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    I always enjoy Amalies lis(z)ts! Unlike you, I goggled to this lovely bunch of Beethoven Songs, but now it's pretty late here and I'm tending again to piano sounds...
    Brahms, Four Hand Piano Music
    Sonata in F minor
    Variations on a Theme by Haydn
    Matthies • Köhn
    zzz zzz


      That is some very nice listening, I must say. Too early in the evening here for solo piano yet, and as I watch big summer thunderstorms rumble across the horizon, I am listening to the lovely Symphony in F major - #8 - Op 93 - BPO/Karajan. I have given that set a workout today

      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


        So, a new week. ANd with it, something different; String Quartet #1 - OP 7 - Bela Bartok - Juilliard Quartet - Interesting, sooooo 20th century sounding

        That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
        That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


          Oh, good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Artur Schnabel. I have some of his recordings, and I like his interpretations alot. My piano teacher didn't seem to like him very much, though. Respected him perhaps, but didn't like him.


            Originally posted by Tegan:
            Oh, good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes Artur Schnabel. I have some of his recordings, and I like his interpretations alot. My piano teacher didn't seem to like him very much, though. Respected him perhaps, but didn't like him.
            Probably as a teacher she can only like someone who plays every note perfectly, no mattter how musical he is otherwise. I think it is required by the Teacher's Code!
            And I continue working through Bartok String Quartets, now #4 (no key, no Opus#, so chic!) Actually this is some pretty good music. Quel'le surprise!

            That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
            That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


              Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
              You would never know I used to be a musician, folk and mountain music. During my Classical hiatus of course. Leadbelly was... a god! Hmmmm... and 20th century besides! Wow, breakthrough! Also, you are sure to feel vindicated, this afternoon last thing from work, I listened to Bartok's Piano Concerto #1. I think this is fairly progressive. I have Stravinsky's & Berg's Violin Concertos queued up awaiting my return on Monday, so I need some slack from you.

              Geratlas, Good to see you back. And you brought Tachaikovsky with you. Good fellow

              But to time travel back to the late 18th century, we come to the lovely Quartet in F major - #23 (out of 23) - K 590 - W. Amade Mozart. The King of Prussia didn't deserve such fine cello pieces anyway, glad WAM kept them.

              Wow, the Berg Concerto!! Good luck Gurn, you are a brave man...

              Leadbelly rules. How about Blind Willie McTell? Another great 12 string acoustic bluesman!

              v russo
              v russo


                Originally posted by v russo:
                Wow, the Berg Concerto!! Good luck Gurn, you are a brave man...

                Leadbelly rules. How about Blind Willie McTell? Another great 12 string acoustic bluesman!
                Yes, and you will note the Bartok Quartets of this morning, also. Really, my head is spinning from so much progress, I'd better slow down!!
                I have not heard McTell, but I know there are a host of truly brilliant old guys in that genre who will never be really appreciated because it is such a speciality. Even classical has a bigger following, but that doesn't speak to the quality of the music, IMHO.
                Now we move on to Bartok's First Violin Concerto. And they call Mozart's K 465 Dissonance?!?!

                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                  Mozart Symphony no.40 by Bernestein and the wiener philarmonic.


                    McTell? Sounds like a Scottish Folksong! Wilhelm Tell? I Tell you, my one is the Choral Fantasy Op.80.

                    Quasi un piacere molto.


                      Originally posted by Pastorali:
                      McTell? Sounds like a Scottish Folksong! Wilhelm Tell? I Tell you, my one is the Choral Fantasy Op.80.

                      Quasi un piacere molto.
                      Ahmad,How do you like that Bernstein/Mozart? I have never heard him, although I do have VPO/Bohm which is very nice.

                      Full of... humor tonight, eh?
                      Choral Fantasy will do that to you, but you must also listen to some Rossini as your penance for that bad pun!

                      For me, it is the Octet in Eb - Op 103 - Charles Neidich/Mozzafiato on period instruments. Ave Rodney!

                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                      That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                        Well, I throw a curve at you all this morning, it is the Violin Concerto in a minor Op 77 of Dmitri Shostakovich. Yes, I am sure I hear Beethoven in there somewhere

                        That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                        That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                          I guess I am the only fortunate one today. I have time travelled, 130 years from Shostakovich, but a cooncerto still, this time the Concerto in Eb for Horn & Orchestra - #2 - K 417 - W. Amade Mozart. Whew, now THAT was a change of pace!

                          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                            I do penance (have NO Rossini!) with 'The cheerful Mozart': The Six Merry Trios, Arias, Ensembles and Canons - a disk full of this stuff and the last piece is: A Musical Joke in F major, K.522
                            "In 'A Musical Joke' just about every aspect of the music leaves something to be desired: the symmetry, the proper confirmation of the basic key, the most primitive familiarity with the laws of modulation, the sense of balance in the accompaniment, and a thousand other skills that a composer has to master. As the final culmination of all this, at the end of the last movement the instruments take leave of the conventions of tonality: the horns blare out their fanfare in F, the first violin plays in G major, the second in A, the viola plays E flat, the bass B flat major - a total fiasco! But Mozart only subjects us to this long overdue cacophony for two bars, up to this point, his artistry has managed to retain beauty in the music, for all the obvious demonstrations of blundering incompetence, and this beauty is seasoned with a more generous helping of humour than any other work in the history of music." (A. Greither)

                            "A single wrong note disturbed the order of things for Mozart." (Albert Einstein)

                            "Seldom has so much intelligence been aplied in music to seeming stupid." (Hermann Abert)


                              Great lineup. For me is also to start the day with Mozart, the Sonata in c minor for Piano -#14 - K 457 - Bueno, good start to the day!

                              That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                              That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                                Good morning Gurn. Here is one of them...
                                W. A. Mozart
                                Die Nacht ist finster, KV Anh.441b

                                Die Nacht ist finster,
                                Schönliebchen schläfst du schon?
                                Ach, nur ein Küsschen,
                                Gib mir zum Lebewohl.
                                Ach Schätzchen, guck’ doch heraus,
                                wir seufzen hier vor deinem Haus.

                                V I V A - B R A N N T W E I N ! ! !
                                I C H - B I N - N I C H T - A L L E I N !
                                Oje, oje, es dreht sich rund herum.
                                Der Teufel holt den Branntwein,
                                so wird’s besser sein.

                                The night is dark,
                                My dear beauty, are you already sleeping?
                                Ah, just a little kiss,
                                give me to farewell.
                                Ah, little darling, just look out,
                                we are sighing here before your house.

                                V I V A - S P I R I T S ! ! !
                                I ’ M - N O T - A L O N E!
                                Oje, oje, it’s turning all around.
                                The devil is fetching the spirits,
                                so it will be better.
                                Wiener Schmäh!

                                [This message has been edited by Pastorali (edited 06-16-2004).]

