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    "It occurred to me by intuition, and music was the driving force behind that intuition. My discovery was the result of musical perception." (When asked about his theory of relativity)
    -- Albert Einstein
    See my paintings and sculptures at In the search box, choose Artist and enter Charles Zigmund.


      "It was not a fortuitous meeting of cordial atoms that made the world. If order and beauty are reflected in the constitution of the universe, then there is a God."

      'Truth and beauty joined'
      'Truth and beauty joined'


        " The great Italian is Dante,
        the great Englishman is Shakespeare,
        the Great German is Beethoven"

        ~ Victor Hugo ~


          "You should not only find me greater
          as an artist, but as a human being
          better, more perfect; and when our
          Fatherland has become more prosperous
          then my art shall show itself for
          the good of the poor people".

          ~ Beethoven ~


            "My heart is full of many things..
            there are moments when I feel that
            speech is nothing after all"

            ~ Beethoven ~

            [This message has been edited by lysander (edited June 23, 2003).]


              "It is the duty of every composer to be
              familiar with all poets, old and new,
              and himself choose the best and most
              fitting for his purposes"

              (In a recommendation of Kandler's Anthology)


                "Goethe's poems exert a great power over me,
                not only because of their contents but also
                because of their rhythms;
                I am stimulated to compose by this language
                which builds itself up to higher orders as
                if through spiritual agencies, and bears in
                itself the secret of harmonies"

                "Schiller's poems are difficult to set to music. The composer must be able to rise
                far above the poet.
                Who can do that in the case of Schiller?
                In this respect, Goethe is much easier"

                (1809, after Beethoven had made his experiences with the "Hymn to Joy" and "Egmont")


                  "Beethoven will one day be one of
                  Europe's greatest composers and I am
                  proud that I was his teacher"

                  ~ Joseph Haydn ~


                    "I write (music) as a sow piddles"

                    ~ Mozart ~


                      I produce music as an apple tree proudces apples.
                      Camille Saint-Saens
                      "Finis coronat opus "


                        "God sees into my innermost heart
                        and knows that as a man I perform
                        most conscientiously and on all
                        occasions the duties which humanity,
                        God and Nature enjoin upon me"

                        ~ Ludwig van Beethoven ~


                          "Take a hundred century-old oak tree, and
                          write his name with them, in giant letters,
                          on a plain. Or carve his likeness in colossal proportions like Saint Borromaeus on Lake Maggiore, that he may gaze above the
                          mountains, as he did when living; and when
                          the Rhine ships pass, and foreigners ask the
                          name of that giant form, every child may answer - It is Beethoven, and they will think it is the name of a great German Emperor"

                          ~ Robert Schumann ~


                            Originally posted by lysander:

                            "Take a hundred century-old oak tree, and
                            write his name with them, in giant letters,
                            on a plain. Or carve his likeness in colossal proportions like Saint Borromaeus on Lake Maggiore, that he may gaze above the
                            mountains, as he did when living; and when
                            the Rhine ships pass, and foreigners ask the
                            name of that giant form, every child may answer - It is Beethoven, and they will think it is the name of a great German Emperor"

                            ~ Robert Schumann ~

                            Interesting idea of Schumann's - an anticipation of Mount Rushmore!

                            'Man know thyself'
                            'Man know thyself'


                              Aldous Huxley, on Beethoven's 'String Quartet Op.132'.

                              "Slowly, slowly, the melody unfolded
                              itself. The archaic Lydian harmonies
                              hung on the air. It was an unimpassioned
                              music, transparent, pure and crystalline,
                              like a tropical sea, an Alpine lake.
                              Water on water, calm sliding over calm;
                              the according of level horizons and waveless
                              expanses, a counterpoint of serenities.
                              And everything clear and bright; no mists,
                              no vague twilights. It was the calm of
                              still and rapturous contemplation, not of
                              drowsiness or sleep. It was the serenity of a convalescent who wakes from fever and
                              finds himself born again into a realm of
                              beauty. But the fever was 'the fever called
                              living' and the rebirth was not into this
                              world; the beauty was unearthly, convalescent serenity was the peace of God.
                              The interweaving of Lydian melodies was heaven."

                              ~ Aldous Huxley ~

                              [This message has been edited by lysander (edited July 03, 2003).]


                                "Let all that is called life be offered to the sublime and become a sactuary of art.
                                Let me live, even through artificial means,
                                so they can be found"

                                ~ Ludwig van Beethoven ~

