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Who organized piano/violin technique?

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    Who organized piano/violin technique?

    How long ago were each of these organized, and who help it along?
    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing. -- Act V, Scene V, Macbeth.

    Originally posted by Beyond Within:
    How long ago were each of these organized, and who help it along?
    The piano question is beyond my range, although I know that Bach introduced the use of the thumbs in playing, and Rameau and Domenico Scarlatti introduced crossing of the hands. But (and he HAD to be known for something, didn't he?) Leopold Mozart was the first to write a book which formalized what is now known as modern violin technique. Called "Violinschule", it was the textbook of the next 45 years for how to play the violin. I believe the first edition came out in the year of Wolfgang's birth, 1756, but it may have been the year before.
    PS - Thanks, spaceray ;-))))

    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.
    That's my opinion, I may be wrong.


      Originally posted by Beyond Within:
      How long ago were each of these organized, and who help it along?
      Technique evolved with time - it isn't set in stone anyway as there are different approaches. Clementi was the first to introduce legato playing on the piano so I suppose for that instrument it begins with him - Beethoven and Chopin of course made new demands of pianists then you had the Romantic generation of virtuosi personified in Liszt. Further developments came with the music of Debussy and Ravel - in the 20th century Bartok and Prokofiev used the instrument in different ways.

      'Man know thyself'
      'Man know thyself'


        Albinoni published worthwhile models of rhythm,bowing,and various kinds of themes.

        and from Herr von Uffenbach's journal"When Vivaldi placed his fingers but a hair's breadth from the bridge so that there was hardly room for the bow,it means that he evolved the thirteenth,fourteenth and fifteenth positions to which,it had been believed,only Locatelli approached."
        "Finis coronat opus "

