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beethoven 1st piano concerto concert

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    beethoven 1st piano concerto concert

    Hello everyone!

    i have finally played the concert in school! what a relief! i should really start to learn pieces a bit earlier rather than leaving it to the last minute! anyway it went better than i expected, considering the terrable preparations i had!

    what an experience it is to play with an orchestra! it was fantastic! and the orchestra was also really good yesturday, with proffesionals mixed into the school musicians. it is so different from playing a solo recital or playing a solo piece in a concert. it was a fantastic experience! ill be looking to improve on it though for the edinborgh festival in which im playing this piece again. it was a pitty i wasnt allowed to play the cadenza, i would have liked a solo section!


    Congratulations on living through that! Perhpas some day I will be buying your CD's!

    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


      Congratulations Shane,
      What an exciting opportunity for you,keep up the great work.Will you get to play the cadenza in the festival?
      "Finis coronat opus "


        I'm so glad you had a good experience. My few concerto performances have been generally good though there was at least one disaster.
        Tell us more about the Edinburgh festival. Are you playing as part of a competition, playing with students or professionals, etc.


          yes, i will be playing the cadenza in the edinbourgh festival, the 3rd cadenza by beethoven. it is a competition for music, there are different classes and for all instruments. im playing in the romantic class, sonata class and the concerto class. im playing either the Chopin winter wind etude or Chopin ballad no.1 in g minor for the romantic class. Beethoven moonlight sonata for the sonata class. and this concerto in the concerto class.

          i think ill be playing with a professional orchestra, though im not completely sure, but they will definately ne semi pro i think. two of the concerto performances will go through to the final and possibly the winners of each class or instrument will go through. and the over all winner in the final will win. its the same format as the glasgow festival which i played in last week, and the ayr festival which im playing in this monday.

          it will be fantastic!


