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Which was Beethoven relashion with rock music?

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    Which was Beethoven relashion with rock music?

    Hi, a few days ago I heard that Beethoven was in some way, not only one of the best composers ever, but also, the man who created the bases for todays rock music, but I have not found many information about it, so if anyone knows which was Beethoven's relation with contemporary rock music, please tell me.

    Well there is no direct relationship between Beethoven's music and rock music. However he flouted the social conventions of the day and his music did shock and challenge the older generation whilst inspiring the young.

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      Originally posted by Marcos:
      Hi, a few days ago I heard that Beethoven was in some way, not only one of the best composers ever, but also, the man who created the bases for todays rock music, but I have not found many information about it, so if anyone knows which was Beethoven's relation with contemporary rock music, please tell me.
      Certain comparisons can be made. Certainly the hard-rock guitarists of the 7O's and 80's are the nearest equivalent to the dueling vitruoso pianist/composers of Beethoven's time. Each guitarist had his band of adulating fans and they would all bicker amongst themselves as to who was the best player. The rock/metal format is hightly instrumental by pop standards, with a vituoso solo required for virtually every song, one could say a guitar cadenza! Often elements of the classical style have been imported into hard rock music, and then I just noticed yesterday in HMV a CD of arrangements of AC/DC songs for string orchestra! Rock bands have on more than one occasion composed operas and at least one symphony. Most rock fans I have met are into classical to one degree or another.

      "If I were but of noble birth..." - Rod Corkin

      [This message has been edited by Rod (edited October 05, 2003).]


        Originally posted by Marcos:
        Hi, a few days ago I heard that Beethoven was in some way, not only one of the best composers ever, but also, the man who created the bases for todays rock music, but I have not found many information about it, so if anyone knows which was Beethoven's relation with contemporary rock music, please tell me.
        I guess the base Beethoven made for rock music was his power. That strong, masculin, earthy power connected with a lot of feelings however.
        I have never found the same enormous power and drive on a rock song like the 9th's Molto vivace.
        And Beethoven was maybe the very first "rock star" so he had to give autographs to fans...


        Von Herzen - möge es wieder zu Herzen gehen.


          Originally posted by Pastorali:
          I guess the base Beethoven made for rock music was his power. That strong, masculin, earthy power connected with a lot of feelings however.
          I have never found the same enormous power and drive on a rock song like the 9th's Molto vivace.
          And Beethoven was maybe the very first "rock star" so he had to give autographs to fans...


          Von Herzen - möge es wieder zu Herzen gehen.

          However, I don't think that Beethoven sought specifically for power and fame which seems to be the big thing with rock stars. Beethoven's output came from an inner drive to express ideas that he himself could not supress.


            You are right! I just mean this inner drive expressed thru his powerfull music. I'm sure for L.v.B. his music was most importent and not to be fame. In this relation I never would compare him to a rock star!


            Von Herzen - möge es wieder zu Herzen gehen.


              Closer to jazz than rock is the Adagio from Piano Sonata No. 32, Opus 111. In about the middle third of this movement Beethoven amazingly plays the blues for several minutes, first in a slow tempo, then in a faster one that sounds like 1920s Harlem stride piano.

              See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


                As I have heard the Coriolan Ouverture for the first time, I thought to LedZep's live version of Dazed & Confused. I am not a musician, so I'm maybe wrong. But in my ears parts of the guitar solo has its roots by Beethoven.

                But it doesn't matter to me, I'm looking forward to classic ;-)


                Von Herzen - möge es wieder zu Herzen gehen.

                [This message has been edited by Pastorali (edited October 06, 2003).]


                  Originally posted by Pastorali:
                  As I have heard the Coriolan Ouverture for the first time, I thought to LedZep's live version of Dazed & Confused. I am not a musician, so I'm maybe wrong. But in my ears parts of the guitar solo has its roots by Beethoven.

                  But it doesn't matter to me, I'm looking forward to classic ;-)


                  Von Herzen - möge es wieder zu Herzen gehen.

                  [This message has been edited by Pastorali (edited October 06, 2003).]

                  I would not doubt that some rock musicians get their inspiration from Beethoven and other classical composers (they would be unwise not to do so). If you hear similarities in rock music to classical you can have a pretty good guess what the rock composer listened to prior before writing the song.

