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your favourite movement

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    your favourite movement

    i know it´s something absurd and ridicolous, but all of you have such a vast knowledge about the master and i´d like to know something.

    Of course its a sin to separate a movement of his symphony.

    But what is that movement that you cant stop listening time after time, and you never tire of.

    I say again its a question some of you shoulf define as a silly thing.

    But i am anxious what is your choice,

    i start, i have been listened the first movement of the 6th and every time i listened to i realized how incedibe it is.

    adios amigos

    Depends on my mood, but the slow movement of the 7th is so haunting and hypnotic and seems appropiate for me at the moment!

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      Funny you should say that, Peter, I have just heard the 7th symphony this afternoon and that is the movement I would have picked, although you are right it does depend on one's mood. My other choice would have to be the second movement of the 9th symphony. This has always been one of my all time favourites!

      'Truth and beauty joined'
      'Truth and beauty joined'


        Marcia Funebre, 6/2, 7/2, 9/2..., ....., ....surely at least one I've forgotten

        [This message has been edited by Pastorali (edited January 30, 2004).]


          Originally posted by Joy:
          Funny you should say that, Peter, I have just heard the 7th symphony this afternoon and that is the movement I would have picked, although you are right it does depend on one's mood. My other choice would have to be the second movement of the 9th symphony. This has always been one of my all time favourites!

          I would agree with all of the above mentioned. It depends on the ambience and colour of one's own mood.
          I love the 3rd movement of the ninth, and the last movement of the 'Emperor' a tour de force, I really love that.
          And if I am in a reverent and meditative mood, I love listening to the Sanctus, 4th movement of the Missa Solemnis - it is a glimpse of a divine order where we are transported through the music of the master musician, Beethoven.

          [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited January 30, 2004).]
          ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~


            The 2nd of the fifth is one of my favourites..

            It seems that the 2nds of Beethoven's symphonies are attractable pieces ..!

            Also in other genres:
            *The 2nd of Piano sonata no.8 (OP.13,Pathetique) is one of my favourites..
            *The 2nd of his trio for Piano,clarinet and cello...What an amzing piece of emotions..!

            [This message has been edited by Ahmad (edited January 30, 2004).]


              1st of the Ninth
              last of the Fifth
              1st of the Second
              See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


                For me it is also the Allegretto (2nd movement) of Beethoven's Sym.#7.


                  Originally posted by Andrea:
                  For me it is also the Allegretto (2nd movement) of Beethoven's Sym.#7.

                  myself as well,... there is nothing quite like it anywhere (music of the spheres!)

                  v russo
                  v russo


                    The 3rd movement of the 5th, and the slow movement of the 7th, are amoung my favourites - they are non plus ultra of Beethoven's personality - the onward struggle of a noble, heroic individual against adverse fate - the genre of 'Strum und Drang' is very evident.

                    Then there is 1st movement of the 6th, another favourite, which to me seems to express the essence of romanticism (although I think Beethoven did this unconsiously).
                    "It is only as an aesthetic experience that existence is eternally justified" - Nietzsche


                      To me, the idea is that it shall not depend on any state of mind. Thus music that always get ones attention (unconditionally, so to say) and impeign a good and thorough feeling in almost whatever the situation, seem to be called for. If so, I come to think of following:
                      8th Symphony, mt.3
                      Leonore overture "no.2"
                      7th Str.qt., finale mt.
                      and foremost mt.1 of the Sinfonia eroica.
                      They are all ultra-beethovenian statements. Imcompetables! / G.


                        Not mentioned is the first symphony. As it is B's. first work in this genre, it is amazing of what high quality it is. The first mvmnt is also a favorite of mine – it's so fresh!!!



                          1st of sym 5
                          last of sym 9
                          1st of piano con 1 (though the whole thing is brilliant!)
                          1st of sonata pathetique
                          whole of moonlight sonata
                          1st of appassionata sonata(again i love the whole thing)
                          1st of sonata 5 in cminor#
                          ..... the list goes on!!!



                            The one that sticks with me day and night (in hopefully private whistling moments )is the last movement of the Maestro's Vioiin Concerto. I am not a professional musician but there is "a bit towrads the end" where it resolves and explodes into joy that has been with me seemingly for ever
                            Love from London


                              Originally posted by Tony John Hearne:
                              The one that sticks with me day and night (in hopefully private whistling moments )is the last movement of the Maestro's Vioiin Concerto. I am not a professional musician but there is "a bit towrads the end" where it resolves and explodes into joy that has been with me seemingly for ever
                              Funny you should mention Opus 61,I just bought a recording of this with Joseph Suk playing the violin.It has become my new favorite piece of music.I love all three movements and particularly the final one.
                              "Finis coronat opus "

