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    Originally posted by Joy:
    That was a very nice post, Pastorali, and your english is just fine! I too enjoy my time here and it's a bit like a 'support group' isn't it? If you have no other means of pouring out your passion for Beethoven (or if no one else will listen)or if you want to learn and debate or discuss him then this is the place to be!

    Thanks Joy Yes, so many interesting things about Beethoven, CM and other composers too, which are increasing my views a lot! The forum and its discussions are for me something like the lively centre to the music. It's something like the salt in the soup!


      [QUOTE]Originally posted by Pastorali:
      [B]In the last months, I have noticed following things:

      1) My using of the english language is still something between odd and almost criminal Well, thanks to all for your patience!

      While I did find your choice of English words confusing at first ,you have grown on me and I find your posts charming and quite often hilarious.Thanks to you for participating ,I would never have the courage to post in another language,I struggle enough with the language I do know.
      "Finis coronat opus "


        That's very kind Muriel, thanks to you! Just yesterday, I began to read a book by Nevil Shute, calling 'Marazan', trying to improve my use of the English language a little. I hope that will work.

