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who do you think is a betta composer beethoven or mozart

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    who do you think is a betta composer beethoven or mozart

    MOZART!!!! Give a reason or 2 plz or whomever u think is a better composer.

    [This message has been edited by sweet_blu3berry (edited March 05, 2004).]

    [This message has been edited by sweet_blu3berry (edited March 06, 2004).]

    Originally posted by sweet_blu3berry:


    Now what?


      Originally posted by sweet_blu3berry:

      Sweet blu3berry,

      Please feel free to join the new excellent Mozart Forum, created by one of our members Steve Ralsten (SR) and associates.
      Dedicated to discussion of the persona and world of Wolfgang.


      [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited March 05, 2004).]
      ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


        Odd question to ask at a Beethoven site, but really it is also irrelevant; both were great composers, masters of their art who left a legacy of wonderful music for us to enjoy.

        'Man know thyself'
        'Man know thyself'


          Absolutely! Why not enjoy each for their unique and beautiful contributions they made in the music world.

          'Truth and beauty joined'
          'Truth and beauty joined'


            Originally posted by sweet_blu3berry:
            "Betta" composer?

            Is this more deliberate instant messaging-type abbreviation, or unintended misspelling?

            Do we need a copy editor here?

            Or should we be more open to the youth who will keep classical music alive and smile as the language is destroyed in front of our eyes?

            Probably I'm just a crank, but I don't see much difference between this and someone playing a wrong note in a Beethoven sonata.

            [This message has been edited by Chaszz (edited March 05, 2004).]
            See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


              I didn't think such a deliberate taunt even deserved a reply.
              Yes by all means blueberry,go off to a Mozart site.
              "Finis coronat opus "


                I agree with Peter... both of them are great composers, but with very diferent ways of expresion.


                  Originally posted by Ellery:
                  I agree with Peter... both of them are great composers, but with very diferent ways of expresion.
                  it is like an old music history teacher once said to me when posed with a similar

                  "it is like comparing the mountain tops".

                  v russo
                  v russo


                    hello, great question. i think when a list of the greatest composers is drawn up, the first two will undoubtedly be beethoven and mozart. mozart was an unsurpassed genius as evidenced by the ease with which he churned out such delightful melodies.
                    where beethoven is unrivalled in my view is the radical innovations he introduced in the art of composition without watering down the quality and beauty of his pieces.
                    maybe it's because i literally worship the "poet in sound" but on my list, beethoven would be first with mozart only milimetres behind.
                    tanze benjamin makama


                      Originally posted by benjamin:
                      hello, great question. i think when a list of the greatest composers is drawn up, the first two will undoubtedly be beethoven and mozart. mozart was an unsurpassed genius as evidenced by the ease with which he churned out such delightful melodies.
                      where beethoven is unrivalled in my view is the radical innovations he introduced in the art of composition without watering down the quality and beauty of his pieces.
                      maybe it's because i literally worship the "poet in sound" but on my list, beethoven would be first with mozart only milimetres behind.
                      tanze benjamin makama
                      No two people would draw up the same list - we've tried it here before and the only one we all agree on is of course Beethoven! I suspect different names appear on a Mahler forum!

                      'Man know thyself'
                      'Man know thyself'


                        I think it is impossible objectively to determine which of the two is 'betta'. It is difficult firstly because both sought to achieve very different effects. Their respective styles are markedly different, so to compare the merits of both is like comparing apples and oranges. In their respective fields, both reign supreme.

                        There are, in my opinion, four pillars of classical music, four giants of such enormity that no-one else comes close to any of them. They are, in chronological order - Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner. It is unfair to compare the efforts of other composers - mere mortals - with these god-like beings! And the style of each, and the effect of each, is so different that they cannot really be compared against each other. Which of the four is your favourite, depends upon your personal preference.

                        [This message has been edited by Steppenwolf (edited March 07, 2004).]
                        "It is only as an aesthetic experience that existence is eternally justified" - Nietzsche


                          Well, I am sure that you put Wagner in there because yuo felt as though you were committed to him from your previous postings, but you can be more realistic in the sense of establishing this baseline. We at least agree on 3 of them, but the fourth must be Haydn, without whose efforts the subsequent works of Mozart, Beethoven, and the whole Romantic generation would have been entirely different. Not to say better or worse, but different. That is a pillar, no? Yes, I think so.

                          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                          That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


                            Originally posted by Gurn Blanston:
                            Well, I am sure that you put Wagner in there because yuo felt as though you were committed to him from your previous postings, but you can be more realistic in the sense of establishing this baseline. We at least agree on 3 of them, but the fourth must be Haydn, without whose efforts the subsequent works of Mozart, Beethoven, and the whole Romantic generation would have been entirely different. Not to say better or worse, but different. That is a pillar, no? Yes, I think so.


                            I personally would put Chopin as the last one. haydn is a classical composer as was mozart and beethoven, both of which have already been listed. Chopin is the next composer which brought music to the next step - romanticism. i totally agree with JS Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, but i think if you are talking about evolution of music then Chopin cant be missed out. I believe he was one of the most important composers in history, just like beethoven and mozart and bach.



                              Originally posted by Shane:

                              I personally would put Chopin as the last one. haydn is a classical composer as was mozart and beethoven, both of which have already been listed. Chopin is the next composer which brought music to the next step - romanticism. i totally agree with JS Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, but i think if you are talking about evolution of music then Chopin cant be missed out. I believe he was one of the most important composers in history, just like beethoven and mozart and bach.

                              I have been thinking about this post for a while, and I must say, I simply can't agree with you. Don't confuse greatness with influence. Chopin was a great composer for the piano (I'll give you that because I semi-agree with you, as I stated in that other thread), but really, he was not influential in the sense that he created new pathways that others followed. The fact that 2 of our mutually agreed-upon (even by Steppenwolf!) composers followed in his footsteps, and that he wrote a huge amount of great music for all possible combinations of instruments, that he virtually invented the modern concept of symphony and string quartet (2 of the most popular genres ever since both with the public and with musicians) and that I like him for this role (I put that in there for Urtextmeister and King Stephen ) all say that he is the man for that crucial fourth position.

                              That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
                              That's my opinion, I may be wrong.

