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    Dear members,
    I would like to suggest a film I saw last night at the cinema quite by accident.
    Please dont let the title put you off as it did me at first.
    It dealt with quatum mechanics and your perspective of reality,as it answered and provided quite alot of stimulation of thought.
    Such as, possiblitys of thought/music and truth are LAWS to be dealt with. How most of our thinking is/becomes ingrained neural pathways that are reinforced by chemical stimulation via 'celluar'receptors that become 'addicted' the to same stimulus over and over again.
    Such as negative behavior of Anger, self-doubt etc which then become a cycle that is hard but not impossible to break.
    Perspective of the material world, and how it blocks 'the creative(creator) force, how one become a slave to emotion.
    As a musician I found this intriquing.
    In the context of "I am what I think"
    as it relates to "self-concepts".
    Or better yet the power of conciousness to heal and create or if turned inward becomes self-abuse.
    This documentary asks profoundly "are you thinking'.
    As I like to believe anyone who loves classic's, Beethoven,etal. Must be thinking, I like to recommend this film, as I plan to take my students to see it also.
    The title is:
    "WHAT THE **&^%#$% !! DO WE KNOW!!
    Regrettable a terrible title but the distributor/market place most likely had considerable influence on otherwise a insightful film.

    Wm Jesset

    Originally posted by william jesset:
    Dear members,
    I would like to suggest a film I saw last night at the cinema quite by accident.
    Please dont let the title put you off as it did me at first.
    It dealt with quatum mechanics and your perspective of reality,as it answered and provided quite alot of stimulation of thought.
    Such as, possiblitys of thought/music and truth are LAWS to be dealt with. How most of our thinking is/becomes ingrained neural pathways that are reinforced by chemical stimulation via 'celluar'receptors that become 'addicted' the to same stimulus over and over again.
    Such as negative behavior of Anger, self-doubt etc which then become a cycle that is hard but not impossible to break.
    Perspective of the material world, and how it blocks 'the creative(creator) force, how one become a slave to emotion.
    As a musician I found this intriquing.
    In the context of "I am what I think"
    as it relates to "self-concepts".
    Or better yet the power of conciousness to heal and create or if turned inward becomes self-abuse.
    This documentary asks profoundly "are you thinking'.
    As I like to believe anyone who loves classic's, Beethoven,etal. Must be thinking, I like to recommend this film, as I plan to take my students to see it also.
    The title is:
    "WHAT THE **&^%#$% !! DO WE KNOW!!
    Regrettable a terrible title but the distributor/market place most likely had considerable influence on otherwise a insightful film.

    Wm Jesset

    Sounds like food for thought William,
    Classical music I am sure, opens up new pathways in the mind and consciousness and spirit and again offers a way out of the cycle of dependancy, bad habits, introspection etc. that you refer to.
    So we can say I think, that listening to Beethoven for instance or perhaps going one better and playing him, is a truly liberating experience in the widest sense of the word. I look forward to the film appearing in the UK, but as you say the title is most unfortunate. I trust there is no bad language used in this film that you are taking your students to.

    ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~

    [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited 08-01-2004).]
    ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


      Brave New world .. you are a citizen,
      Ms Amalie,Precisely! Your understanding is
      No, in a market place of violent movies,video games,common place television, this movie stands above.
      As for my students, they are all 18 years + old , I would like to expose them to this film without pretense of expectations or explainations.

      For myself, it was just one more of the small 'miracles'/tender mercies that I encounter, daily, in awe of it all, as it enfolds before me.
      That night, as diversion, I attended the cinema, and after I sat thru a tiresome film, I had a look at the poster for the theatre next to the one as I exited. It did not fit the 'profile' of mass entertainment, as it had none of the usual things one would expect to see on a placard in a Mall theatre, the kind that only caters to bigger, louder, faster thrills.
      At once my 'intuition' said that, here are more answers to ponder, and this was for me, and as I walked in, it started without further adieu.

      After the experience of this film, I needed to know if it would continue thru the weekend as only blockbusters are to survive that trial.
      I asked the young manager if she knew 'how long would it run"?, as I was told by my friends , they would help to share the passing of my birthday, August the second. I made mention ,as I would have a 'captive audience' possibly to see this film on Mon., as its my birthday ,and "they'll Have to do as I say"! haha. The young women said " Monday the 2nd is my birthday also. Ahh.
      Right now, I'm having the pleasure of listening to Bach/ Goldberg Variations, Glenn Gould(circa 1981 version).

      It is also my pleasure that you responded to my post,as I would have never begun to post on this site, had I not read first your thread(Consciousness) and certain other members, in response to the "Music/finite?" Post.

      As I am guilty, of using this site to work out my thoughts,as its quite unfair of me to use this forum in this way. Its also unfair to myself, that I became hurt that some perfered to become contemptuous(my fault), not contemporaries. This film, the Y. Menuhin book,and this site, have all helped me in relationship to questions that arise when you, reach a point/plateau in your life. Is this then is what they have refered to as the 'mid life' crisis? haha

      My thanks to you, for your interest, and I hope you are able to partake of this film and or anything, such as your music, to bring you to your own, personal fulfillment.
      The best to you, your one of the best,
      Wm Jesset

      ps.,when you change the way you look at things in your life, things in your life will change. I've made it a promise not to speak words that judge,condemn or condone anything that 'conjures' negative responses in my perception, my reality, my body. I trust in my intuitive mind in relationship to this, the DANCE OF MAYA(illusion) You know ,you know.So thats all the further validation anyone should need.

      This is just the start of my goal to be really productive/creative, as I've taken a early 'retirement' to pursue my music and my appreciation of truth/beauty and, I know I have all the time I need.

