there was NO break it was 2 hours and 15 minutes of CONSTANT music...a bit harsh for a novice like me*..The second has been a pianorecital in a local hotel on which the pianist played:Beethoven sonata in A flat major op.26, Chopin Scherzo op.30 in C sharp minor, Etude op.25 in F minor,Etude op.10 nr.4 in C sharp minor.A piece by janacek a czech composer AND the paganini variations by Brahms...It was a MARVELLOUS performance and the whole was played on a petrof Grand piano..I never heard a pertrof before..After the concert *the advert pianist I am* I snuk after the pianist waited till everybody was gone, made a little chat with the man and asked him if I could play the piano JUST for a little while..Too my amazement he let me..I played one piece I'm currently writing down myself a Ballad in F Major..I was never soo thrilled before in my life..Some people actually came back and applauded for me ..
    The holiday for the rest was great aswell.
    I'm just curious wether some of you have been on a holiday aswell recently and where you've been and what you've done...If that's okay with the moderators that is....

    Best regards,