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Ring of Truth??

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    Ring of Truth??

    I am new to this site but still, having perused the more recent messages,I feel that ( to use a Northern Irish patois word ) there is a lot of Gurning going on. V. enjoyable though it is.
    I was wondering how many fans, like myself, were there of the excellent BBC Radio 3 prog. CD Review. Usually Sat. mornings,sadly now in hibernation 'till Sept.
    two weeks ago,for its 2000nth edition listeners voted Solti's The Ring as disc of the century.If I remember correctly Kleiber's Beethoven was, like the late Brando " a contender " I'm lucky to have this ground breaking Decca treat of remastering.
    Truth is when I have four evenings to spare I more often go for Boehm's 1967 Bayreuth ADD recordings.
    I do not say this to be contentious; if I sought that I'd go for the Furtwangler !
    Hope I havn't put the Alberich among the Rhinemaidens but I'd love to know what you think.
    Happy tetralogies.

    Originally posted by culshaw:
    I am new to this site but still, having perused the more recent messages,I feel that ( to use a Northern Irish patois word ) there is a lot of Gurning going on. V. enjoyable though it is.
    I was wondering how many fans, like myself, were there of the excellent BBC Radio 3 prog. CD Review. Usually Sat. mornings,sadly now in hibernation 'till Sept.
    two weeks ago,for its 2000nth edition listeners voted Solti's The Ring as disc of the century.If I remember correctly Kleiber's Beethoven was, like the late Brando " a contender " I'm lucky to have this ground breaking Decca treat of remastering.
    Truth is when I have four evenings to spare I more often go for Boehm's 1967 Bayreuth ADD recordings.
    I do not say this to be contentious; if I sought that I'd go for the Furtwangler !
    Hope I havn't put the Alberich among the Rhinemaidens but I'd love to know what you think.
    Happy tetralogies.
    Unfortunately I haven't listened to the cd review on Radio 3 - I don't think these votes really prove anything, other than the program obviously has a lot of Wagner fans!
    I'd say it was impossible to select a disc of the century, just as I doubt there would be agreement here on Beethoven's greatest work.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      I know that when National Public Radio in the States picked its music of the Millennium in 2000, the number 1 choice was the Eroica Symphony because it broke the mold of music to that time and set a precedent for composers who followed. No particular performance was recommended. I think that is a more resonable choice, and not just because I hold Beethoven in much higher esteem than I do Wagner. Perhaps the choosers in your example, since they chose a particular performance, were acknowledging the technical aspects of making a first rate recording of a first rate performance rather than saying that this was the top piece of music? I should imagine so.

      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.

