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I went to the prom 72 on 12th of september now a lame ass atempt at a reveiw

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    I went to the prom 72 on 12th of september now a lame ass atempt at a reveiw

    We all know what beethovens 9th symphony is about so instead of going on abouthow good it is and how wonderfull to hear it live. I will talk a little bit about Sir Harrison Britwistle and his Shadow of the night. First he gave a talk you might of heard it on radio3. He basicly waffled on about concepts about status of time English melancholy and other boring things. Maybe he was saying stuff that was interesting, but he wasnt the greatest speaker in the world. He looked like he didnt want to be there talking to people. He also said he would be happy if he never heard Beethovens 9th again. You could hear the audience hold its breath and gasp at that. He tryed to retrack his statement. Perhaps he meant he heard the peice so many times he wouldnt mind hearing it again? He didnt make himself excatly clear on that. Then he was asked a few questions that he didnt seem egar to answer thankfully all boring things as well as good come to a end.

    Then roughly at 7:30 came the peformance of the Shadow of the night. Basicly i never been so bored with music in my life. I mean it seemed the music was more concerned about being some sort of werid timeless structure. ( I supose that what he meant about the status of time i think.) Anyway it went on for half a hour but it felt like 2. To me music is some sort of lanauge. Well this was more like random babbling than any lanauge. The only pattern i could hear with the music was this strange rhythm that the wooden xylophone was playing, i supose it was sort of intresting in its own way. This was like looking at a modern peice of abstract art. Except i am forced to look at it for half a hour intead of just looking at it for a few seconds. Anyway cant think to say anything else about it. If this is the state of modern classical music i think i will stick to the olden stuff. Heck i would take pop music over this anyday. I supose having something like this pefromed made me appreciate Beethovens 9th even more. On to the beethoven i will say a few things. I was surprised at how strong the brass section was. Also choral section just blew my mind. Its like i only understod Beethovens 9th as a concept and i now understand it as a living breathing thing. Did anyone listen to this prom on bbc 3? I dunno i hope the review made sense. I only did this cuase i said i would. If anyone else listen to it perhaps they could give a better review?
    I watched inmortal beloved the other night and i learnt this. A time traveling beethoven was framed and set up for killing JFK.

    I sympathise with you over the damage done to your ears! Some people I know are passionate about Birtwhistle but to me it's dreadful stuff - I agree, I'd rather listen to Eminem, and I'd only do that with both ears sealed!

    'Man know thyself'
    'Man know thyself'


      I dunno lets say beethovens music is like a well written peice of literature. This Harrison persons music is like a maths book. Its not the sort of thing you would enjoy reading. Well i dont like to judge things on a first listen normally, as sometimes i dont even appreciate some beethoven works on the first listen, (Normally something werid and complex like his later string quartets.) but i doubt i am giving this a listen again.
      I watched inmortal beloved the other night and i learnt this. A time traveling beethoven was framed and set up for killing JFK.

