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WETA Classical Countdown

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    WETA Classical Countdown

    WETA Classical Countdown

    The local classical music radio station lets listeners vote on their favorite classical music, and they play the top 100 every Thanksgiving week. Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony has always won, for as long as I’ve been listening. This year, a local elementary school teacher decided to get anything other than perennial winner Beethoven's 9th to win this contest. The teacher said if Vivaldi's Four Seasons wins, she would throw the class a party. So the children turned to twitter and facebook, and solicited votes for The Four Seasons, and in the end, “Four Seasons” won. Not fair, sez I. Maybe next year I'll lobby for "Rock Around the Clock" or "Mairzy Doats" as the all-time best classical music. Chuckle.

    Each year our local radio station has a similar event for December. I've noticed that some of the music they play more often than not has registered higher on the list, sometimes that I wouldn't expect to be in a top 50/100 list. I don't remember what the pieces were, now, but as an example, Ravel's Daphnis et Chloe might even be in the top 10 just because it has had a lot of exposure during the year.


      Originally posted by susanwen
      WETA Classical Countdown

      The local classical music radio station lets listeners vote on their favorite classical music, and they play the top 100 every Thanksgiving week. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony has always won, for as long as I've been listening. This year, a local elementary school teacher decided to get anything other than perennial winner Beethoven's 9th to win this contest. The teacher said if Vivaldi's Four Seasons wins, she would throw the class a party. So the children turned to twitter and facebook, and solicited votes for The Four Seasons, and in the end, Four Seasons won. Not fair, sez I. Maybe next year I'll lobby for "Rock Around the Clock" or "Mairzy Doats" as the all-time best classical music. Chuckle.
      Obviously, the vote was rigged and hence stolen; these extreme leftists will stop at nothing!


        Indeed. If this is actually a lesson on stuffing the ballot box for a social studies class, I tip my hat to the teacher for some creative lesson planning! If it's for a music class, as much as I like Vivaldi, I hate to see the 9th dethroned by the Four Seasons!


          Let's be clear, by the 9th, they mean 'Ode to Joy' and most probably have never heard the other movements and certainly wouldn't vote for it if they had. I also like Vivaldi but the popularity of the 4 seasons and excessive almost obsessive broadcasting of it has overshadowed much of his output which is equally fine.
          'Man know thyself'


            I agree with Peter a hundred per cent.

