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CARE FOR masterpieces, ANYONE?

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    Originally posted by Geratlas:

    Gurn, I must say that I can't thank you enough for taking the effort to reply in this most appreciative manner. Honest!
    Your comment on the piano quartet as genre
    was delightful to read. How can you know it all? I'm in awe, but not jelous, and I want you to know that I think very highly of you
    and your views.
    Moreover I very much agree (VERY MUCH that is) with you that even the 'minor' works deserve their place in 'the open'. I have felt this myself, ever since I start to uncover the 'unknowns'. So... I promise you that I will listen to the RONDO. And the funny thing is that I won't be disappointed! The contrary, im SURE! (THANK YOU FOR THIS, AND SO MANY OTHER THINGS, YET AGAIN) / Y.F.G.

    It is no effort, I anjoy your enthusiasm, anyone who is so into B deserves consideration. As for what I have learned, well, I am an enthusiast also, and have been fortunate enough to not only commune with knowledgable people, but also to remember what they have taught me. I supose that I could say that in my opinion, there are no minor works, so this helps me to keep perspective. Also I don't play an instrument so I don't favor a genre (i.e. piano sonatas) over others, although I can say truly that I prefer chamber music. And what group has more obscure pieces than chamber music?? So, I suppose it is a natural thing then, eh?

    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.

    [This message has been edited by Gurn Blanston (edited January 13, 2004).]
    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


      There is some skeches for the 10th symphony that Beethoven was starting on.

      You can lisen to them at:

      no 838.
      It is a midi file. Better than not hearing it tho.

