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Why....simply the best

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    Why....simply the best

    I am sure most of the users of this chat have something in common, our love for the music of Beethoven.

    For me Beethoven (B) has something that i can´t find in other compositors.

    When i listened B music my heart seems to go out, it´s something i can´t describe but i am sure many of you could share this with me.

    I wonder what the hell is the reason of the unique feeelings that b can cause in me, and why is the only compositor can do it in this especial way.

    i mean,,of course, a lot of other compositors can produce pleasure, but i am sorry b is special.


    I think one of the reason could the struggle against the fate, and the victory of the talent and the music.

    But what else you can add of what i think its a common feeling that can link us so far away.

    i am waiting your explanations.

    see u

    An interesting question, which I ask myself too sometimes. I also like other composers' music, but more temporarly, I always come back to B's. music, it's like home. Maybe it's Beethoven's character, his pride, his love to the nature, or his strong will – for me, it is of all these kinds something in the music. Also the contrasts from dramatic or most eroic, to the most beautiful and sensitive music, all that points not just my taste, but also my heart very much. And so, I am full of admiration to his music, always new again!

    And always more, how I found out. I confess, I'm addicted.


      There has never been a composer like him (and there never will be).

      It can't be the harmonic music. Mozart is better then he is at that. No. For me it is the contrast between the "Mad man" and The way that he see's the "bright light".

      Perhaps it is the conflict between good and evil?

      He always seems to have become futher to perfection at the end of his Sonatas..etc. In total harmony with nature and himself. He seems happy, in the end.


        Originally posted by kenneth:
        It can't be the harmonic music. Mozart is better then he is at that.
        What other points would Mozart's music surpass Beethoven's?


          Originally posted by Ahmad:
          What other points would Mozart's music surpass Beethoven's?
          I think in most of his (Mozart's) vocal writing.



            Originally posted by Ahmad:
            What other points would Mozart's music surpass Beethoven's?
            Not being an expert, it's hard to say.

            Mozart was better trained then Beethoven, and throught his music you can feel the influence of the many different styles and genres he was exposed to, but other then that i wouldn't be able to tell, most of the gifts Mozart acquired throught his training (like
            his ability to write at the spur of a moment)
            don't necessarely translate in his music. He matured at a younger age then Beethoven, and was aslo a much more prolific composer, however, the latter had time enought to step over Mozart's achievemnts.

            Perhaps a slightly better mastery of counterpoint and harmony ?!? Mozart's music just flows like thin air, Beethoven sounds a little forceful at times.

            The only true different is in the genres in which neither composers seemed to care for as much as the other.

            Fidelio, the Missa and the 2 last Piano Concerti are absolute masterpeices of their respective genre, but you can see Mozart was much more confortable here (albiet some would say Beethoven limited output exceeds that of the former).

            Similarly, the same cannot be said about Mozart's symphonies, piano sonatas and string quartets.

            It's really hard to point at anything specific as Beethoven was completely obsessed with perfection and was hightly concerned in besting anybody who came before him.

            I'd even venture to say Fidelio was written just because he wanted to leave his own print in the genre, particularly considering how much he hated the whole process of writing it...


              Originally posted by Ahmad:
              What other points would Mozart's music surpass Beethoven's?
              like an old music history teacher once said to me when posed with a similar question regarding the great masters, "it's like trying to compare mountain tops".

              v russo
              v russo


                Originally posted by josecarlos:

                I am sure most of the users of this chat have something in common, our love for the music of Beethoven.

                For me Beethoven (B) has something that i can´t find in other compositors.

                When i listened B music my heart seems to go out, it´s something i can´t describe but i am sure many of you could share this with me.

                I wonder what the hell is the reason of the unique feeelings that b can cause in me, and why is the only compositor can do it in this especial way.

                i mean,,of course, a lot of other compositors can produce pleasure, but i am sorry b is special.


                I think one of the reason could the struggle against the fate, and the victory of the talent and the music.

                But what else you can add of what i think its a common feeling that can link us so far away.

                i am waiting your explanations.

                see u

                In his dialogues Leonard Bernstein makes the statement that Beethoven has the tendency to do just the right thing at the right time in his music. He uses the example of the non-harmonic tone in the first measures of the 3rd Symphony, the d-flat that would be the most unexpected turn in terms of chord progression, yet it is the only thing that could really have happened at that time. It is that sense of timing and knowledge of what is supposed to happen next that reaches us as listeners.


                  Originally posted by josecarlos:

                  I am sure most of the users of this chat have something in common, our love for the music of Beethoven.

                  For me Beethoven (B) has something that i can´t find in other compositors.

                  When i listened B music my heart seems to go out, it´s something i can´t describe but i am sure many of you could share this with me.

                  I wonder what the hell is the reason of the unique feeelings that b can cause in me, and why is the only compositor can do it in this especial way.

                  i mean,,of course, a lot of other compositors can produce pleasure, but i am sorry b is special.


                  I think one of the reason could the struggle against the fate, and the victory of the talent and the music.

                  But what else you can add of what i think its a common feeling that can link us so far away.

                  i am waiting your explanations.

                  see u
                  There is just something in his music that is beyond explanation. No style or genre of music moves me the way that Beethoven's does. His music is the only one that consistently brings me to tears...

                  v russo
                  v russo

