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Introduction/ mastery of music/ "never to late"

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    Introduction/ mastery of music/ "never to late"

    Hello Posters,
    My name is William, new to this wonderful forum ,and it's been my delight to
    participate with the level of consciousness encountered,as its proven to be quite refreshingly insightful,please see past posts, perhaps we may continue anew with present and past dialog.
    My purpose is to expand my understanding of
    Beethoven,art, etc., so as to fully realize and truely experience the "magic" of Life.
    That said ,I would like to extrapolate on a previous Topic/question,a valid one,that depends on ones perspective to the question,
    that being "Is it bad to start late?"
    Peter gave quite a good response and there is where I shall start from.
    Never too late to experience Music,blessed
    are those for who the Muse graces. The transtition from "Musica Humana" to "Musica
    Instrumentalis" is an opportunity to expand
    not only via a skill for life, but in spirit "Inspiritus". A skill for life,in practicial
    terms a lifelong relationship with Music/
    and your chosen Tool. Be it Piano,Brass and woodwinds, Strings,Voice etc etc.
    How blessed we are to live in a time of affluence,50-100 years or more you'd might never had a chance,it would not be possible.
    Time was only Aristocrats,very wealthy people of power who could "learn" Music. Woe be the King who couldn't Play, Louis the XIV was a masterful Guitarist, he also studied Ballet everyday for 20 years. Story is he imported a Guitar Master from Spain and in 18 months he could match the Master in skill level (remember he also studied Music fundamentals prior to this). Never too late to start.
    Do not ever,ever think otherwise,as it is counter productive and the highest level of
    human endeavor is the progression/quest for
    knowledge as in a Classical sense.Music is
    very much a part of that concept of truth.
    I applaud you for your passion and impatience of desire,for your new endeavor will serve you forever, in a 'broader' sense of how the Classical Philosophers saw the Universe and its relationship to Music.
    May I make some suggestions? Picking up from Peter's response as to practice.Yes ,3 hrs a day,not necessarily back to back,hour here,
    hour there,as its more productive that way.
    As each session YOU will be fresh and alert, with interest level high as productivity is the goal. To practice while tired or hungry is NOT the way to progress, best to miss a session than to slogg thru a lesson and learn BAD HABITS!!
    Bad habits will last A lifetime(turn that TV OFF!! NOW) and is difference between the CONCERT stage or busking for tips in the Pub. Your choice,nothing wrong for playing in the pub,I sense your concern hence your query
    about when to start,so that tells me you would like to do your best. The best time to start is NOW, live in this moment NOW that
    rolls into the next moment NOW-Do not waste precious energy/thought about what if? I should of ,I could of -dont be boorish,be the
    King,your in control of NOW. No worry,just do
    it,but don't obsesses.
    Take a walk,exercise,be like the KING become well rounded in Body, Mind and Spirit.
    Treat all you meet with the Utmost respect
    and civility(like the Hero you are) as the more you give the more the Universe will give back to You,and this in turn will translate to MORE MUSIC as you will be in tune with the cosmos. The cliche character of the Uncouth, Mad Genius is pure fiction.
    Read Music biographys,read music manuscripts
    and most of all listen.
    Learn theory fundamentals,then you can create as well as perform.
    Start slow,easy pieces, use a metronome,
    find a Good teacher,as this will facilate
    progress and negate bad habits from begining.
    Beethoven started with Bach, the best place to start etc.
    MOST inportant free yourself from doubt,
    expectation,and EGO as to how fast and far you progress. Find a balance,carry on and you will do your best, as this is for your lifetime,and God willing you will leave a Legacy for mankind to share in,and if not so WHAT. Its not about fame,glory,money,etc etc. This BIGGER than all of us,its about the balance of the cosmos.
    Remember this -YOU are the music,it comes from within you, from the source itself so you must be "more musical" in how you do and think towards everything in life.
    ARE YOU IN TUNE ? if not than you will not be
    "musical". In Classic thought, a musician
    was more of a HERO than the warrior!Worthy of the Gods themselves,did not Orpheus save his love,his wife,from Hades the god of the underworld, just by strumming his Lyre?
    Something not even Zeus could achieve.
    Thank You ,Good luck
    William Jesset

    holy molly man. a bit creepy but overall well said.


      Originally posted by KyleC:
      holy molly man. a bit creepy but overall well said.
      Dear Kyle,
      Sincrely, as my wish for understanding compels me to ask of you.
      In what manner is my post made Creepy?
      It was with the best intentions that I wrote with. As I read your post/question I sensed trepidation on your part. That you would show concern on your part IE 'worry' about something that is moot,what(?) age to start a musical endeavor ,in that it belongs to the past.
      As for myself I've allowed this type of
      irrational thinking to cloud my judgement also,time better spent "carrying on" ,being in the NOW.
      Can you give me your courtesy and insight as
      to how not to further cause undue embrassment
      by being "creepy".
      I thank you sincrely for your time Sir,
      Wm J


        I think your posts would be a lot more readable if they were divided into paragraphs. You seem to be hitting the enter key at the end of every line in the text box or something. You should just type and let the words wrap automatically. Only hit enter when you want a new paragraph (and hit it twice at that time). Your posts have so much content it is hard to read them otherwise.



          i thought it strange how your answer were exactly what i was thinking. well not exactly but pretty close. i did not mean to offend you in any way and i thank you for the great advice. i try to be perfect and it gets me down when i dont ahieve perfection. i have to go i will post more later. off to piano lessons.


            Welcome New Commer!


              Originally posted by Chris:
              I think your posts would be a lot more readable if they were divided into paragraphs. You seem to be hitting the enter key at the end of every line in the text box or something. You should just type and let the words wrap automatically. Only hit enter when you want a new paragraph (and hit it twice at that time). Your posts have so much content it is hard to read them otherwise.
              I have wondered whether it is perhaps that new style of poetry, which doesn't rhyme nor scan.
              "It is only as an aesthetic experience that existence is eternally justified" - Nietzsche


                Hello again everyone,
                I apologize that my posts are difficult to read. The computer I'm using isn't correctly transferring the formatting of what I type into the thread.

                I thank those of you who reply to the content instead of focusing on the format.

                For those who can't get around that, I'd rather practice than worry about how easy or hard it is for you to read these.
                I wish for everyone the best
                Wm Jesset


                  That's alright about the post it was typed up. It doesn't bother me.

                  [This message has been edited by ~Immortal Beloved~ (edited 07-16-2004).]


                    Originally posted by ~Immortal Beloved~:
                    That's alright about the post it was typed up. It doesn't bother me.

                    [This message has been edited by ~Immortal Beloved~ (edited 07-16-2004).]
                    Dear I.B ,
                    Thank you, please tell the others as my mission is too learn,it still hurts me that
                    some cannot carry on with a positive dialoque. A debate is fine,in the spirit of progression, but there is nothing to be gained if a person only sees the crack in the plate and not the meal itself.
                    yours respectively
                    Wm Jesset


                      Originally posted by william jesset:
                      Dear I.B ,
                      Thank you, please tell the others as my mission is too learn,it still hurts me that
                      some cannot carry on with a positive dialoque. A debate is fine,in the spirit of progression, but there is nothing to be gained if a person only sees the crack in the plate and not the meal itself.
                      yours respectively
                      Wm Jesset
                      Actually, I think you are taking Chris' very constructive criticism in entirely the wrong way. Your posts ARE difficult to read. If you are going to express yourself in the written medium, you owe it to your ideas and thought processes to set them forth in as cogent and readable a manner as possible so that the reader is not distracted by formatting and misspelling and can concentrate on what are certainly densely thought out ideas. Also, I tell you this as a favor; if you are going to post in public like this, you cannot be thin-skinned. Soon you will have no skin at all.

                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                        Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
                        Actually, I think you are taking Chris' very constructive criticism in entirely the wrong way. Your posts ARE difficult to read. If you are going to express yourself in the written medium, you owe it to your ideas and thought processes to set them forth in as cogent and readable a manner as possible so that the reader is not distracted by formatting and misspelling and can concentrate on what are certainly densely thought out ideas. Also, I tell you this as a favor; if you are going to post in public like this, you cannot be thin-skinned. Soon you will have no skin at all.

                        Dear Sir,
                        Once more I shall be disracted and explain,that I am not computor savvy. As this seems to be the only worthy consideration deemed fit to have a dialogue about Please Sir, see my post/thread in the topic heading of "what are you listening to now',
                        the thread I believe you started, as to a further explaination of this topic.
                        Perhaps if you would like we might possibly
                        engage in a dialogue concerning my questions as asked there.
                        As to Mr Chris, he was gracious enough to actually be helpful,in as I was more inclined
                        to be "thin skined" about my posts being akin to bad poetry, without any solutions considered before making such a humorous statement. I take no offense as I pray I give none?
                        I thank you for your consideration and perhaps we may yet have a progressive dialoque.
                        Forever in your service, Sir
                        Wm Jesset

