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Imagine you are God the Father for a moment....

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    Imagine you are God the Father for a moment....

    ...You need to create human beings in your own image (see Genesis, first book of the Bible).

    You need to create humans that have all your characteristics, male and female, and reflect all the colours you need to suite planet earth's diverse climates. The male and female you create need to reflect your creative, thinking powers.

    What do you do? How do you pack all the above in just two human beings made in your likeness? Remember, you need to create and perpetuate variety. Logic shows that to create variety in colour, you need two extremes to start with, then you can make light and dark shades as many as you like.

    So, how do you create human beings?

    Answer? You create the 'father' of mankind call him Adam, make him pale. In fact the name 'Adam' means 'Red', 'of the earth' and his wife Eve dark.

    Eve added femininity, colour variation and all the 'female' characteristics of God, who is the true Father of mankind. The resulting sons and daughters are a mixture of colours. You now have all the variety you need to create all human beings.

    Remember, the terms 'black, white, yellow and red' were not originally used until later on in human history, and for suspect political reasons. God saw what he created and said 'it was very good' (Gen. 1 verse 31). He was very pleased with his first human beings. Now imagine the whole of the angelic realm attending the wedding (they were joined together by God himself) and rejoicing.

    God loves variety that is why there is such a diverse range of animal, plant and human life.

    He saw Adam and Eve as equals (as well as equally sinful). He saw male and female as equal. It is us human beings who denigrate characteristics such as gender and colour. Human beings are a variation of the same theme.

    The Maestro, B. understood variations on a same theme in musical terms. That is why we still talk about his today. His facial features, wild hair, his passion and fiery temperament may be a dead give-away to a mixed ancestry (which we all have). I believe he may have had Spanish or French blood. Please remember that slavery in his time was still wide-spread. Despite the social restrictions, people of mixed backgrounds did have children. Another example is Queen Charlotte Sophia (an ancestor of our present day Queen of UK) had an African ancestry (Ref. 'African Presence in Early Europe, page 205, ISBN 0-88738-664-4, Transaction Publishers)

    What God the Father did was perfectly practical and logical. So there is no such thing as a 'pure' human being. This is an invention of human beings to down grade others for political and reasons and reasons of pure greed.

    If the suggestion that B. may have had mixed ancestry (which we all have, I do not care how pale or dark your skin is) makes you angry, please examine why.

    After all, the colour of people’s skin is a red herring!

    There are only two types of human beings in God's eyes, those who belive in him and those who do not.



    This writer, a PURE HUMAN BEING, is one who cannot embrace the notion of GODHEAD/GOD, that PURELY HUMAN INVETION seeking to resolve the great existential questions, which, while all along keeps Humanity stretched in lines predictable. To this day the world is aflame over such notions/beliefs of this god thing.
    Life is God ... <font color="Red">[Removed offensive language - Chris]</font> Clearly, I have no business poking my nose in on this site and won't further.


    [This message has been edited by Chris (edited 06-21-2004).]


      I can see where this thread is going and no good is going to come of it. With the first reply we managed to skip the seemingly requisite theological debate and move straight to the enflamed temper and sarcasm, complete with a violation of the rules that are listed at the top of every single page of this forum.

      This thread is closed. There is an active thread on Beethoven's race if you wish to discuss that.

