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Authentic Page mp3s - Sonatas for Fortepiano and Violin - in A minor, Op.23 and F maj

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    Originally posted by Amalie:

    Well yes I see your point Chazz, but I guess we wouldn't have Stradivarius violins without authentic gut strings.
    You have to admit that the sound from 'gut' strings is vastly superior to metal, yes?

    Well, no. I like both. I also like both the modern piano and the fortepiano. And since I am influenced by my liking for Bach, who switched the same works around to different instruments quite a bit, I don't take this business of authentic instruments that seriously. For example, I find the piano version of Beethoven's Violin Concerto very fine, just as I do the violin version.

    As to the animal issues, IF the animals involved are being raised now specifically to provide gut for strings (if it's cats I don't see many other uses), and IF they are being treated as cruelly during their lives and during slaughter as are most other animals that are used for meat, fur or what-have-you,* then I protest their use in this fashion. And were Beethoven here today and aware of factory "farming" of animals, which is much worse than in his day, I have no doubt where his sympathies would lie, and what type of strings he would be in favor of.

    * Because 1. constantly improved factory techniques lower costs but impose terrific cruelty and crowding on the animals and 2. workers are dehumanized by the speed necessary and become indifferent to what goes on, if not worse by actively taking out their anger on the animals.

    [This message has been edited by Chaszz (edited January 14, 2004).]
    See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


      Originally posted by Chaszz:
      Well, no. I like both. I also like both the modern piano and the fortepiano. And since I am influenced by my liking for Bach, who switched the same works around to different instruments quite a bit, I don't take this business of authentic instruments that seriously. For example, I find the piano version of Beethoven's Violin Concerto very fine, just as I do the violin version.

      As to the animal issues, IF the animals involved are being raised now specifically to provide gut for strings (if it's cats I don't see many other uses), and IF they are being treated as cruelly during their lives and during slaughter as are most other animals that are used for meat, fur or what-have-you,* then I protest their use in this fashion. And were Beethoven here today and aware of factory "farming" of animals, which is much worse than in his day, I have no doubt where his sympathies would lie, and what type of strings he would be in favor of.

      * Because 1. constantly improved factory techniques lower costs but impose terrific cruelty and crowding on the animals and 2. workers are dehumanized by the speed necessary and become indifferent to what goes on, if not worse by actively taking out their anger on the animals.

      [This message has been edited by Chaszz (edited January 14, 2004).]
      I am certain animals are not bred and culled solely for the production of authentic instrument stringing! I suggest this is a by-product activity.

      PS I also think the Piano version of B's violin concerto is a wholely feasible composition that could be played more often (of course not in the lame manner that one usually hears the violin concerto). I imagine an authentic rendition with the fortepiano would be quite something, especially B's cadenza with the timpani duet.

      Of course at my Handel site all you will ever hear is authentic instruments:

      And I am still awaiting your (or anyones!) comments on the Brockes Passion.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

      [This message has been edited by Rod (edited January 15, 2004).]


        Well Chaszz, I also enjoy listening to period instruments as well as modern.
        Rod's MP3's give a new dimension to listening pleasure.

        It would also be nice to go to a 'work shop' to experience the authentic sound of period instruments. In fact, think I might just do that.

        I was wondering what type authentic instruments people don't like listening to and why?

        [This message has been edited by Amalie (edited January 15, 2004).]
        ~ Courage, so it be righteous, will gain all things ~

