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    I'll post this here knowing it should be on the stout thread.
    "Religion:A daughter of Hope and Fear,explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable.
    Ambrose Bierce
    "Finis coronat opus "



      "The artist alone sees spirits,
      But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them"

      ~ GOETHE ~


        "The connoisseur of art must be able to appreciate what is simply beautiful,but the common run of people are satisfied with ornament."
        "Finis coronat opus "


          [QUOTE]Originally posted by spaceray:
          [b]"The connoisseur of art must be able to appreciate what is simply beautiful,but the common run of people are satisfied with ornament."
          * GOETHE *

          I liked that one Spaceray,

          It is a shame more or Goethe's works have not been translated into English. His poems, plays, and correspondence run to 70 or more volumes in German, but sadly their has never been the high level of interest .
          In the English speaking world which means that only a fraction of his output has been translated.
          Many Germans would say that his is the equivalent of Shakespeare, but we will let that one pass!.
          Of course Beethoven and Geothe new one another, but I don't think Goethe quite knew what to make of dear 'B'.
          He was firmly impressed and appraised of Beethoven's unique musical ability, but he really couldn't understand and was offended by Beethoven's openly contemptuous attitude to a nobility, which to Goethe was like biting the hand that fed him.
          Strangely enough, both men are very transitional figures and they have this in common in that they both span in their work the bridge from the classical to the romantic.
          I would like to read more about Goethe.


          Oops! I am so sorry, space, I accidently erased something at the end of your quote, but corrected it again, hope its OK.

          [This message has been edited by lysander (edited May 23, 2003).]


            "Gusts of splendour, gods and demi-gods contending with vast swords, colour and fragrance broadcast on the field of battle,
            magnificent victory will generally be admitted that Beethoven's Fifth Symphony is the most sublime noise that has ever penetrated into the ear of man"

            ~ E.M.Forster ~

            [This message has been edited by lysander (edited May 25, 2003).]


              "He plays the piano with much dexterity and strength,"wrote Neefe of his twelve year old pupil Beethoven.:He sight reads very well and above all he plays J S Bach's Well Tempered Clavier..the non plus ultra of our art."
              "Finis coronat opus "


                "Eternal Providence omnisciently directs the good and evil fortunes of mortal men."
                --Diary, 1818.


                  *“Nature is a glorious school for the heart! Well, I will be her pupil and bring an eager heart to her instruction. Here I shall learn wisdom, the only wisdom that is free from disillusionment; here I shall learn to know God and enjoy a foretaste of heaven in that knowledge. Among such occupations my earthly days will flow peacefully by, until I am taken up into that world where I shall be no longer a student, but a knower of wisdom. I will humbly submit to all life’s chances and changes, and put my sole trust in Thy immutable goodness, O God!”
                  Copied in 1818.

                  'Truth and beauty joined'
                  'Truth and beauty joined'


                    "People compose for many reasons: To become imortal;because the pianoforte happens to be open; because they want to become a millionaire; because of the praise of friends;because they have looked into a pair of beautiful eyes;for no reason what so ever."

                    Robert Schumann
                    "Finis coronat opus "


                      "How happy I am to be able to wonder among the bushes and herbs, under trees and over rocks; No man can love the country as I love it. Woods and trees and rocks send back the echoes that man desires"

                      ~ Beethoven ~


                        "Beethoven's entire soul lives on in his works; all his joys and sorrows have been consigned to his heart.
                        His music is his real biography, the true and imperishable story of what he strove for
                        and what he accomplished, written for all people and for all times".

                        ~ Franz Wegeler ~


                          Most people rather think of music as an art.But in reality music partakes of both art and science...every time a printed score is brought to life it has to be recreated through different sound machines called musical instruments.
                          Edgar Varese
                          "Finis coronat opus "


                            "Courage! Despite all bodily weakness my spirit shall rule".

                            ~ Beethoven ~


                              "You ask my opinion about taking the young Salzburg musician (Mozart) into your service.I do not know where you can place him, since I feel that you do not require a composer or other useless people ...It gives one's service a bad name when such useless types go about the world like beggars;besides,he has a large family."
                              Maria Theresa
                              Archduchess of Austria
                              "Finis coronat opus "


                                "To us musicians the work of Beethoven parallels the pillars of smoke and fire which led the Israelites through the desert"

                                Letter from Franz Liszt to Wilhelm Von Lenz (1852)

                                'Man know thyself'
                                'Man know thyself'

