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argument for Beethoven's work

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    argument for Beethoven's work

    I am working on a definition argument for college class. My argument is: "Beethoven's work is/is not a good art." Everybody consider Beethoven's work is a good art, but why? Please give me some advice why Beethoven's works is good art.

    Because it combines a complete mastery of form with musical expression. Because it has tremendous power to move and inspire. Because the more you listen, the more you discover, not only about the music, but about yourself - it is in essence a spiritual experience that takes us beyond ourselves and reveals a higher truth. Because it has an honesty and integrity that have stood the test of time and contains a message of freedom and love for all humanity.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      Well formulated. Like balm on my soul this morning!


        Beethoven's art is not good art, it is 'great' art! A genius like Beethoven or Mozart, or Shakespeare or Leonardo only comes along once every thousand years.
        Beethoven is sublimely great because through the sheer force of his musical gifts he opened up a unique pathway into the divine or higher order of being. There is probably no other artist with only the possible exception of Leonardo da Vinci, who so uniquely allies artistic expression with human and individual character.
        The man or woman in the street can instantly recognize a Beethoven symphony, (in most cases) when their own experience of classical music has been very limited. Indeed to millions of people, Beethoven is classical music, and that is 'immortality' and 'universality' and even fame of a very unique kind.
        Art elevates. There is no more elevating, noble, inspiring, powerful and moving music than that composed by Beethoven. He alone among the composers can span the whole range and depth of the human condition, in a very special way indeed! Beethoven in many ways shows us what it is to be human, the heights, depths and the better life man is called to. He is a beacon of light, joy and hope in a dark world.
        His music fills my heart with so much love and joy that I can hardly contain it.

        [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited February 04, 2004).]
        ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


          Originally posted by joemo:
          Everybody consider Beethoven's work is a good art
          Do they ?!?

          Back in his time people considered his music too long and difficoult, go figure.

          I personally think everybody 'knows' Beethoven's work is great art, but they don't know why, because they don't listen to the music.

          On technical terms, his music was structurally perfect, aestetically captivating, and utterly groundbraking, propably more then many other composers before and after him.

          His music was charged with astonishing spours of emotions, but was also filled with wit and instances of pure genious.

          Later in his life, he also departed from formal writing and ventured into the world of avant-garde, almost a whole century before it's time.

          It's hard to say why is hard is good art without a good understanding of the context and the circumnstances under which it was generated (art cannot be understood from a vaccum). From my part all i can say is that is music is still awe-inspiring after almost 3 centuries, that ought to tell you how 'good' this art is...

          [This message has been edited by Opus131 (edited February 04, 2004).]


            I hope beethoven is always regarded as good art. He was a pure genius, and I think, the greatest of symphonic writers. After 40 years, his music is still as much part of my life as air itself, he was and remains in a class of his own. I believe all art should move one, and I still am moved, often fighting back a tear in company, and always marvelling at this Icon of music. If I am concious in any form when I die, one of the biggest things I shall miss is Beethoven, and I consider it a privilege that even now, for so long I have been able to listen to his great art. There is nothing like him, or it.


              How did Beethoven's art influence contemporary social?


                Originally posted by joemo:
                How did Beethoven's art influence contemporary social?
                The 19th century was a a time of idealism about democracy and the dignity and future of humanity, when the chains of the old order of kings and ministers in Europe were being broken. Beethoven's expressed these ideals and feelings like no other music, and became part of the atmosphere of the time that eventually produced the Europe-wide revolutions of 1830 and 1848.

                See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.

