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wonderful site/served its purpose+ some words from Y.Menuhin

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    wonderful site/served its purpose+ some words from Y.Menuhin

    William Write;
    I want to express my Thanks to those who replied to my posts/threads with grace and insightful comments. You've rose to the challenge and granted my request for stimulation,and Im made better for it. As I have no fear that you will realize who you are.

    As to those who merely wrote to 'speak'thier humourous(?)insignificant comments,you have only exhibited the other half of the truth of polarity, that I made numerous in referance to Pythagoras.
    As I,m a child that, has learned to revel in the awe and mystery of life ,but still I need to find answers/validation to my questions.
    Once more I was not disapointed,as lo and behold,during a library 'safari'. Out from the stacks should pounce out at me and scream, "I'm for YOU" , a book by the Maestro,Yehudi Menuhin "THE MUSIC OF MAN".

    If I may quote this Renaissance Man;
    "How does one distinguish the true from the false,the beautiful from the ugly in music ,as in life? Is it not perhaps at that moment when we are cognizant of an ever-renewed awareness in the growing depth of our powers of mind, of heart, of compassion, of all our senses? When these correspond to our communion with ourselves, our fellow men and nature, when we can move freely between serenity and emotion, between thought and action without prejudice to others or ourselves,then it is that we know truth: the eternal truths of Beethoven, of Bartok, of Socrates,Buddha and Jesus. Then it is that we can begin to trust ourselves, as we trust,implicitly,Shakespeare,Michlangelo and Bach".
    Yehudi Menuhin "The MUSIC OF MAN"

    I must say this is the apex of my life,to find that, I,ve been validated by this lovely man,as in my heart, this is all I been posting here, my wish for an understanding. To perhaps free those who are obsessive on matters than need none, as they will remain just as constant, with or without your energy, as only you will be less for it. As your perspective is yours,perhaps in your eyes I've failed you, I pray for your forgiveness.

    As life is in flux, I shan't trouble you good people anymore with my 'bad poetry on acid'Ha ha really is that the best you have?
    I shall say adieu with this;
    "To see a World in a Grain of Sand
    And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
    Hold Infinity in the Palm of your hand
    and Eternity in a hour.
    WILLIAM BLAKE, Augries of Innocence

    I only leave, as I am also in flux and to remain in one place is not for me, when the whole world is calling, more Music to be composed,as you all have played your parts well in the drama of "My life".

    Well thank you for sharing your wisdom and unusual insights Willam!

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by william jesset:
      William Write;
      I want to express my Thanks to those who replied to my posts/threads with grace and insightful comments. You've rose to the challenge and granted my request for stimulation,and Im made better for it. As I have no fear that you will realize who you are.

      As to those who merely wrote to 'speak'thier humourous(?)insignificant comments,you have only exhibited the other half of the truth of polarity, that I made numerous in referance to Pythagoras.
      As I,m a child that, has learned to revel in the awe and mystery of life ,but still I need to find answers/validation to my questions.
      Once more I was not disapointed,as lo and behold,during a library 'safari'. Out from the stacks should pounce out at me and scream, "I'm for YOU" , a book by the Maestro,Yehudi Menuhin "THE MUSIC OF MAN".

      If I may quote this Renaissance Man;
      "How does one distinguish the true from the false,the beautiful from the ugly in music ,as in life? Is it not perhaps at that moment when we are cognizant of an ever-renewed awareness in the growing depth of our powers of mind, of heart, of compassion, of all our senses? When these correspond to our communion with ourselves, our fellow men and nature, when we can move freely between serenity and emotion, between thought and action without prejudice to others or ourselves,then it is that we know truth: the eternal truths of Beethoven, of Bartok, of Socrates,Buddha and Jesus. Then it is that we can begin to trust ourselves, as we trust,implicitly,Shakespeare,Michlangelo and Bach".
      Yehudi Menuhin "The MUSIC OF MAN"

      I must say this is the apex of my life,to find that, I,ve been validated by this lovely man,as in my heart, this is all I been posting here, my wish for an understanding. To perhaps free those who are obsessive on matters than need none, as they will remain just as constant, with or without your energy, as only you will be less for it. As your perspective is yours,perhaps in your eyes I've failed you, I pray for your forgiveness.

      As life is in flux, I shan't trouble you good people anymore with my 'bad poetry on acid'Ha ha really is that the best you have?
      I shall say adieu with this;
      "To see a World in a Grain of Sand
      And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
      Hold Infinity in the Palm of your hand
      and Eternity in a hour.
      WILLIAM BLAKE, Augries of Innocence

      I only leave, as I am also in flux and to remain in one place is not for me, when the whole world is calling, more Music to be composed,as you all have played your parts well in the drama of "My life".
      Your ego is only out done by your pretensiousness Mr. Jesus (or whatever you call yourself).

      This forum is not a test for us "mere mortals" in the face of your omnipresent "greatness" and long winded expound-a-ges. I have never been more INSULTED by such a post.

      be gone!

      v russo
      v russo


        Originally posted by v russo:
        Your ego is only out done by your pretensiousness Mr. Jesus (or whatever you call yourself).

        This forum is not a test for us "mere mortals" in the face of your omnipresent "greatness" and long winded expound-a-ges. I have never been more INSULTED by such a post.

        be gone!

        It's just that english aint my first language, I don't understand HALF of what he's saying or implying...could someone please clarify me on this.
        Thnx in advance,


          I wasn't insulted, I didn't read the damned thing, as I haven't since the second sentence of his first. "Loony" leaps to mind.

          Not worth your while, he is merely saying that his greatness is justified by our reaction to him, more or less. As an actually intelligent person, you can easily live without having to figure out this senseless idiocy.

          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


            OK, tempers are flaring a little here, and I think this thread has gone as far as it needs to.

            v russo:
            I think you may be overreacting a little. However...

            william jesset:
            If you are going to continue posting, please try to be more plain in what you are trying to say. Many here speak English as a second language, and many other simply cannot comb through your posts to get to the point. It seems you have offended a few here. I think most of the people can't even be bothered to read through your entire posts, as they are quite lengthy and seem to have little to do with the forum's intended subject.

            Let's all try to stay on topic here.

