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What have you learned about yourself...

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    What have you learned about yourself...

    while contributing to the Beethoven forum?

    v russo
    v russo

    I think it is wonderful that through a shared love for Beethoven, so many diverse opinions and experiences have been expressed. Clearly there is more than one way of looking at something and respecting others opinions is important. I've also learnt that I don't know as much as I thought I did - humility!

    'Man know thyself'

    [This message has been edited by Peter (edited March 28, 2004).]
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by Peter:
      I think it is wonderful that through a shared love for Beethoven, so many diverse opinions and experiences have been expressed. Clearly there is more than one way of looking at something and respecting others opinions is important. I've also learnt that I don't know as much as I thought I did - humility!

      I agree with your sentiments completly! Also, I have discovered that my SPeLlInG iS hORrIbLe!!....

      v russo
      v russo


        Originally posted by v russo:
        I agree with your sentiments completly! Also, I have discovered that my SPeLlInG iS hORrIbLe!!....

        Yes, my typing has certainly improved following complaints i received! its fantastic to listen to other ppl's opinion on certain composers and i have also learned a great deal more about music in general. i have also made some good friends, this is a great place!



          Something I have learned about myself is that I can still learn new things.My ideas about Beethoven ,man and musician ,have changed dramatically ,before I came here I thought for some reason that Beethoven was a man full of saddness and sorrow , impoverished ,isolated , lonely and alone.
          This turns out not to be the story at all.
          I'm still learning about Beethoven.Many thanks again to Peter and Chris for a well designed and delightful place to visit.
          I've also made some very good friends here.
          I'm immeasurably grateful to Rod for supplying some rare mp3s,these comprise my entire library of music on my computer .
          "Finis coronat opus "


            Originally posted by spaceray:

            I'm immeasurably grateful to Rod for supplying some rare mp3s,these comprise my entire library of music on my computer .
            The pleasure is mine Muriel. At the end of the day it is Beethoven's music that is bringing us here. I hope you're still downloading the similarly wonderful tracks from my Handel site ? (those interested see my profile for the url).

            "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin


              I have learned so many things about Beethoven the man and his music and even though I have always loved Beethoven there are so many detailed facts I have learned about him from this informative website. I've made some friends also and in particular have to say I have learned much from one about many other composers and classical music in general so much so that it's more than I could have learned elsewhere in the time I've spent here. It's like taking a class.

              'Truth and beauty joined'
              'Truth and beauty joined'



                Like most of us, I came to love Beethoven first through his music and then reading more about his life and relating that to his music. It is a topic on which I am always learning as it is such a vast and eternally fascinating subject. As we know there are many aspects to his life.
                I always think of him as strong featured, with such a passionate drive, enobling and uplifting, there is something so very touching about his life that one cannot help feel drawn to him. My favourite portrait of Beethoven is the one by August von Kloeber, 1818. I love it!
                Incurable aren't I.
                ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


                  What have I learned about my incomparable self? I suppose it is simply that I have far fewer faults than I thought I had, in fact it seems as though excessive humility has kept me from really kicking loose for all these years. So I will try to extend my learning experience and see if I can come out from under the bushel where I have been hiding my light.... Oh, OK, let me just say this about that then, I have found that my horizons needed broadening just a bit, and I am working on that. V, I listened to some Schnittke the other day, so that is a beginning. And also that even though some of you irritated me like a grain of sand in my shell at first, the result came out to be a pearl, in nature's way, so even that was good.

                  That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                  That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                    I think (and write too ) as though I know much (at least I get get impressed when I read my own comments ) but the truth is that I don't, and I'm happy to have learned that, for I now know that there is much more out there for me to know (again I loose myself in my sentences, lol).
                    I also realized I used to be a lot more hard to break when it came to music I never heard, now I can find beauty in more music easier than I did before, so now I (I, I, I... I guess this is what the thread is about ) apreciate more music than I did before (I counter: 16 Is in one reply).
                    "Wer ein holdes Weib errungen..."

                    "My religion is the one in which Haydn is pope." - by me .

                    "Set a course, take it slow, make it happen."


                      Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
                      What have I learned about my incomparable self? I suppose it is simply that I have far fewer faults than I thought I had, in fact it seems as though excessive humility has kept me from really kicking loose for all these years. So I will try to extend my learning experience and see if I can come out from under the bushel where I have been hiding my light.... Oh, OK, let me just say this about that then, I have found that my horizons needed broadening just a bit, and I am working on that. V, I listened to some Schnittke the other day, so that is a beginning. And also that even though some of you irritated me like a grain of sand in my shell at first, the result came out to be a pearl, in nature's way, so even that was good.

                      Schnittke Gurn?! Very cool..... a very significant Russian post war composer. I have a cello concerto (that actually was the first piece of modern classical music I ever heard about 10 years ago... the irony Gurn, the irony!)I have some of his quartets as well, ...I think, and a vocal piece for choir. He is worth getting to know.

                      v russo
                      v russo


                        Originally posted by v russo:
                        Schnittke Gurn?! Very cool..... a very significant Russian post war composer. I have a cello concerto (that actually was the first piece of modern classical music I ever heard about 10 years ago... the irony Gurn, the irony!)I have some of his quartets as well, ...I think, and a vocal piece for choir. He is worth getting to know.

                        Yes, if you can believe it. I got a used CD on Ebay with the most unusual grouping of violin sonatas I ever saw: the only Haydn violin sonata I have ever seen recorded (probably others, but rare nonetheless), R. Strauss and Schnittke!! Now, there is an eclectic group I thought the Strauss sounded pretty Late Romantic, it was kind of a surprise. The Schnittke was... not Beethoven

                        That's my opinion, I may be wrong.

                        [This message has been edited by Gurn Blanston (edited March 31, 2004).]
                        That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                          Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
                          Yes, if you can believe it. I got a used CD on Ebay with the most unusual grouping of violin sonatas I ever saw: the only Haydn violin sonata I have ever seen recorded (probably others, but rare nonetheless), R. Strauss and Schnittke!! Now, there is an eclectic group I thought the Strauss sounded pretty Late Romantic, it was kind of a surprise. The Schnittke was... not Beethoven

                          HA, HAAA! Thats trhe truth.

                          v russo
                          v russo


                            In the last months, I have noticed following things:

                            1) My using of the english language is still something between odd and almost criminal Well, thanks to all for your patience!

                            2) This forum is for me a wondeful place to meet all you people to share my love to CM and Beethoven. In 'physical' life, this is extremely hard to get. Here I know, I'm not alone with my passion and it is a daily need, to come here to this board and all you fellows! I don't like to miss it and I want to say thanks to everybody here and specially of course to Peter and Chris, which made it possible this way!

                            Thanks my friends, I'm glad for knowing you and 'our' place to discuss here! Let's going on forever, this way...

                            All my kindest wishes and thankful regards. Sincerely, your laddie, Pastoralius.


                              Originally posted by Pastorali:
                              In the last months, I have noticed following things:

                              1) My using of the english language is still something between odd and almost criminal Well, thanks to all for your patience!

                              2) This forum is for me a wondeful place to meet all you people to share my love to CM and Beethoven. In 'physical' life, this is extremely hard to get. Here I know, I'm not alone with my passion and it is a daily need, to come here to this board and all you fellows! I don't like to miss it and I want to say thanks to everybody here and specially of course to Peter and Chris, which made it possible this way!

                              Thanks my friends, I'm glad for knowing you and 'our' place to discuss here! Let's going on forever, this way...

                              All my kindest wishes and thankful regards. Sincerely, your laddie, Pastoralius.
                              That was a very nice post, Pastorali, and your english is just fine! I too enjoy my time here and it's a bit like a 'support group' isn't it? If you have no other means of pouring out your passion for Beethoven (or if no one else will listen)or if you want to learn and debate or discuss him then this is the place to be!

                              'Truth and beauty joined'
                              'Truth and beauty joined'

