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any purchasing suggestions?

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    any purchasing suggestions?

    I got Schuberts 9th a while ago, and also recently some Rachmaninoff. After a quite a few listens I now love the Schubert symphony. The Rachmaninoff first symphony was great from the start, it has a gypsy sound. Anyway, any suggestions, I have a 10% off thing at borders, so give me a lot. I will probably buy it all at once totalling (i will try) more that 100$ to make back the money I got ripped off buying a overpriced CD case. To digest it all will take a few months, so this will be my last purchase in a while. So put as much as you want, and an explanation as to what its similar to/sounds like. thanks.

    Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more. It is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing. -- Act V, Scene V, Macbeth.

    Originally posted by Beyond Within:
    I got Schuberts 9th a while ago, and also recently some Rachmaninoff. After a quite a few listens I now love the Schubert symphony. The Rachmaninoff first symphony was great from the start, it has a gypsy sound. Anyway, any suggestions, I have a 10% off thing at borders, so give me a lot. I will probably buy it all at once totalling (i will try) more that 100$ to make back the money I got ripped off buying a overpriced CD case. To digest it all will take a few months, so this will be my last purchase in a while. So put as much as you want, and an explanation as to what its similar to/sounds like. thanks.

    I think that Schumann's symphonies are closest in spirit to Schubert's 9th. From there you could branch out to Brahms and Dvorak (I've recently picked up Dvorak's complete symphonies and am finding them very enjoyable). My own tastes lead me to Bruckner from there.


      I'm currently very much into Schubert. Go with the nice cheap EMI Classics Yehudi Menuhin Schubert Symphonies 1-6 (his fourth and fifth are wonderful!). I'd also recommend EMI Classics release on Karajan Edition Schubert Symphonies 8 & 9, absolutely SUBLIME!!! Anything Schubert is good, his String Quintet is really quite beautiful, likewise his Piano Sonata in B flat major (D960) and the Winterreise song cycle.


        I just got a CD of the complete Schubert Impropmptus...well it also has theMoments Musicaux butI'm looking forward to the Impromptus...haven't listened to it yet but I'm betting it's gonna be awesome!!...heard a few of them performed live so...and I also got (never listened to) the complete Brahms symphonies. I just heard one movement of one...I think the first or the third...but it'll be good.

        I recently got a CD by some guy...the name escapes me...of Schubert music. It has his first piano sonata (in E major) and another in either B major or B-flat Major. and it has some liszt transcription of one of his songs, I believe. That's well worth it.

        And the soundtrack to The Pianist. It's all Chopin, really, but it's worth it. The Ballades are absolutely magnificent...


          If you live in the uk buy the bbc classical magazine cuase you get a free cd each month and you can get stuff you normally dont go out of your way to get so you can listen to the unexpected. I rember years ago getting a free cd of Schuberts 9th symphony.
          I watched inmortal beloved the other night and i learnt this. A time traveling beethoven was framed and set up for killing JFK.


            You asked awhile ago about a first Wagner purchase. You might include in this batch a single CD sample collection of his overtures, as we said, and if you like them you may want to go on to some of his operas as we recommended in that thread. If you are up for an operaa, I think the Solti Lohengrin is ideal for a first one.

            See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


              Originally posted by Beyond Within:
              ... also recently some Rachmaninoff...The Rachmaninoff first symphony was great from the start, it has a gypsy sound.
              I like Rachmaninoff very much. Although he's not on the same spiritual level as Beethoven, his music is very attractive and impeccably crafted, and his piano music is fiendishly difficult. (He was one of the great pianists too; I have CDs of him playing his own four concertos and the Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, and he puts many modern players to shame.) If you've fallen in love with his First Symphony, you might also try The Rock and especially The Isle of the Dead. And you will certainly want to check out the legendary Second Piano Concerto.

              Oh, and the Third Piano Concerto is the one done at all the piano competitions, simply because it's possibly the most difficult thing ever written for piano.

              [This message has been edited by John Rasmussen (edited July 25, 2003).]


                Originally posted by John Rasmussen:

                Oh, and the Third Piano Concerto is the one done at all the piano competitions, simply because it's possibly the most difficult thing ever written for piano.

                [This message has been edited by John Rasmussen (edited July 25, 2003).]
                And I always thought (after looking at the piano score) that Prokofiev's was (I think it's No. 2, but not sure--it just looks dang hard!)


                  Originally posted by Sorrano:
                  And I always thought (after looking at the piano score) that Prokofiev's was (I think it's No. 2, but not sure--it just looks dang hard!)
                  A correction. It is the Prokofiev no. 3 I am referring to it. Anyone familiar with it?

