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Authentic page mp3s - 3rd Piano concerto op.37

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    Authentic page mp3s - 3rd Piano concerto op.37

    Now available to members at

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'

    Originally posted by Peter:
    Now available to members at

    Great sound AND playing but what I'dd like to know...Is there no difference between authentic and replica???this was a replica *which sounded super though* but isn't the sound from an original different?


      Originally posted by ruudp:
      Great sound AND playing but what I'dd like to know...Is there no difference between authentic and replica???this was a replica *which sounded super though* but isn't the sound from an original different?
      I like this recording too, lovely string sound also. Ideally there should be minimal difference between the sound of the replica and original, only that allowing for the greater age of the latter. From what I've heard these replicas seem to be on the whole very good.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


        Originally posted by ruudp:
        Great sound AND playing but what I'dd like to know...Is there no difference between authentic and replica???this was a replica *which sounded super though* but isn't the sound from an original different?
        *let the Gardiner fan bring forth *
        This I can answer by what I realized in Gardiner's set of the concertos, the main difference between fortepianos was the year and the one who made them, yet his 3rd concerto recording uses a 1802 piano, while all others do with replics. The sound does not differ from the replics, not more than expected from year changes (the difference between the 2nd piano, the 1st, the 3rd, 4th, choral fantasy, 5th follows a progression on sound).
        What is the main fact is that replics are so close to original that period orchestras are based on them, I have the Hogwood set of the symphonies but I had before it the 6th alone with the Coriolan and the Egmont, in this CD they state all the instruments and instrumentists, there is almost none on an original instrument.
        "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen..."

        "My religion is the one in which Haydn is pope." - by me .

        "Set a course, take it slow, make it happen."


          Wonderful! I felt I was there in the Theater an der Wien listening to Beethoven himself playing the fortepiano.

          Here's a report from Ignaz von Seyfried, who was at this first performance of this concerto, to turn the pages while Beethoven played:

          "In the playing of the concerto movements he asked me to turn the pages for him; but- heaven help me!- that was easier said than done. I saw almost nothing but empty leaves; at the most on one page or the other a few Egyptian hieroglyphs wholly unintelligible to me scribbled down to serve as clues for him; for he played nearly all of the solo part from memory, since as was so often the case, he had not the time to put it all down on paper. He gave me a secret glance whenever he was at the end of one of the invisible passages and my scarcely concealable anxiety not to miss the decisive moment amused him greatly and he laughed heartily at the jovial supper which we ate afterwards."

