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    IVES: My Native Land, (The things our Fathers Loved), memories.
    Jennifer Larmore (mezzo soprano), Antonie Palloc (piano).

    CANNABICH: Sinfonia, Eb
    Concerto Koln.

    Today is a Janacek day (all day!) on BBC radio 3, which is a bit of a downer for me!

    Oh, well I'll just sit in the garden after dinner with some coffee and listen to some CD's. Yes, I will go through all Beethoven piano Concertos ..... Wunderschon!

    [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited 07-04-2004).]
    ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


      Originally posted by spaceray:
      John Coltrane ? Giant Steps ,a brilliant composition.Didn't poor John destroy himself with drugs?His last music is so "out there".

      no, he DID NOT destroy himself with drugs!

      thanks for making my point.

      v russo

      [This message has been edited by v russo (edited 07-04-2004).]
      v russo


        Originally posted by v russo:
        no, he DID NOT destroy himself with drugs!

        thanks for making my point.

        v russo ,
        You might be wrong about this,are you sure ,everything I have ever read about Mr Coltrane talks about his terrible health problems related to drugs.In particular Alice Coltrane's description of her marriage to John.
        Still if his drug use is a myth ,I swallowed it hook line and sinker.
        I'm delighted if you prove me wrong.

        I know I should be listening to John Philip Souza to Honour my American cousins on their birthday,however
        I'm listening to Beethoven's wonderful 9th Symphony,singing and all.
        "Finis coronat opus "


          Perhaps, Mr. Coltrane just smoked some CANNABICH? My Sunday tunes:
          LvB: Mass in C,
          LvB: Eroica/Karajan
          Bruch: Kol Nidrei
          Hummel: Quintet Op. 87


            That's very funny Pastorali,I laughed out loud.You must be from BC too.

            Well the singing hasn't stopped all morning ,
            Richard Strauss's orchestral songs "Morgan" ,"Ruhe ,meine seele" and "Zueignung"
            "Finis coronat opus "


              I'm listening to Salli Terri sing Villa- Lobos,Bachianas Brasileiras.
              "Finis coronat opus "


                Good listening this am.

                Beethoven, Horn Sonata Op.17
                and piano sonata e minor, op.90

                Liszt, Orpheus.

                Vivaldi, concerto in e major. 'L'Amoroso'

                ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~
                ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                  Yet more singing today,J Brahms,Die Mainacht,Sonntag,Blinde Kuh,and Von ewiger Liebe.
                  "Finis coronat opus "


                    A lot of singing this week! For me too and how it looks, I will spend soon some lumpy swiss francs for ALL English sung Beethoven Songs and all his Canons. Also all available Canons of Mozart.

                    PS: A relative of mine is living in BC since many years. In the past she used to send every Christmas a calendar with very beautiful fotos of BC. Very likeable.

                    Today: Mozart, Mozart, Mozart, hey I listen too less to LvB's music. Must change it. op.86 for now.


                      Pastorali, here's some more Mozart for you. How about his Symphony No. 16 in C K 128
                      the version on public radio today was conducted by Sir Charles Mackerras with the Prague Chamber Orchestra.
                      Also Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 27 in e
                      Op 90 with John O'Conor, piano, and also Tchaikovsky's violin concerto, absolutely glorious!

                      'Truth and beauty joined'
                      'Truth and beauty joined'


                        To gently seranade me into the morning before setting off to work!

                        MOZART: Cosi dunque tradisci. f minor,K432

                        BACH: concerto for 2 violins d minor, BWV1043
                        by, La Petite Bande.

                        SCHUBERT: An die Entfernte, D 765
                        played by, Andreas Staier, {fortepiano}

                        BEETHOVEN: Sonata no.12, a flat, Op.26
                        Arthur Schoondewoerd, {fortepiano}

                        ~ Unsterbliche Geliebte ~

                        [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited 07-07-2004).]
                        ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                          Yes it is very pretty here,however there are now 523 forest fires burning in the province.We are in our 6th year of a drought
                          that appears to have no end.The "City of Gardens" is a city of brown lawns and water restrictions.It is hot,hot hot.It seems our friend from Texas has been getting all our rain.
                          And while he is not here to chide me I am listening to John Dowlands second book of songs.Enough tears,weeping ,grief and sighs
                          to drive Gurn wild with impatience.
                          "Sorrow was there made fair,
                          And passion wise,tears a delightful thing,
                          Silence beyond all speech a wisdom rare,
                          She made her sighs to sing,
                          And all things with so sweet a
                          sadness move,
                          As made my heart at once
                          both grieve and love"
                          "Finis coronat opus "


                            U2'S 'Achtung Baby' and reading some Oscar Wilde. I'm in an Irish mood I guess...

                            v russo
                            v russo


                              That poem sounds moving. Pity, I don't know the music of John Dowlands, but I found an informative site about him to update myself a little...
                              I didn't know, you have it so hot and dry overthere. We have a lot of rain here and it's too wet. I'm wondering how the weather is in Florida! Golfing with a swimming belt?
                              Joy, I'm working up all the Symphonies by Mozart. I'm still on the early ones and I give myself a lot of time for them. It's a very very nice travel!

                              v russo, Achtung Baby, Irish is well, sitting in a Pup and listening to some lovely songs of B. I mean Beethoven, not Bono... and to smoke, we go outside.

                              LvB, Symphony #1 and #2, Zinman of course.

                              [This message has been edited by Pastorali (edited 07-07-2004).]


                                Splendid listening for all today sounds like. For me it's Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 14 in E-Flat K 449 with Conductor Andras Ligeti and Orchestra Concentus Hungaricus
                                with Jeno Jando, piano. Very nice indeed especially the first movement. Later today Beethoven's Creatures of Prometheus. Another rarely heard song on radio.

                                'Truth and beauty joined'
                                'Truth and beauty joined'

